Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by McRaptor

What jeans do you guys wear? I like mine slim fitting, but in my thigh area they fit like tights now

I guess the only way is to size up even if my waist is the same size?
That's what Michael Turner had to do.
Anyone tried lowering weight but going through the motions of your reps much slower? It's tough
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Anyone tried lowering weight but going through the motions of your reps much slower? It's tough

I think its tougher because people don't want to lower weights at all, when in actuality, they are doing higher weights with poor form.
With that being said, I do a 1-3 like a charm.
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Anyone tried lowering weight but going through the motions of your reps much slower? It's tough
Yeah, ive been doing this more lately. It burns a lot more and you isolate the muscles youre working out better. 

Plus ive been told that you build strength better when doing this.

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Anyone tried lowering weight but going through the motions of your reps much slower? It's tough
Son, you small, get out of this thread.
I need some help NT... 3 months ago i snapped my wrist and haven't been able to lift/do pushups/workout till now.

I've always been a pretty slim guy (I'm 6'1 155) but i want to start seriously lifting everyday and add about 20 pound of muscle...

I'm especially looking to add a lot of upper body strength (i run almost every day so my legs are pretty well taken care of)

Any suggestions about the best way to go about this? Or suggestions on building muscle quickly?

I've bought my gym pass and everything, i just need some advice on getting started and doing this the most effective way...

Any help will be appreciated
Why do you not want to up the weight? Honestly, knock yourself out and do as much as you want. I sort of do that...just make sure you eat plenty and rest plenty.
I want to include HIIT during the week.
Should i jog one day as much as i can and then the next day HIIT and so on?
I alternate between upper body and lower body each day. Been doing this for about 4 years. Chest and arms on Monday and Friday, legs on Tues and Thursday, back muscles on Wednesday. I run at least 1/2 mile after stretching, and do abs everyday that I workout, mostly good old-fashioned situps. On Saturdays when I can, I run 1.5-3 miles and hit the stationary bike for 10-30 minutes, depending on how I feel. Sunday is pretty much always a rest day, unless I play basketball. I don't take supplements, I just focus on eating nutritious meals, and lots of fish. This pic was from February.
Originally Posted by struong8

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I simply don't understand the mechanics of my body. I am now able to deadlift 365lbs but still can't barbell bench press 185lbs more than once.

I am, however, increasing my dumb bell bench press considerably.

The most difficult aspect of barbell bench press is the pressure on my hands. I can pull things but I can't push em.
Deadlifts for everybody will be higher than their bench. You are using more of your body when deadlifting than benching.Are your hands bent back too far when you are holding the barbell? I use to do that and it caused some discomfort in my palm and wrist. You could try wristwraps or gloves. Those usually help. 
i have the same prob bro, my squat, deadlift, and shoulder press have all increased but my bench is stay around the 205 x 4 range

im thinking i have weak triceps and need to maybe throw in an arm day? (i do have smaller wrist than the usual person i think, not sure if thats a factor)
Originally Posted by IJUMPMAN

I alternate between upper body and lower body each day. Been doing this for about 4 years. Chest and arms on Monday and Friday, legs on Tues and Thursday, back muscles on Wednesday. I run at least 1/2 mile after stretching, and do abs everyday that I workout, mostly good old-fashioned situps. On Saturdays when I can, I run 1.5-3 miles and hit the stationary bike for 10-30 minutes, depending on how I feel. Sunday is pretty much always a rest day, unless I play basketball. I don't take supplements, I just focus on eating nutritious meals, and lots of fish. This pic was from February.
Good Work

Anyone on here go to LA Fitness?? Got a free 7 day pass in the mail since one opened in my city.

before middle and after pics.... 

Pic 1: March 2011: 213.5lbs, 17% BF  

Pic 2: August 2011: 198.2lbs, 12% BF

Pic 3: March 2012: 190.7lbs, 7.94% BF

background: i work roughly 70-90 hours a week in ibanking, but have lifted (almost) every morning for the past 3 months at 545am. got kinda fat at the end of 2010 / beginning of 2011 because i was studying for the gmat on top of work and stopped hitting the gym for a few months in nov, dec & jan of 2010 - 11. started this workout program in march 11. 

workout: did p90x from march 11 to june11 and then the rest of the year i mixed some p90 workouts with my old college football lifts.  from jan 1 of 2012 to yesterday i completed another ful round of p90x.

diet: used the p90x diet the whole time.

supps: nothing hardcore, just no-xplode or assault b/c it has a lot of caffine and i'd usually be up late the night before b/c of work and whey protien.
swizzc, you've made some serious progress for just one year. I haven't tried it, but you are proof that P90X works. Keep it up!
Originally Posted by IJUMPMAN

I alternate between upper body and lower body each day. Been doing this for about 4 years. Chest and arms on Monday and Friday, legs on Tues and Thursday, back muscles on Wednesday. I run at least 1/2 mile after stretching, and do abs everyday that I workout, mostly good old-fashioned situps. On Saturdays when I can, I run 1.5-3 miles and hit the stationary bike for 10-30 minutes, depending on how I feel. Sunday is pretty much always a rest day, unless I play basketball. I don't take supplements, I just focus on eating nutritious meals, and lots of fish. This pic was from February.

Originally Posted by IJUMPMAN

I alternate between upper body and lower body each day. Been doing this for about 4 years. Chest and arms on Monday and Friday, legs on Tues and Thursday, back muscles on Wednesday. I run at least 1/2 mile after stretching, and do abs everyday that I workout, mostly good old-fashioned situps. On Saturdays when I can, I run 1.5-3 miles and hit the stationary bike for 10-30 minutes, depending on how I feel. Sunday is pretty much always a rest day, unless I play basketball. I don't take supplements, I just focus on eating nutritious meals, and lots of fish. This pic was from February.

But when do you hit shoulders? I'm looking to build some muscle while lowering body fat. I'm thinking of swimming 3 days a week, while doing hiit the other 2 workout days. Eating healthy isn't an issue with me, it's knowing what split/s to do and how many calories to consume. Do you foresee me seeing drastic results within 4-6 months following your program? Suggestions are welcome. Thanks
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