Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

180 at the beginning of February. Currently at 165

Originally Posted by IJUMPMAN

I alternate between upper body and lower body each day. Been doing this for about 4 years. Chest and arms on Monday and Friday, legs on Tues and Thursday, back muscles on Wednesday. I run at least 1/2 mile after stretching, and do abs everyday that I workout, mostly good old-fashioned situps. On Saturdays when I can, I run 1.5-3 miles and hit the stationary bike for 10-30 minutes, depending on how I feel. Sunday is pretty much always a rest day, unless I play basketball. I don't take supplements, I just focus on eating nutritious meals, and lots of fish. This pic was from February.

i aint eem gon lie, i'm jelly.  i used to lift 5 days/week but wasn't seeing a whole lot of progress in terms of physical appearance (strength definitely gone up), but i've read that i might be overdoing it and went to a 3 day/week split.  now i'm conflicted

what's your average day look like in terms of food?
I was talking to a friend of mine, who's an avid body builder, last night. He recommended that I eat fish after my workouts around 3 times a week, with a banana immediately post workout. Is this good advice?
I'm 6' 1", around 164 pounds, maybe 10-12% body fat. I'm not what you'd call "fat" or chubby, but I do still have some belly fat that I want to get rid of. What exercises do you guys recommend?
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by IJUMPMAN

i aint eem gon lie, i'm jelly.  i used to lift 5 days/week but wasn't seeing a whole lot of progress in terms of physical appearance (strength definitely gone up), but i've read that i might be overdoing it and went to a 3 day/week split.  now i'm conflicted

what's your average day look like in terms of food?
I know u were talking to JUMP but that would be a good idea to switch to 3-4 days a week on weights (or basically do weights every other day). It just gives your body the natural
rest/heeling time so you can have maximum output for your next workouts. It's like studying for a test while being tired vs studying while being well rested. 

Now as far as if you want to do abs, you really can do that every day, but I wouldn't do more than 4 days in a row, cause eventually you will even get tired of that.
Wow Swizz, Congrats man! Hard work pays off!

Jumpman, hell yeah man. Old fashioned way. You are also blessed with awesome genetics. Keep up the good work.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Now as far as if you want to do abs, you really can do that every day, but I wouldn't do more than 4 days in a row, cause eventually you will even get tired of that.

This doesnt make sense.
anybody here done couch to 5k
starting on monday

u guys think its possible to drop 40 lbs by june 30? Sounds unlikely to me but im trying to make weight for a BJJ competition . 5'9 260 need to be 225 or under. my maintenance is around 3100-3300 im guessing but ill be eating around 2300-2700, bjj 3-4x a week and couch to 5k involves running intervals 3x a week. Lets see if i can do it!
Originally Posted by 23allstar

any tips on how to get rid of chicken legs.
ive been trying but i cant build my legs

squat or leg press

and eat. dont be afraid of carbs (the good kind) and protein of course
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Herschel Walker, now 50 years of age. 


here's all you have to do to get to that:
[h3]Training and diet[/h3]
Walker is known for his unorthodox training and dieting methods. Walker says he sleeps five hours a night and eats only one meal a day (skipping breakfast and lunch). He is a vegetarian and his diet is made up mostly of soup, bread and salad. Walker has never tasted beer or liquor and never took aspirin or other type of medication.[sup][citation needed][/sup] Instead of lifting weights, he has a daily regimen of 3,500 sit-ups, 1,500 push-ups and eight mile runs. Walker has participated in a variety of sports including football, Olympic bobsledding, track and field, taekwondo and ballet dancing.
On a side note:

I've cut out bread completely.. and I am already feeling a lot more lean. Substitute breads with oats or weetbix, they're a lot less processed.
^ I'm pretty sure the pill form is just the powder in a capsule (from my experience)

just knock it back with some water don't try to chew it up lol

Unless they're specifically chewable, like some of those vitamin c tabs, but I haven't seen a creatine like that
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

No bread?!
Man, cutting has became so much harder..

Works though..

No bread, No garbage (obviously) and not eating after 8pm works for me.
Anyone here ever had issues returning items, whether its GNC, vitaminshoppe etc...

I had an issue today and returned an item, and i exchanged for a total different item, and the guy told me i can't keep returning items,he said I had a history of returning items.

First of all the policy is 30 days open or not, and i only returned 2 items in 2 months.. Do i call corporate about this??
Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

Anyone here ever had issues returning items, whether its GNC, vitaminshoppe etc...

I had an issue today and returned an item, and i exchanged for a total different item, and the guy told me i can't keep returning items,he said I had a history of returning items.

First of all the policy is 30 days open or not, and i only returned 2 items in 2 months.. Do i call corporate about this??
Why call if you got to return it.
If the package says you can return it, then they have no choice.

But of course the clerk/owner is going to be annoyed 
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

No bread?!
Man, cutting has became so much harder..

you dont have to do it to cut.

ive been without bread for almost 2 months now, feels good but at the same time i miss eating it with my meals. helps me get full but ill adjust for the summer hopefully and eliminate it completely like i do now or eat it very very sparingly but only 100% wheat.
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