Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Dropten wrote:

l . Tendons and ligaments strengthen through a derivative of HGH and not AAS.
Incorrect. Look up Deca

but its main driver is as a recovery agent in the context of weight training.
Incorrect. I could break it down for you, link to definitions and articles to prove my point but id rather you be ignorant.

For some AAS a secondary effect is strengthening ligaments/tendons but it is minimal when compared to your muscular growth. It's  not the primary effect of any AAS.  Deca increases collagen synthesis. That is not the same as strengths ligaments/tendons. They're strengthened  by a derivative hormone produced as a result of HGH.
You can't break it down it for me because I've had it broken down for me by people who I know for a fact know more than you about it. 

To be honest, I'd rather listen to Bulgarian/Russian lifters who trained under national programs than to you. 

There are various secondary (increased metabolic rate, better neuromuscular efficiency, etc) effects depending on the AAS but the driver in taking them is to be able to work at higher intensities (90%+ 1RM) over longer periods of time. 

BB'ers may take them for some other reasons but that is what they were initially developed for. I don't know the various reasons that BB'ers may be taking them but imo they're wasting their time on them.

Originally Posted by I3

Secondly, ive noticed there is no decline bench either - does this mean i have use dumbells? There is a smith machine.. may just use that for the mean time - its better than nothing right?

- dips and lean forward
- put a plate underneath the bench and dumbell those lower pecs
- I'm a firm believer doing flys does develop the lower pec, so I hope you're doing that already

@ me having some Matt Hamill type of physique this time of the year.
Dropten wrote:
See what I did there???

took a couple bars off let just live.  
Here ya'll go with this @*%+!*@% again.  You diesel and all b but go back to where you was hiding.

aight maybe not, but i swear a good 300 pgs of this ***% is just you, lurkin, wawa hoagies, and neal simon arguing over ***% no one else gives a ***% about cluttering up the thread.
I don't argue in here over nonsense
But what's up with all this steroid talk? Take that somewhere else

I3, decline bench isn't a very useful lift. Dips, flat bench, incline bench, and hip push ups are far better options. Learn to bail on back squats by dropping the bar off your back. But I can see that causing problems, so you might be out of luck.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

 but i swear a good 300 pgs of this ***% is just you, lurkin, wawa hoagies, and neal simon arguing over ***% no one else gives a ***% about cluttering up the thread.

...But its not NT without an argument
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Dropten wrote:
See what I did there???

took a couple bars off let just live.  
Here ya'll go with this @*%+!*@% again.  You diesel and all b but go back to where you was hiding.

aight maybe not, but i swear a good 300 pgs of this %%%! is just you, lurkin, wawa hoagies, and neal simon arguing over %%%! no one else gives a %%%! about cluttering up the thread.
Originally Posted by MK25toLife

Has anyone completed the "Insanity Workout" and if so, what are their thoughts?

i lost 25 lbs after I finished the 8 week program. It got boring and repetitive to me so I'd kinda slack off near the end.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Bought a bicycle today 
, can't wait to get that form of cardio going.
You make sure to line up your PCT ahead of time brah? 

Dropten wrote:
Mark Antony wrote:
 but i swear a good 300 pgs of this ***% is just you, lurkin, wawa hoagies, and neal simon arguing over ***% no one else gives a ***% about cluttering up the thread.

...But its not NT without an argument

Let's call a spade a spade... these are simply debates. Not arguments. 

Dakingii wrote:
JewSeeJay wrote:
lol y we arguing over symantics tho... whatever ICE is doin is CLEARLY working 

i was going to say this
whats going on in this thread right now is pretty much the equivalent of the skinny-fat, out of shape dude trying to tell someone who has been working out for years how to work out.

He's been working out for 15 years. I'm not going to beat a dead horse but with certain genetics, isn't ICE status achievable naturally?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bkmac

Bought a bicycle today 
, can't wait to get that form of cardio going.
You make sure to line up your PCT ahead of time brah? 
, but what you do mean by PCT? ProCyclingTour (
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

 but i swear a good 300 pgs of this ***% is just you, lurkin, wawa hoagies, and neal simon arguing over ***% no one else gives a ***% about cluttering up the thread.

...But its not NT without an argument

For real. 
It's not like most of you contribute classic %!+$ anyways. 

How many times can we read: "Do I need a protein supp/What's the best protein out there?". You don't need it in the first place. We're not lying to you.
the OP should post supplements, proteins, workouts, programs in the 1st page so if somebody does a question just point em that a way.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bkmac

, but what you do mean by PCT? ProCyclingTour (
Usually when people say they are 'cycling' they are doing a cycle of steroids.
Steroids require post cycle therapy. 

It was a joke.. sorry G 

That flew way over my head. I figured the cardio reference would take away from a steroids joke.

No worries.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by I3

Hey guys,

Just moved country and *#!*, signed up for a gym. This gym doesnt have a full squat cage thing, where you can adjust the pins to a certain depth. Instead it has like a fixed pin thing, which is kind too high for me (5'9) and it prevents me from going ATG. This has put me off my form, and has since ruined my rythm.

So I had no choice but to take the bar of the rack, walk backwards and go ATG that way which is cool - but what if i fail? where the hell will the bar drop? do i just run under it quicky and it let go over my back? *#!* is weird to me man..

Secondly, ive noticed there is no decline bench either - does this mean i have use dumbells? There is a smith machine.. may just use that for the mean time - its better than nothing right?

Yeh that's how we do it. Dump it backwards. Just make sure your wrists aren't sunk too deep under the bar when dumping it. 

Thanks Wawa.. will get on to it.  Ill try it out (dumping) with a lower weight first.  But I dont think i'll go too heavy too be honest, dont thnk the gym lets us 'drop' weights
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by I3

Secondly, ive noticed there is no decline bench either - does this mean i have use dumbells? There is a smith machine.. may just use that for the mean time - its better than nothing right?

- dips and lean forward
- put a plate underneath the bench and dumbell those lower pecs
- I'm a firm believer doing flys does develop the lower pec, so I hope you're doing that already

@ me having some Matt Hamill type of physique this time of the year.

Cheers buddy.

My chest is my weakest part, so I pretty much go Squats + Bench, Incline, Decline, and Flys.  Abs.  Ive had great results the past 2 months.  Went from barely being able to bench 55kg all the way up to benching 70kg
Woke up at 8:30 this morning to go gym early (heading to the beach in a few). I'm kind of a fan having an early gym session. Nice and quiet, and it woke me up.

Question: the iPod armbands, is it "okay" to use them when doing workouts for Bi's/Tris? Like, I don't want the armband to be too tight where it's going to contract muscles or anything as they are worked out, then again, I don't want it too loose where it will constantly fall off.
Originally Posted by MK25toLife

Has anyone completed the "Insanity Workout" and if so, what are their thoughts?
There are far better options. Diet works best for body composition. Diet+Strength Training+Sprinting is better than Insanity
Originally Posted by bkmac

Question: the iPod armbands, is it "okay" to use them when doing workouts for Bi's/Tris? Like, I don't want the armband to be too tight where it's going to contract muscles or anything as they are worked out, then again, I don't want it too loose where it will constantly fall off.

Not going to matter.
I just copped a gym membership yesterday. I need to get back into the habit of working out. This 8-5 and fast food has totally destroyed me.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

I just copped a gym membership yesterday. I need to get back into the habit of working out. This 8-5 and fast food has totally destroyed me.

Good luck.

Get in the habit of setting a schedule.  If you plan on working out before work or after work, keep showing up at the same time.  It'll help you get back into the habit of exercising at a gym.

i like to mix it up so i get to see all the females my gym has to offer
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