STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

there aren't any ingredients in c4 that would specifically elicit a pump except maybe the creatine nitrate (please don't say arginine). look for citrulline, agmatine or gms if you want a pump product.
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I think a lot of people recommend carbing up just to keep your sanity. Personally, I'm not going to at all because my lifts are back to where they were before starting (2 1/2 weeks). Another thing is I want to avoid the "keto flu" at all costs... And carbing up is just gonna put me through that all over again.

I'm just gonna keep at it until I'm at the bf% I'm happy with.


Last month I was reloading every 7 days and lost 6lbs.This month I going for reloading every 10-14 days to see how that works out.
Has anyone ever actually felt a pump or any sort of feeling from Gaspari Superpump Max? Been using it a few times and never felt a thing :smh:
Adam400m is somebody I follow on there. dude is like Logan.

wild genetics for an ex cross country runner

Damb just started following him....incredibly lean....def some motivation especially for some one like myself who plays a lot of soccer and can't manage to put weight on. Good to see some one who runs and has solid mass. I'm jelly
Jking, can you front squat with your wrists rotated under the bar?

I actually have never done front squats. I am assuming i can :lol:

Reason being only that i am assuming front squats put more strain on your quads, and i read regular squats when you get your butt almost to the floor and activate your glutes help your vertical which helps me with sports. But worth a try? or you suggesting on deadlift days maybe doing cleans to front squat?
Front squatted 260 yesterday. Failed at 290 but might have jumped too high. Might not be much but I'm getting there
Jking, can you front squat with your wrists rotated under the bar?

I actually have never done front squats. I am assuming i can :lol:

Reason being only that i am assuming front squats put more strain on your quads, and i read regular squats when you get your butt almost to the floor and activate your glutes help your vertical which helps me with sports. But worth a try? or you suggesting on deadlift days maybe doing cleans to front squat?

Dont assume you can do it. The front squat isnt as easy as it may look. The balance, coordination and flexibility required is more challenging than a standard back squat.

Before you give cleans a try, you need to make sure you can front squat properly. Theres a certain progression of exercises someones should be able to complete before they attempt a clean variation. Its a technical, explosive movement and it cant be done slowly so all the parts of the movement need to be precise or else you'll put yourself at a high risk of injury.
Forcing myself to take a REAL week off.  Not one of those weeks off where I wind up back in the gym the next day with my rope or doing calisthenics.

Burned out and could use the time away.  We'll see how it goes.  Today will be day 2 if I make it.  Have to force myself to stick to my guns.
Jking, can you front squat with your wrists rotated under the bar?

I actually have never done front squats. I am assuming i can :lol:

Reason being only that i am assuming front squats put more strain on your quads, and i read regular squats when you get your butt almost to the floor and activate your glutes help your vertical which helps me with sports. But worth a try? or you suggesting on deadlift days maybe doing cleans to front squat?

Dont assume you can do it. The front squat isnt as easy as it may look. The balance, coordination and flexibility required is more challenging than a standard back squat.

Before you give cleans a try, you need to make sure you can front squat properly. Theres a certain progression of exercises someones should be able to complete before they attempt a clean variation. Its a technical, explosive movement and it cant be done slowly so all the parts of the movement need to be precise or else you'll put yourself at a high risk of injury.

Appreciate the insight man. Repped.

Il start with front squats and work my way to cleans.

do you also believe doing 20+ reps will get you cut and shredded? lol

but seriously...
Yes, seriously.  Going from eight meals a day, every two hours to 6 meals a day every three hours does make a difference, along with getting your macros right and timing your macros properly.  I've done both.  Getting ready for my last show I tried every two and my body didn't change quickly enough and I fell behind.  We switched from 8 meals back to six and noticed a huge change within a two week period.  So yes, I am serious.
Are you serious? It's all calories bro regardless of when it goes into your body. Eating more often will keep your metabolism going for sure but thats about it. Your saying a 30 minute difference for cutting vs bulking will give better results? Don't think so. 
A 30 min to 1 hour difference with a caloric surplus, yes.  Timing is not all that makes a difference.  I thought you would add the other factors in, my bad for assuming.    Timing your meals every 2-2.5 hours with that added in caloric surplus will help your bodies metabolism run faster and breakdown your food faster, allowing you to intake more food in a bulking cycle, which, in turn, will help you build more lean mass providing your bulking meals are correct.  We all know that good, clean food is the most anabolic thing we can put into our bodies(outside of steroids, lol) correct?  So, the more of it you can ingest and properly breakdown and use will provide more lean mass.  Now, after a good bulking cycle of eating when your body is used to eating every 2-2.5 hours in a caloric surplus.....take your meal frequency down to every 3, maybe 3.5 hours and go down to a proper caloric deficit and yes, that 30 min-1.5 hour window difference does make a huge difference...depending on how much hunger pangs you can take.  Now if you're talking in general terms of time and not doing a bulk and a cut in sucession, then yes you are right.  Does that clear my time frames and logic up?
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Started p90x in the mornings.

I would like to also build some stamina so I would like to do cardio in the afternoon.

What's a good amount of cardio in terms of time? An hour or more :nerd:
Don't waste your money.

Supplements beyond protein are largely not worth their cost.
The only supps I use regularly outside of a good protein are a good multivitamin, a good branched-chain amino and a good glutamine.  Just basics that help me to recover.
Finally getting back in the gym today after 5 days off. It's going down. I'm doing chest since I still dont have the energy or strength to do my legs. I'll hold off on those until the weekend.

I'm excited to get back.
Honestly, P90X will build your stamina just fine IMO. Especially plyo days. Ooooooofffffff.


Appreciate it

I was planning on leaving for the military so I figured a little more stamina wouldn't hurt :lol:
A 30 min to 1 hour difference with a caloric surplus, yes.  Timing is not all that makes a difference.  I thought you would add the other factors in, my bad for assuming.    Timing your meals every 2-2.5 hours with that added in caloric surplus will help your bodies metabolism run faster and breakdown your food faster, allowing you to intake more food in a bulking cycle, which, in turn, will help you build more lean mass providing your bulking meals are correct.  We all know that good, clean food is the most anabolic thing we can put into our bodies(outside of steroids, lol) correct?  So, the more of it you can ingest and properly breakdown and use will provide more lean mass.  Now, after a good bulking cycle of eating when your body is used to eating every 2-2.5 hours in a caloric surplus.....take your meal frequency down to every 3, maybe 3.5 hours and go down to a proper caloric deficit and yes, that 30 min-1.5 hour window difference does make a huge difference...depending on how much hunger pangs you can take.  Now if you're talking in general terms of time and not doing a bulk and a cut in sucession, then yes you are right.  Does that clear my time frames and logic up?
I got dizzy from reading all that, I think we just went in a circle. Do you homie but thats your mind making you think it makes a difference not your body.
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Had a week off due to an injury from play bball.

Did intense cardio and core exercises instead.

Back to the regular routine when it comes to weights.

Can't weight!
It would be comedy and lulz would ensue if we could get every1 in here to workout at the same gym at the same time
Almond butter, vanilla protein, lactose free milk, 1/2 banana, best damb protein shake I've bet hadz
It would be comedy and lulz would ensue if we could get every1 in here to workout at the same gym at the same time

NT stay fit fam summit :nerd:

We should all meet up for a tough mudder or something....start a crossfit team :lol:
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