STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Good looking out fellas.

I hover between 185-187, and wouldn't mind getting under 180. I wanna lose some stubborn fat, and thought i should change things up a bit with IF. It seems that, from what i've read, most people do the 16/8 method and start to eat around 1pm. I think what i'm concerned about is that i workout during lunch and i eat breakfast by 8am. I guess i could start with breakfast at 8am, lunch at 130pm, and a big meal by 4pm. Then be fasted until the next morning. The bulk of my eating will obviously be in the afternoon. 

Anyone do something similar (or different) with mid-day workouts?
IF is :hat :hat :hat.

One of the best ways to get down to single digit BF% without hating your life.
I need a dumb mans explanation or summary. I've always wanted to trynout IF
I need a dumb mans explanation or summary. I've always wanted to trynout IF
Cliffs from how I've been doing IF:

6a-10g BCAA
745a-10g BCAA
945a-10g BCAA
12-1p-Largest meal of day
5-6p-Second meal
8-9p-Last meal before fast

Now my body has gotten used to being fasted in the AM, so I only have BCAA post workout. But this is what I did to start. My eating window is usually 12p-8p or 1p-9p. Sometimes if I'm feeling up to it, I'll do 2p-8/9p.
Eat all your macros in an allotted time frame. Don't eat the rest of the day. Water is ok. So should be bcaa
I need a dumb mans explanation or summary. I've always wanted to trynout IF
You're allowed to eat within a certain window usually 8 hours. Drinking is allowed outside the eating window as long as it's calorie free.
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I need to cut myself off drinking. Getting in that habit of drinking hard once or twice a week again for no reason and just messing up my rhythm. Supposed to be at weightlifting club right now but I just woke up and I feel so crappy [emoji]128514[/emoji]

I'll be lifting later of course but rather be lifting with the group.

No more alcohol until my cousin's party on August 6 [emoji]129303[/emoji]
Yea I've had to cut back heavy on the alcohol.

I went hard this past weekend for the holidays but I'm trying to limit myself to once a week and only 3 drinks max.

Alcohol kills your ability to recover from depleting workouts, it also drops your testosterone after heavy drinking and messes with your body's ability to burn fat.

It kinda sucks that alcohol is so ingrained in our world, we would be a much healthier people without it.
I've cut back a lot on alcohol too because I just can't take it man. Idk what it is but ever since I've been in really good shape, a few beers makes me feel sick. Not even hungover in the morning. Just sick feeling. Rarely now I can drink and be 100% fine
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Yea that's exactly how I feel right now. Not hung over but just feel off and lacking energy. Just stupid of me of getting back into driving like this. Just throwing my rhythm off lol.
I gotta question for you guys. I started working out in january and for the first 3months i just did whole body every time at 3sets of 10. I then switched it up to opposite muscle groups each time (chest/back bi/tri shoulders/leg) but still at 3sets of 10. Should i switch it up to lower reps and heavier weights now? And if so how many sets is ideal and whats a good increase of the weight?
By the way, how is that Cellucor protein? I copped based of the price but have never used that brand before. :lol
I gotta question for you guys. I started working out in january and for the first 3months i just did whole body every time at 3sets of 10. I then switched it up to opposite muscle groups each time (chest/back bi/tri shoulders/leg) but still at 3sets of 10. Should i switch it up to lower reps and heavier weights now? And if so how many sets is ideal and whats a good increase of the weight?
I won't go too far into it because my lifting knowledge is questionable, but what are your goals? I think that would help a lot. Are you training purely for strength, putting on mass, muscle endurance etc.?
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I won't go too far into it because my lifting knowledge is questionable, but what are your goals? I think that would help a lot. Are you training purely for strength, putting on mass, muscle endurance etc.?

At first my goal was to gain strength and muscle i lost after the incident. I guess im just trying to build muscle and strength at this point. Idk i just feel like ive gotten used to 3sets of 10 i feel kind of stagnant u know?
IF sounds like torture to me. Would never willingly do that to myself

It's not, your body gets used to it very quick and you're never hungry or unfulfilled.

It also comes down to the individual, I work out better with an empty stomach and it's easy for me to go without eating for 24 hours as long as I'm hydrated.
For the fasting do u guys fats everyday of the week or one day a week? The article confused me on that part.
I wouldn't. But i also work for myself so i have time to eat when i want
For the fasting do u guys fats everyday of the week or one day a week? The article confused me on that part.

Everyday except when you really wanna carb up.

I eat 8 eggs in my first meal almost every time, fats keep you energized during the fasting periods.
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