STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I don't know what that last hashtag is. :lol:

Man I only wear a belt to dl over 335 these days. It straight ruins my squats.

Ahat, we're both about to be working when we do that bar challenge. :lol:

Azs To Grass on 3 plates :lol:
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Thought you were gonna start blowin trees on your 30th b day.

You were they guy who made that thread about it ain't cha?

Today's my birthday.

27 on ******.

I started blowing when I got a job at a hedge fund.

They didn't drug test me, and the senior associate was like "you're at a place in your career where they don't drug test anymore"

Been blowing ever since


About to try..

Edit : Damn near every protein bars is built to have the quest bars texture.. I got to heat up in the microwave for 10 seconds..
I don't know what that last hashtag is. :lol:

Man I only wear a belt to dl over 335 these days. It straight ruins my squats.

Ahat, we're both about to be working when we do that bar challenge. :lol:

Azs To Grass on 3 plates :lol:

:lol: it was too. I stopped half way up then my spot yells "don't be a *****!" Then I popped up. :rofl:

Ahat you got 3 plates. Just get a spot and give er hell.
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Any quick at home workout plan. I have resistance bands and a mat don't have time for the gym. I have t25 but I got to build myself up to that. Trying to drop like 20 pounds
how do you guys feel about testosterone boosters? im under the impression that theyre a complete waste of time. i was able to get 60 capsules of cellucor p6 chrome a while back for $5 and ive been taking 2 a day on workout days and have actually been feeling pretty good. im sure its a placebo effect but id love to hear some opinions and insight 
T boosters are stupid and expensive just get on real gear

I'm seeing this stupid fad on IG, partner clean and jerks, done by crossfitters. Wtf is this ****
cross fitters being cross fitters

Atleast theyre notdoing walking handstanfs all over the gym anymore
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Tried for new PR 265 only managed a half rep. Did 2sets of 5 of close grip bench @ 205.

Did the bar challenge after :lol: struggled to get 93 reps. Db bench and flys were a real battle after. I dunno if ill be able to wipe my *** later :lol:


we are my friend. You should honestly look in to some peptides stuff. There are a few that are good for recovery

Are there any substitutes for peptides that can be taken orally? I know the bioavailbility is horrible for orals but I'm open minded to anything except pricking myself with a needle :lol:
Thanks Papis. I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere now. Been lifting a year got myself up to 185-190 pounds which I am going to maintain now with a 925 total.

Now my goal this year is to get a 1300 pound total at 185. I got a lot of room left before I'm maxed out in my dl and squat.

Amel, your bench is beastly. Aren't you like 140?

Nice work on the challenge :pimp: hopefully I'm somewhere close.
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Starting my TRT today.

Will give updates weekly.
damn dude. good luck with that. poke or apply gel?
Any good pre workout recommendations ?
In the market for one
aps mesomorph
Edit : Damn near every protein bars is built to have the quest bars texture.. I got to heat up in the microwave for 10 seconds..
oh yeah one bar has a much better texture and no need to nuke.


And just for the record I have the T of a 80 year old man so this is all legit for me :lol:
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