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Hook Grip coming along pretty good. Working on some beltless DLs, bith sumo and conventional.
Usually hitting for triples as working sets.

Sumo and conventional on the same day? How often?
If you go to a gym that has the coated iron grip plates, hexbumpers are a life saver, definitely worth the money.

If you don't have those kinds of plates, I don't think the hexbumpers work with anything else.

I think they are currently sold out and are working on the design.

Yeah we have those coated iron grip plates. Been trying to buy the Hexbumpers but like you mentioned, they've been sold out for a while. Hoping the new design comes out soon.
I get a lot out of bracing my abs against my belt for squats.

I can’t squat what I do without it.

for deadlifts not as much. I wear my belt looser for deadlifts than I do for squats
I use the same 13mm belt for squats and deads. It's a lever so I can't pick and choose my tightness at the gym.

I'm thinking the belt was too tight? Maybe get an Oly style cut so it doesn't dig in at the bottom of the squat.
I use the same 13mm belt for squats and deads. It's a lever so I can't pick and choose my tightness at the gym.

I'm thinking the belt was too tight? Maybe get an Oly style cut so it doesn't dig in at the bottom of the squat.

You're probably right....I'll loosen the belt a bit next time.
first time lifting in a week cause of the flu.
Still recovering so I’m def not at 100%. Also lost like 6lbs lol

felt so de-trained. Everything felt foreign so I just took what was there today and didn’t try to push myself.

Squat: 420 x 1 , 309 2x5
Bench: 265 x 2 , 243 2x5
Deadlift: 463 x 1 , 375 2x3
T bar row 2x8
Tricep Pushdown 2x10
What’s up y’all, I need some help/advice...

I recently (3 months ago) decided to start working out and loose some weight as I had hit my heaviest. I’m 5’5 and weighed about 230lbs. Currently on my 4th month and down 30lbs. I workout 5 to 6 days a week with moderate lifting and cardio 2x a week. My diet isn’t bad but not perfect. Now for the problem that I seem to be having is I have plateaued. For the past 3 weeks I been stuck at 200lbs and can’t seem to get past that. i did fall off the wagon a bit for those past weeks which could be the problem but nothing crazy. I’m still within my calorie intake/deficit but no change in weight.

any advice is appreciated.
What’s up y’all, I need some help/advice...

I recently (3 months ago) decided to start working out and loose some weight as I had hit my heaviest. I’m 5’5 and weighed about 230lbs. Currently on my 4th month and down 30lbs. I workout 5 to 6 days a week with moderate lifting and cardio 2x a week. My diet isn’t bad but not perfect. Now for the problem that I seem to be having is I have plateaued. For the past 3 weeks I been stuck at 200lbs and can’t seem to get past that. i did fall off the wagon a bit for those past weeks which could be the problem but nothing crazy. I’m still within my calorie intake/deficit but no change in weight.

many advice is appreciated.
You have to lower your caloric intake. As you lose and gain weight, the calories you need to take consume in order to lose and gain weight adjusts.

Reduce the amount of calories you consume by a maximum of about 500 calories for a week and see if you lost a pound. If you do, keep consuming that amount to further lose weight. If not, reduce it further until you see results
What’s up y’all, I need some help/advice...

I recently (3 months ago) decided to start working out and loose some weight as I had hit my heaviest. I’m 5’5 and weighed about 230lbs. Currently on my 4th month and down 30lbs. I workout 5 to 6 days a week with moderate lifting and cardio 2x a week. My diet isn’t bad but not perfect. Now for the problem that I seem to be having is I have plateaued. For the past 3 weeks I been stuck at 200lbs and can’t seem to get past that. i did fall off the wagon a bit for those past weeks which could be the problem but nothing crazy. I’m still within my calorie intake/deficit but no change in weight.

any advice is appreciated.

Can you give me a breakdown of your calories and macros? What they were when you started and what they are now?
What’s up y’all, I need some help/advice...

I recently (3 months ago) decided to start working out and loose some weight as I had hit my heaviest. I’m 5’5 and weighed about 230lbs. Currently on my 4th month and down 30lbs. I workout 5 to 6 days a week with moderate lifting and cardio 2x a week. My diet isn’t bad but not perfect. Now for the problem that I seem to be having is I have plateaued. For the past 3 weeks I been stuck at 200lbs and can’t seem to get past that. i did fall off the wagon a bit for those past weeks which could be the problem but nothing crazy. I’m still within my calorie intake/deficit but no change in weight.

any advice is appreciated.

The scale isn’t always accurate. You could be losing fat but gaining muscle making the scale not change.

look in the mirror for progress rather than just the scale.

this is just one explanation.

Another could be what tay1 tay1 stated. You’re eating at or over caloric maintenance. Take his advice and report back.
I’m not to familiar with macros but as far as my diet and calories go, I usually consume between 2 to 3k calories a day.
For breakfast I usually do oatmeal, not the healthiest kind. For lunch I usually do chicken, fish or steak with some rice and veggies. When I don’t pack and buy lunch, I usually do pollo loco, chipotle bowl, wabba grill, subway, Jersey mikes etc. Dinner I will usually do a protein shake with a bunch of fruits and veggies. Snacking in between is where I usually screw up the most, but like I mention in my previous post, the past 2/3 weeks haven’t been the best and I kinda been eating anything and everything but still trying to stay witching my calorie intake of 2/3k calories.
Thank you both for your replies and advice, I will definitely be taking that into consideration and will be making some changes. As far as muscle gain and appearance I can definitely see a difference in the mirror and also in the way my clothes fits. I dropped from a size 38 waist to a 34 and went from a XL to a M it’s just frustrating and some what discouraging to see no change in the past few weeks.
Y'all prefer a lever or prong belt? Was planning to replace my amazon belt :lol: with the a7 belt.

Leaning prong because I don't want to have to deal with adjusting lever location with a screw driver but the ease of the lever belt is temping.
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