STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

No energy today. It sounds stupid but I feel like I lift better after work because I’m already in go mode. If I sit around on a Saturday and then lift they always are low energy.
Still wanna teach English in Korea... thinking about moving next year to Seoul.

Gotta get back in tune with the motherland
I taught there for 5 years, if you want some references. holla at me, i could probably get you a quick job too.
honestly changed my life man. Had only been to like 4 states in my life, was still young and dumb. didn't have much college life cuz I was still working 60 hours a week.
Time of my life. really matured out there. found out about NT while I was there lol.
between Korea and Vietnam pay the most with the best social setting to find people from all over also.
met my wife out there (not Korean) life long friends.
the work system out there is no different than here. you can love or hate your job. but you get paid ilve-able wage plus able to save.
I came back after my first 2 years with 13k that i saved up. the next 3 years I went, i traveled Japan 8 times, thailand, taiwan, guam, china. it was great.
here in america i have 50/50 days of good and bad. there it was 75/25

hardest part was keeping the diet straight. but I also worked out more and harder there than I do here because there is less distraction. streets are safe and there are usually parks EVERYWHERE.
I taught there for 5 years, if you want some references. holla at me, i could probably get you a quick job too.
honestly changed my life man. Had only been to like 4 states in my life, was still young and dumb. didn't have much college life cuz I was still working 60 hours a week.
Time of my life. really matured out there. found out about NT while I was there lol.
between Korea and Vietnam pay the most with the best social setting to find people from all over also.
met my wife out there (not Korean) life long friends.
the work system out there is no different than here. you can love or hate your job. but you get paid ilve-able wage plus able to save.
I came back after my first 2 years with 13k that i saved up. the next 3 years I went, i traveled Japan 8 times, thailand, taiwan, guam, china. it was great.
here in america i have 50/50 days of good and bad. there it was 75/25

hardest part was keeping the diet straight. but I also worked out more and harder there than I do here because there is less distraction. streets are safe and there are usually parks EVERYWHERE.

Is Dave’s Esl cafe still recommended? I’m honestly thinking about moving out there next year
Is Dave’s Esl cafe still recommended? I’m honestly thinking about moving out there next year
yea it's probably the most direct way, there's also Worknplay (has the business English, prep school, uni jobs)
don't get a recruiter if you can help it. when jobs use recruiters they have to pay them which makes your earning potential monthly go down
take no less than 2.2 with fight and housing. Korea is being real picky these days for the good jobs.if you just want to get there at a private school (hagwon) you could get there easily. All jobs are hit and miss though, it really just depends on your Korean co workers. some make your experience great, they'll take you out show you around hang with you. Others don't put in anywork and you're kind of on your own. when my wife first went she had no one even show her how to get a Subway card, she had to go out and buy her own furniture. When I went they set everything up for me had my apartment ready to go gave me some spending money.
you can also go through EPIK also they place you in elementary schools, you just dont know where you'll end up it. I didn't end up in Seoul my first year but im super thankful I didn't. saved way more money being in a rural part of korea and it forced me to pick up the language quicker. People were way friendlier. When I finally did move to Seoul (other than meeting my wife) I regretted it, the allure was kinda gone. Stuff was more accessible. but it wasn't the same "i'm in another country" feel.
yea it's probably the most direct way, there's also Worknplay (has the business English, prep school, uni jobs)
don't get a recruiter if you can help it. when jobs use recruiters they have to pay them which makes your earning potential monthly go down
take no less than 2.2 with fight and housing. Korea is being real picky these days for the good jobs.if you just want to get there at a private school (hagwon) you could get there easily. All jobs are hit and miss though, it really just depends on your Korean co workers. some make your experience great, they'll take you out show you around hang with you. Others don't put in anywork and you're kind of on your own. when my wife first went she had no one even show her how to get a Subway card, she had to go out and buy her own furniture. When I went they set everything up for me had my apartment ready to go gave me some spending money.
you can also go through EPIK also they place you in elementary schools, you just dont know where you'll end up it. I didn't end up in Seoul my first year but im super thankful I didn't. saved way more money being in a rural part of korea and it forced me to pick up the language quicker. People were way friendlier. When I finally did move to Seoul (other than meeting my wife) I regretted it, the allure was kinda gone. Stuff was more accessible. but it wasn't the same "i'm in another country" feel.

Imma def dm you later in the year if I get serious with this move. The language part I’m not worried about since I’m fluent.
Imma def dm you later in the year if I get serious with this move. The language part I’m not worried about since I’m fluent.
If your a Gyopo it would probably be easier for you to get a job, and you can negotiate more money. only problem is most gyopo contracts don't allow you to get paid housing.
Two pages out and we talking politics, fried chicken, and moving out of country. WTH:lol:

2 cents no one asked for:
Both major political parties are garbage.
Korean fried chicken is gotdamn amazing, but I'll never deny Krispy Krunchy Chicken.
Always thought about moving out of country to teach basic english or something
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Two pages out and we talking politics, fried chicken, and moving out of country. WTH:lol:

2 cents no one asked for:
Both major political parties are garbage.
Korean fried chicken is gotdamn amazing, but I'll never deny Krispy Krunchy Chicken.
Always thought about moving out of country to teach basic english or something
1. facts
2. is that the one they sell at gas stations?
3. do it
I voted fried chicken. But got vegan nuggets instead feel me.

Just making sure to keep the intestinal track clean.

Any of yaw take some form of super greens in the AM? I hate that ish but it really gets urbsystem going lol
My wife does. I need to. Just hate drinking it. Im about to be more consistent with it tho
It tastes awful lol. I either mix it w a juice of one lemon or bcaa powder. And then take it to the face lol
Attempted that 45lb bumper plate flip catch single hand.

On the third attempt I got it.

Didn’t expect that to be that difficult
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