Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by kicksnmusic

Originally Posted by Zyzz

dat dere cell tech?

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

uhh get back in the gym and stay away from fast food?... I can't believe some of the stuff I read in this thread
no motivation brah. What do you do when you feel lazy?
just look in the mirror, if you like what you see, keep it. If you don't, that should be motivation... or that is MY motivation
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

who else is bulking this fall/winter? cant wait

lean bulk of course.
what does your lean bulk consist of?
I would love to bulk and gain mass, but for the first time i am seeing my abdominals and it is GREAT motivation for me, been cutting/slimming all summer, but i have also seen gains in my lifts (PR yesterday at 205 lbs. @ incline bench
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Zyzz was like over 200 pounds. Not scrawny at all.

At like what 6ft 11????
keep in mind a couple things:
1. he was an extreme ectomorph twig.....he was like 6' 130 soaking wet when he started. a year and a half or so later he was almost 200 lbs lean. that is insane, juice or not.

2. he didnt train for size....him at his "fattest" was probably around 10% bf, and he was always in proportion/symmetrical and "aesthetic" as everyone says these days

i mean yeah you're way bigger there's no doubt about that. but you've been training longer and also if i recall correctly you posted pics of you at like 18 or 19, right? you already looked like you had a decent base and are definitely more of a mesomorph bodytype. plus you are going for a bigger look than him.

not saying he is jay cutler but for what he tried to achieve (physique competitor/fitness model look) he was pretty much one of the best at only 22 years old. pretty impressive imo.

2LipsLegit wrote:
hey guys i have a trying to do new exercises, some not necessarily bb style sure a lot of you guys do planks ,right? i tried them the other day and i couldn't do em for more than like 10 seconds because it was killing my shoulders.......putting weight on them at that position hurts for some i doing it wrong or is there something wrong with my shoulders? 
for the record ive tended to have shouler pain when doing a lot of chest exercises, definitely something i tend to strain, or maybe theres an injury? dunno

To be honest that doesnt sound too good... even before touching a dumbbell I could do a plank for 60 seconds. You might have a problem with your shoulders bruh

yeah i mean its not a problem with abdominal strength or endurance its pretty sharp shoulder pain right away after a few secs.....not happy about that. i guess ill go see a physio 
topherr wrote:
who else is bulking this fall/winter? cant wait

lean bulk of course.

what does your lean bulk consist of?
I would love to bulk and gain mass, but for the first time i am seeing my abdominals and it is GREAT motivation for me, been cutting/slimming all summer, but i have also seen gains in my lifts (PR yesterday at 205 lbs. @ incline bench 

congrats on the pr bro!
lean bulk basically ill just be:

-getting off of the keto diet i'm currently on

-upping the overall calories to around 3500+ (ill start low and slowly raise it and find the sweet spot)

-switch from this full body split im doing to a body part split

-get on cycle again
Hey guys i had a quick question.

Pretty much all i got at my gym now are dumbbells for lifting ( they mostly got treadmills and bikes now)

Is this a good dumbbell work out plan:

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

flat bench dumbbell press – 4 sets
incline dumbbell flyes – 3 sets
dumbbell shoulder press – 3 sets
lateral raises – 3 sets
dumbbell skull crushers – 3 sets

Day 2: Back, Biceps

bent over dumbbell rows – 4 sets
pull ups or chin ups (assuming you can find a bar to do them on, otherwise single arm dumbbell rows with your elbows tucked close to your sides) – 3 sets
dumbbell shrugs – 3 sets
dumbbell curls – 3 sets

Day 3: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves

split squats – 4 sets
Romanian deadlifts – 4 sets
lunges – 3 sets
single leg standing calf raises – 5 sets

Got it off a website....
I'm sorry if this is a repeat question but I've found a lot of differing answers when looking online so figured to ask.

In regards to a HIIT running regime, can anybody elaborate on what's worked for them and the real proper way to do it? Sorry if this is a noob question and I would appreciate the help.
capone- ya that looks pretty solid actually. id add some more volume as you get used to it though, and then maybe split it up into more days

dadownclub- theres no strict rules for HIIT man....the whole concept is max effort sprints or the equivalent for short burts with "rest" periods of low intensity work in between

for example sprint for 20s, slow jog 20s, repeat
Hey guys.. thought I'd post the routine I'll be following ( got a gym membership around 3 weeks ago, started following this beginning of the week) that I got straight off of

A Simple beginner's Routine

You will do 3 work outs per week on non consecutive days. The first work out is your heavy work out. The second work out is your medium work out, use 10% less 

weight for your work sets. The final work out for the week is your lite work out, use 20% less weight.

Do a lite warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight. Do a medium warm up with 1/2 of your work sets weight. Do 2 work sets with the same weight. Choose a starting 

weight and start light.

These are the seven exercises you will be starting with.


Bench Presses

Bent-Over Rows

Overhead Barbell Presses

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Barbell Curls

Calf Raises

You will be running this program on a five week cycle as follows:

The first week do all 4 sets for 8 reps.

The second week do all 4 sets for 9 reps.

The third week do all 4 sets for 10 reps.

The fourth week do all 4 sets for 11 reps.

The fifth week do all 4 sets for 12 reps.

If you got all of the required reps on the fifth week then increase the weight by 10% and

repeat the cycle. If you didn't get all of the reps on the fifth week then repeat the cycle with the same weight. You shouldn't need more than one minute rest between the 

warm up sets and you shouldn't need more than one minute thirty seconds between the work sets.

Do some cardio and abs work on non weight training days."

