hannibal put those fake crossfit muscle ups to shame.
my dude Spong
Actually, if you ask anyone that's strict on form and understands gymnastic strength training, the hierarchy goes like this:
Gymnasts > Hannibal and other "Bar Groups" > Crossfitters
Of course, there are some outliers in there. This is based on attention to form and actual strength development due to bodyweight training. For example, you gain no strength or proficiency at muscle ups by doing 50 kipping muscle ups for time.
The "planche pushups" you see by the various bar groups are not really such. Excessively arched backs, bouncing out of the bottom, not locking out, improper scapular positioning, etc. are just gimmicks to make people believe that they are stronger than they are. A true planche pushup is
very difficult and a rare sight to see. I've only seen a few
straddle planche pushups on youtube with proper form, forget about the full lay variation.
Take a look at the various "one arm chin up" videos out there. Compare these 2:
If you look closely, you'll notice in the first clip, he doesn't start from full extension or reach full flexion. The negative isn't controlled, despite the grip is at the most advantageous position(you are strongest at neutral in overhead pulling). The second clip shows 4 people(non-gymnasts) doing full OACs under control from full extension (dead hang) at the bottom to full flexion at the top(fingers touch neck). No squirming, just the essential movements to counter the rotational forces during the movement.
Don't get me wrong, gymnasts aren't perfect by any means. For example, Crossfitters train their legs harder than gymnasts do and probably have better vertical jumps than gymnasts. This is to prove a point that gymnastics strength training is very attainable by anyone interested in "fitness", strength training, or athletic performance. The stability, proprioception, joint integrity, mobility, movement complexity, and other traits developed by it are impossible to achieve with an open kinetic chain dominant training style. Of course, this isn't everyone's cup of tea, so the choice is yours.