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I must learn to/go through with meal preps if I properly want to bulk.

If i look to make chicken/steak dishes, what sides do you recommend I have with the prepped meals?
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To whoever posted the leaning lateral raises and one arm upright rows on the smith machine, thank you. Mine lag so bad and I've never had a burn like that before! I've hit them twice now this week and it feels so good

That was me, glad I could help :pimp:
abs are made in the kitchen, period.
clean up your diet and your abs will show.
like i said i did before, no cardio and barley worked out my abs and i have a full 6 pack unflexed. all diet bro

brotha, care to PM me your meal plan? pleaaase. i want dem abs!


i didnt count calories, i just ate rather clean. eliminated all breads PERIOD! no junk food, candy, soda, juice.

had breakfest everyday, either sausage or ham with 7 eggs, 1 whole, 6 whites. hasbrowns or baked potato.

lots of fruit, usually 2 apples and 2-3 banana a day

a whey shake during the day as a snack

dinner would be lots of chicken breast grilled on george forman or outdoor grill usually with some veggie on the side usually grilled bell pepper and again a baked potato or two.

most important would be drinking water! this is a must, during my cut i was drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water.

easiest way to measure, the bottled water is 16.9 ounces and 10 of those is 1.5 gallon so aim drinking 10 bottles throughout the day. or more if you like.
i know its not the best diet but worked damn well for me, i was never hungry. remember you can eat a lot of chicken, that helps :lol:

also i would have a whey after workout
I must learn to/go through with meal preps if I properly want to bulk.
If i look to make chicken/steak dishes, what sides do you recommend I have with the prepped meals?
I usually go with these; fresh asparagus, squash, collards, green beans. Any of those are great low cal/ low carb choices that with a little hot sauce are 
I usually go with these; fresh asparagus, squash, collards, green beans. Any of those are great low cal/ low carb choices that with a little hot sauce are :pimp:

Do I want to include rice/potatoes? Also, if I wake up at 7AM every Mon-Thurs, what hours should I be eating?
Are any of you all members of Costco or any warehouse clubs? I`m thinking about Joining so I can get Steaks and Chicken breast at good prices because primarily steaks are expensive, is it that much of a better deal for 1 person?
Are any of you all members of Costco or any warehouse clubs? I`m thinking about Joining so I can get Steaks and Chicken breast at good prices because primarily steaks are expensive, is it that much of a better deal for 1 person?

Yeah I stay getting chicken at costco, I get about 7 lbs for $20.00 Also they have good prices for avocados and fish.
Are any of you all members of Costco or any warehouse clubs? I`m thinking about Joining so I can get Steaks and Chicken breast at good prices because primarily steaks are expensive, is it that much of a better deal for 1 person?
Walmart bro, 5 lb bag for around 7$, you can't beat that, I get 2 of them jawns and they last me all week. 
Do I want to include rice/potatoes? Also, if I wake up at 7AM every Mon-Thurs, what hours should I be eating?
It's up to you bro, I personally eat nothing white, besides egg whites lol The only carbs I eat are oatmeal at breakfast and a sweet potato at lunch. I have had brown rice once or twice but it doesn't taste good to me. If your cutting just make sure you limit your carb intake and drink plenty of water. As far as your eating schedule goes, I get up at 8 everyday and have 3 meals a day, nothing special, I just write down everything I eat, carbs, fats, protein and calories.
is that for the bag of chicken or is it chicken in a row? how are steak prices?

I think it's chicken in a row? It's like a bunch of individually sealed breasts, 2 per sealed package, and they're all connected, there's 6 packages of 2 breasts each. Idk if that makes sense, idk how else to explain it though.

