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my first post on the new niketalk

waaaaazzzzzz up dudes

im 150 6 foot tall super hard gainer. i am working 40+ hours a week i do have a gym membership i am able to go 3-4 times a week. i need to get on this fitness train as fast as possible. i have done a lot of reading on and the old thread. 

i am looking for a pre-workout supplement. i have narrowed it down to c4 or white flood.

also what other supplements would you recommend for me? i do already take omega 3, men's one a day.
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Just signed up me and the wife for a local gym. Any tips for losing my man breasts? I would like to slim down a few pounds.

you cant spot reduce fat just a heads up
dont be one of those dudes focusing on the same body part all the time thinking they can :lol:

cals in vs cals out
eat healthier and focus on cardio they'll be gone in no time
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I just made this thread on Bodybuilding, but I want you guys input so I`m just going to cut and paste.

Hey whats going on everyone.

So right now I am 6'3 301 lbs, About 3 weeks about I was about 315-320 I lost weight by walking every day and lowering my calorie intake. Using the MyfitnessPal app my goal is 2070 and I usually do about 1500 or less a day.

Well Monday I started doing insanity, and I just got done with Day 3 and mid way through I got EXTREME shin splits. I played Basket Ball and Football in High School so I know how to work through shin splints, but with all the jumping I could barely finish. I`m starting to think This work out may not be for me.

My goal by doing Insanity was to shred fat, then at the end of the program get back in the gym and start weight lifting because I`d like to be a solid 240-250.

I've been doing doing reading on this forum and around the internet in general, and I see ALOT of people saying Cardio really isnt necessary to lose weight, and the fact was brought up that Weight lifting burns way more calories then most Cardio, and alot of guys just eat healthy and lift weights and they are losing weight/getting toned.

Quite frankly I dont "like" doing insanity either, I dont hate it but when I do it I feel like "ok I gotta do this" while back when I use to lift weights I enjoyed going to the gym.

Do you guys think I would be better off just lifting and dieting? I`m not trying to get skinny, I just want to lose my gut and get solid, being that I`m tall my 301 lbs is not sloppy fat, I`m a big dude but You can still see my frame.

Do you guys have a good intro Weight training plan you recommend?
my first post on the new niketalk

waaaaazzzzzz up dudes

im 150 6 foot tall super hard gainer. i am working 40+ hours a week i do have a gym membership i am able to go 3-4 times a week. i need to get on this fitness train as fast as possible. i have done a lot of reading on and the old thread. 

i am looking for a pre-workout supplement. i have narrowed it down to c4 or white flood.

also what other supplements would you recommend for me? i do already take omega 3, men's one a day.

Whey protein

Pre-workout-coffee, white flood, animal pump, mp assault... There are so many pre-workout supplements out there, eventually you'll find one that you like. Remember though, your efforts with dieting/workouts will mostly determine your results. Spend money on real food before supplements.
Whey protein
Pre-workout-coffee, white flood, animal pump, mp assault... There are so many pre-workout supplements out there, eventually you'll find one that you like. Remember though, your efforts with dieting/workouts will mostly determine your results. Spend money on real food before supplements.
do i really need creatine if i take a pre-workout sup? what is a good affordable brand of creatine? i have had the six-star one from walmart before but my poor diet junk food didnt really help me benefit and its only about 20 servings
do i really need creatine if i take a pre-workout sup? what is a good affordable brand of creatine? i have had the six-star one from walmart before but my poor diet junk food didnt really help me benefit and its only about 20 servings

You don't really need creatine but it helps a little bit with your strength if that's important to you, if not, I wouldn't even take it. A lot of preworkouts do have creatine but in small amounts that have no noticeable effects. I use optimum nutrition creatine monohydrate, its about 35 bucks for 4.4lbs(it should last a normal person 1 year or even more). If your budget is tight, I would just skip it.
I know that nothing beats a good diet and good exercise, but since i am in ultra cut mode I am considering buying those OxyPro Elite fat burners. I normally do not like taking any supplements, I eat healthy, i drink natural green tea and only use ON whey protein...

Has anyone here tried them? Would you recommend them if you HAD to pick a fat burning pill. I can do without them, but i just want to know if i had to pick one would those be the best?

I'm in the same boat. Eat relatively healthy (not as well as I COULD, but I work 65 hrs/week and it's difficult to avoid Jimmy John's every now and then), 5'11" 190, looking to get to 180. Work out every day between lifting/basketball/running.