Basically, for all the people there who are just starting to workout and haven't developed a strong foundation yet, you shouldn't waste time on isolation exercises. It's important to focus on compound exercises that work MULTIPLE body parts at the same time. The routine I posted is pretty popular on and it seems like it has done good for the community. On my off days, I work on my abs and cardio. Here's the ab workout video I'm following right now:

Can somebody PM me on how to embed a video?  Was following the FAQ topic and couldn't get it to work still

Another helpful website I discovered while browsing is this calculator that tells you your 1 rep, 10 rep, and 15 rep max weight.  It could be useful for those who are just starting and don't know where to begin.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

capone- ya that looks pretty solid actually. id add some more volume as you get used to it though, and then maybe split it up into more days

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

capone- ya that looks pretty solid actually. id add some more volume as you get used to it though, and then maybe split it up into more days

dadownclub- theres no strict rules for HIIT man....the whole concept is max effort sprints or the equivalent for short burts with "rest" periods of low intensity work in between

for example sprint for 20s, slow jog 20s, repeat
Yup, the HIIT example sounds harsh though. I say sprint 15-20 secs then walk for a minute. Youll be done after 10-15 mins and it fits pretty well with running a football field including the endzones, walking back, and then repeating.

Animal Fries, thats a really good routine, I followed it for a while
The whole rep calculator thing is just percentages. I have it memorized by now: 1rep is obviously a 100% of your 1 Rep Max, 2 is 95% and then for every additional rep, you subtract 2.5%. 10 for example will always be 75% of your 1RM

[table][tr][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]Like I said, dude was always skinny to me...Abs dont mean nothing. He was just another dweeb that juiced and made a name for himself on the net. Aint nothing impressive about his physique, especially for a juicer
JCS, thanks on the reply. In about a week or so im going to go into a body part split, and with college starting up again, i am sure my caloric input will also increase a bit from what it is right now.

Feels great though to cut AND increase strength!
Originally Posted by topherr

JCS, thanks on the reply. In about a week or so im going to go into a body part split, and with college starting up again, i am sure my caloric input will also increase a bit from what it is right now.

Feels great though to cut AND increase strength!

im jealous i can never do this. 
only time i did was once i did a low cal full body split and my squat went up but thats probably because it was around the time i switched from parallel squats to "ATG" style so it was sort of beginner gains on that particular exercise

especially on keto i hear people say their strength went like  
 nope not me 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by topherr

JCS, thanks on the reply. In about a week or so im going to go into a body part split, and with college starting up again, i am sure my caloric input will also increase a bit from what it is right now.

Feels great though to cut AND increase strength!

im jealous i can never do this. 
only time i did was once i did a low cal full body split and my squat went up but thats probably because it was around the time i switched from parallel squats to "ATG" style so it was sort of beginner gains on that particular exercise

especially on keto i hear people say their strength went like  
 nope not me 
maybe it was going from college "eating whatever i want" to lean proteins and fresh veggies living on a farm lol
all i know is, its working as long as i keep my protein and green veggies

hopefully i can keep it up and see more PRs throughout this semester
Originally Posted by Dropten


[/td][/tr][/table]Like I said, dude was always skinny to me...Abs dont mean nothing. He was just another dweeb that juiced and made a name for himself on the net. Aint nothing impressive about his physique, especially for a juicer

i said this and got torn into n the Zyzz thread

dudes must not go to the gym alot or be around athletes or sumthin... its not hard to have crazy abs when ur little (185 and below)... take any cross country/soccer player from my school and give em 2 yrs of juice and theyd be aesthetic too... i mean hell jus look atta UFC weigh in of the 150 lbs guys.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Dropten

[/td][/tr][/table]Like I said, dude was always skinny to me...Abs dont mean nothing. He was just another dweeb that juiced and made a name for himself on the net. Aint nothing impressive about his physique, especially for a juicer
i said this and got torn into n the Zyzz thread

dudes must not go to the gym alot or be around athletes or sumthin... its not hard to have crazy abs when ur little (185 and below)... take any cross country/soccer player from my school and give em 2 yrs of juice and theyd be aesthetic too... i mean hell jus look atta UFC weigh in of the 150 lbs guys.

im 150, not fat... i guess lean.. 5'7'' , so how do i "juice" where do i buy this at? please no 
.... Is this like steroids? are there dif types? pros n cons?
Iunno about dat dere cell-tech

Regular creatine mono can be had for the low-low, so im not so sure all these other formulas are really worth it.. I guess my mind can be changed though
So the Cell Tech Hardcore?
im 150 and 5'6' or 5'7'

regualr body shape i guess.. not fat not skinny

i really just want to run about 5 miles a morning... will i get cut by doing JUST that? i mean not CUT CUT... ok ill add pics


<<<< this one

I really dont want HUGE muscles... Just toned abs...

Please lmk any info is awesome
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Iunno about dat dere cell-tech

Regular creatine mono can be had for the low-low, so im not so sure all these other formulas really worth it.. I guess my mind can be changed though

I'm with you on this. There's more information out on monohydrate since most studies have used that. That's what I've read on several sites now.
What irks me is how much most juicers downplay the contribution of juice to their results.
 I have nothing against it at all but give credit to where it is due.
In order to have died after only a few years of juicing this fool must have dosed himself with amounts fit for a horse. 

Just another fool whose given juice a bad name. 
Originally Posted by Rodrigo23

So the Cell Tech Hardcore?
Let me give you a serious answer.

I'm assuming you don't even lift, so, "juicing" should be the least of your concern right now. Before anyone even considers juicing, they should have at least developed a solid physique naturally first to get the best out of it.

If you've never done any type of lifting or dieting, just start by cleaning up your diet, lowering calories, and lifting + cardio.

You won't achieve the look you're aiming for (second pic you posted) with cardio alone. You'll need to develop some muscle mass.
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