I'm not sure of the steak prices, I've honestly never looked :lol: sorry man
Cutting out Carbs around the Holidays is hard
Right? I'm still not at the size I want to be so technically I am still trying to bulk. Might have to just wait till the new year to start a cut. I figured I've been bulking for so long, it's time to change things up a bit and get rid of this layer of fat on my belly. The rest of my body is fine (sub 10% BF), I just need to get rid of this gut so I can start seeing some abs.
abs are made in the kitchen, period.
clean up your diet and your abs will show.
like i said i did before, no cardio and barley worked out my abs and i have a full 6 pack unflexed. all diet bro

brotha, care to PM me your meal plan? pleaaase. i want dem abs!


i didnt count calories, i just ate rather clean. eliminated all breads PERIOD! no junk food, candy, soda, juice.

had breakfest everyday, either sausage or ham with 7 eggs, 1 whole, 6 whites. hasbrowns or baked potato.

lots of fruit, usually 2 apples and 2-3 banana a day

a whey shake during the day as a snack

dinner would be lots of chicken breast grilled on george forman or outdoor grill usually with some veggie on the side usually grilled bell pepper and again a baked potato or two.

most important would be drinking water! this is a must, during my cut i was drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water.

easiest way to measure, the bottled water is 16.9 ounces and 10 of those is 1.5 gallon so aim drinking 10 bottles throughout the day. or more if you like.

forgot to mention, plain non fat greek yogurt. everyday.

you can see i got a lot of protein in my diet and most of it from food.

i did also eat salted peanuts for the healthy fats and protein but too much salt and they get kinda addicting.
Abs are so hard. Ive lost 90 pounds with water, lots of chicken and veggies, no pop, and atleast 1 hour of cardio a day but abs are still a hard part but im slowly seeing results now with more ab work.
Abs are so hard. Ive lost 90 pounds with water, lots of chicken and veggies, no pop, and atleast 1 hour of cardio a day but abs are still a hard part but im slowly seeing results now with more ab work.

The abs are usually the last to go...Thats when your diet must be on point. Switch up ab workouts and see how that goes.
What are you guys thoughts on Protein Blends vs Pure Isolates/Casein?

I`m debating on what to do on my next Supplement reup. Of course I know protein is protein and all that good stuff and timing doesnt matter but who cares I`m style a supplement hype beast.

I was thinking about doing a Blend in AM, Isolate Postworkout and Casein of course before bed and copping MP Combat Powder, Dymatize Iso 100, and prob Bodybuilding Casein


I could just cop 2-3 Combat Powders and just take them when ever I need protein since it is a blend.

the first routine would run me 145 for all 3 or while the 2nd one would be 80 for 2 or 120 for 3, the first would last me longer though
What are you guys thoughts on Protein Blends vs Pure Isolates/Casein?
I`m debating on what to do on my next Supplement reup. Of course I know protein is protein and all that good stuff and timing doesnt matter but who cares I`m style a supplement hype beast.
I was thinking about doing a Blend in AM, Isolate Postworkout and Casein of course before bed and copping MP Combat Powder, Dymatize Iso 100, and prob Bodybuilding Casein
I could just cop 2-3 Combat Powders and just take them when ever I need protein since it is a blend.
the first routine would run me 145 for all 3 or while the 2nd one would be 80 for 2 or 120 for 3, the first would last me longer though
Whey after a workout/throughout the day as snacks or meal replacements

Casein before bed
I personally just get ON Gold Standard. A 10 lb bag is $85-95 and lasts me 3-4 months minimum.

I don't bother with casein since it seems so expensive per pound. I get ON Gold for less than $10/pound but the cheapest I've seen casein period is $14/pound.

I have results with ON so I see no reason to switch. I will just get 2 5 lb tubs later rather than 1 10 lb bag since I like having solid tubs over a bag.
Guys I need some help. I'm 6' 1" and about 170 so I'm basically a stick. I don't really have any experience lifting so I don't even know where to begin as far as what to do for a workout to gain weight. My diet is obviously going to be a major part of it. What are some simple things you guys eat for each meal? I've browsed through parts of the thread and have viewed some stuff but do you guys have a sample workout plan and diet or a direct link to a site with one?
I didnt ask that, the question was in regard to Protein Blends vs The Latter.
That's my answer to your question. You kind of answered your own question with "protein is protein". People really forgetting the basics. Eat right and get plenty of sleep. And people really forgetting the definition of a supplement. These blends and whatnot are not necessary. You will not see any difference in gains then you would if you just ate right. 
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