What's the word on these fat burners?
Side effects? Results? Can someone fill me in?? Thanks.
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Anyone taking any pills that give you energy or something or the sort? I have tried everything. I've tried shakes, eating healthier, sleeping more, sleeping less and nothing helps! I'm tired of feeling tired.
Anyone taking any pills that give you energy or something or the sort? I have tried everything. I've tried shakes, eating healthier, sleeping more, sleeping less and nothing helps! I'm tired of feeling tired.

caffeine pills?
dont own a scale and im not going to a gym, so i cant weigh myself there, and i feel liberated not worrying about the NUMBER. It helps to focus on a routine. Make it part of your life instead of a goal because a goal marks an end. I dont want to "end" running and being healthy. The weight loss is an added bonus.

Right now im only running, around my neighborhood mostly. i can see the differences in the mirror and i feel it in the clothes i wear and my overall gut feeling.

i need to start working on building muscles.
This is my first time posting in here even though i been reading from page 1 lol. Im looking for help on a basic meal plan to follow to gain weight. I know how to work out, i just have no clue what to eat. I'm 5'7 and way roughly 130, so im pretty skinny. Im looking to get to somewhere around 145. Im not in a rush to do it and Im willing to put in the hard work. So what should my daily eating schedule look like? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is my first time posting in here even though i been reading from page 1 lol. Im looking for help on a basic meal plan to follow to gain weight. I know how to work out, i just have no clue what to eat. I'm 5'7 and way roughly 130, so im pretty skinny. Im looking to get to somewhere around 145. Im not in a rush to do it and Im willing to put in the hard work. So what should my daily eating schedule look like? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Everyone is different. A lot of people advocate the eating 6 small meals thing if youre trying to keep your metabolism up and lose weight, but obviously you arent trying to do that.

Honestly, its easier than you think. Eat a lot, but eat clean. Smarter choices is basically all you need. Grille chicken vs fried for example. Brown rice instead of white rice, and eat pasta for carbs. Complex carbs preferably before you workout for energy, and lots of protein after. Lean cuts of meat, and a lot of poultry. I dont eat fish, but fish is an excellent source of protein and omega acids (? I think its omega acids, someone correct me here if im wrong). Protein is the building block, but you need a well balanced diet. Multi vitamins will help if thats tough for you. Eat like a champ and workout like a beast and you'll see steady results. Consistency, thats it. Cheat day every now and then is fine too, but dont rely on fast food to pack on weight. You'll gain weight, but not the good kind aka muscle.

This is very general stuff, im not too knowledgeable on gaining weight since im trying to do the opposite. Goodluck.
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Shin splints..ahh im starting to develop that too. I wear a McDavid leg sleeve to help with that and it kinda does. If insanity is too hard on your shins, well you could always do other forms of cardio. Hit the elliptical or a light jog on the treadmill. Go for a mile a day and build from there. You can lose weight and build muscle by a clean diet and lifting, but cardio does help the weight loss process. 15-20 minutes of cardio after lifting can ONLY help you. Go hard on leg days, you will burn A LOT of calories with a tough leg routine. Skip the cardio on leg day.
you need carbs man. just stay healthy and keep at it. bust your *** in the gym and your definition will come.

use "good carbs" to carb up before your work outs. Whole wheat, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice etc.

technically, the body doesnt NEED carbs, as the body can make its own glucose through nucleogenesis as I understand it. one can live just fine without direct carb intake

although yes, for strenuous physical activity, carbs definitely help.

True, the body doesn't need carbs however most people don't want to try Ketosis. Also, if I'm not mistaken, keto has a "carb up" day as well.

my first post on the new niketalk

waaaaazzzzzz up dudes

im 150 6 foot tall super hard gainer. i am working 40+ hours a week i do have a gym membership i am able to go 3-4 times a week. i need to get on this fitness train as fast as possible. i have done a lot of reading on and the old thread.

i am looking for a pre-workout supplement. i have narrowed it down to c4 or white flood.

also what other supplements would you recommend for me? i do already take omega 3, men's one a day.

C4 is trash. I still have an unopened canister that I need to go through. It just gives me tingles, nothing else.

I just made this thread on Bodybuilding, but I want you guys input so I`m just going to cut and paste.

Hey whats going on everyone.

So right now I am 6'3 301 lbs, About 3 weeks about I was about 315-320 I lost weight by walking every day and lowering my calorie intake. Using the MyfitnessPal app my goal is 2070 and I usually do about 1500 or less a day.

