STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

dude, your progress has been crazy. big respect.
Thanks bro, you've seen it from the beginning so you know what kind of work i've put it.

Just stop trying to have abs and join me in getting massive 
This version of Gironda dips have given me some nice results, so far. I started doing those side-to-side/leaning pushups (to target the inner chest) a while ago, too. 

Yeah, I think so. I do them closer to what's seen in the video, and not the actual. I don't know if my wrists could handle the correct version, even with some wrist wraps.

lol yeah they're normally done on v bars like in that picture but most gyms only have parallel bars. I love different body weight variations.

How so?

So athletes that trains all day going to die, too?

Come on bruh.

I do only weightlifting training. 30 mins of stretching and my program takes about 1.5 hours. Then I do Crossift class. Which is another hour - 20 mins of stretching. Then the class...
Pro athletes train all day, but they split their training sessions throughout the day.

right? LOL

45-60 minutes should be enough

1 hour and 30 minutes is pushing it

Negative ghost rider. 2hrs is minimum for me just about.

Its no different than any other physical activity for the most part, everyone will be different. I couldn't imagine doing some of my workouts in 45 minutes, it would be impossible unless I lowered the weights.
Everyone is different, I'm neither a body builder or a power lifter. My training regime is specific to the sport that I play.
The uploader of this video claims that he's done them for 30 years with no shoulder pain. I don't know about this range of motion, but I've been doing them like the guy in the previous video I posted and I have no shoulder pain at all.

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I mean you're talking about the iron guru Lololol. I could just picture durden walking up to him and telling him his dip posture just isn't cutting it lol
The uploader of this video claims that he's done them for 30 years with no shoulder pain. I don't know about this range of motion, but I've been doing them like the guy in the previous video I posted and I have no shoulder pain at all.


When are y'all gonna learn? :lol:

Just cause someone does something stupid and doesn't get hurt, doesn't mean it's ok and you should do it :lol:
But....but....but.... He's in great shape so he must know what he's talking about!

Im telling you, if youre looking for some great odds on joint problems down the road, keep cranking your shoulders into that jacked up position.

If all you care about is arsthetics, then do whateverrrrr you want to do. If targeting the lower inner 3rd of your long head of the triceps is more important than arthritis and physical therapy then by all means, workout in dumb positions.
When are y'all gonna learn? :lol:

Just cause someone does something stupid and doesn't get hurt, doesn't mean it's ok and you should do it :lol:
The point is that it's not something stupid haha it was a staple exercise of one of the best and most well known trainers ever.
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