Well Monday I started doing insanity, and I just got done with Day 3 and mid way through I got EXTREME shin splits. I played Basket Ball and Football in High School so I know how to work through shin splints, but with all the jumping I could barely finish. I`m starting to think This work out may not be for me.

My goal by doing Insanity was to shred fat, then at the end of the program get back in the gym and start weight lifting because I`d like to be a solid 240-250.

I've been doing doing reading on this forum and around the internet in general, and I see ALOT of people saying Cardio really isnt necessary to lose weight, and the fact was brought up that Weight lifting burns way more calories then most Cardio, and alot of guys just eat healthy and lift weights and they are losing weight/getting toned.

Quite frankly I dont "like" doing insanity either, I dont hate it but when I do it I feel like "ok I gotta do this" while back when I use to lift weights I enjoyed going to the gym.

Do you guys think I would be better off just lifting and dieting? I`m not trying to get skinny, I just want to lose my gut and get solid, being that I`m tall my 301 lbs is not sloppy fat, I`m a big dude but You can still see my frame.

Do you guys have a good intro Weight training plan you recommend?

Cardio isn't the only way to lose weight however it doesn't mean it's pointless. Calorie deficit + weight lifting will drop fat weight and add muscle weight. As for a program, Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe.

I know that nothing beats a good diet and good exercise, but since i am in ultra cut mode I am considering buying those OxyPro Elite fat burners. I normally do not like taking any supplements, I eat healthy, i drink natural green tea and only use ON whey protein...

Has anyone here tried them? Would you recommend them if you HAD to pick a fat burning pill. I can do without them, but i just want to know if i had to pick one would those be the best?

I'm in the same boat. Eat relatively healthy (not as well as I COULD, but I work 65 hrs/week and it's difficult to avoid Jimmy John's every now and then), 5'11" 190, looking to get to 180. Work out every day between lifting/basketball/running.

What's the word on these fat burners?
Side effects? Results? Can someone fill me in?? Thanks.

I tried the sample fat burners from GNC. One made me feel like throwing up for the first couple hours after I took it. The other one gave me mood swings where I'd be angry for no reason.

Anyone taking any pills that give you energy or something or the sort? I have tried everything. I've tried shakes, eating healthier, sleeping more, sleeping less and nothing helps! I'm tired of feeling tired.

When I'm really tired, I take one of the GNC's 6 pills and 2 of the 6 gives me energy. A caffeine boost, I'd say but it lasts for 6+ hours for me.
If you're tired ALL the time and you eat right,drink plenty water, exercise regularly and sleep alot and it doesn't help you may be a type 2 diabetic.

Just eat some oatmeal a couple whole eggs,some whole wheat toast n pb before your routine, the complex carbs are energy. Follow up with proteins and all the other essentials and you should be fine if your consuming enough of what you need daily.

You DONT need pills.
Anyone on the thread lives in México?

Just found a 20kg protein sack that costs 14$ the kg... Without flavor and 20gr of protein for every 25gr scoop...

Trying to find people and buy it that way and get rid of the absurd prices of GNC...
Anyone on the thread lives in México?

Just found a 20kg protein sack that costs 14$ the kg... Without flavor and 20gr of protein for every 25gr scoop...

Trying to find people and buy it that way and get rid of the absurd prices of GNC...

GNC is a ripoff thats why.

if you want supps at rock bottom price, go to or

i can also get you $10 off vitacost :D
GNC has its moments. I cant get ON whey for less than $25 (2lb). I usually buy off Amazon. I went to GNC the other day just cause, and they had the 2lb for $24.99 as well on sale. No gold card BS. Needless to say I copped.
^I know it's a ripoff but in stores it what it is over here... You can't get other good quality brands other than GNC... Always stay on the look for discounts like Picasso...

Also can't buy online, customs over here stop everything over 1kg...
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Does anyone know of some good meal replacement shakes that are good? I was taking shakeology but I am bored of that protein shake. Can someone advise please :smile:
Does anyone know of some good meal replacement shakes that are good? I was taking shakeology but I am bored of that protein shake. Can someone advise please :smile:

Make your own. Get a good protein powder and then add fruits/oats/peanut butter. I usually do one banana, 30g oats, 2 tablespoon of peanut butter and a scoop of myofusion. Blend it and thats easily 400+ calories.
Does anyone know of some good meal replacement shakes that are good? I was taking shakeology but I am bored of that protein shake. Can someone advise please :smile:

BSN syntha 6

stuff is supposed to taste very good as well
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