STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

PR day in here haha great job on the leg press bro. JUST got 585 on my dead lift. Working towards my 600 goal. STILL can't get this pic thing to work haha maybe my phone? Anyway check the pic
Day one reintroducing carbs...FUU loaded up on rice cakes , had 1/2 baked potato, potato leek soup and who knows what else

Felt, FEEL amazing :smokin can't wait for tomorrow's gym sesh!
New PR! Coming for that 1000lbs before too long!

i hate you dudes who take ALL of the plates the gym has available

congrats anyway :lol
As for how I strained/injured my wrist, it happened during deadlifts. I'm not sure how since I check my grip before my first rep, but that's when I felt the pain. I massaged it, and all seems better now, but some pain still lingers.

As for PT...that's over. My insurance decides to announce that they don't pay full price for PT visits till after I rack up a $600 bill. Only way I can keep going is if I pay $70 per visit, that's dead.

I'll just start slowly training shoulders/chest again. I'll add 1 new exercise per week till I'm back to where I was.

I'm taking the next 2 months to reintroduce movements, then I'm planning to do a 4-6 day lifting split in August. Not sure of which I want yet.

If Physical Therapy didn't help in that timeframe, I'd suggest you try another treatment modality. Massage or Active Release Technique is a good option. If you can't afford it right now, do Self Myofascial Release with a lacrosse ball.

Continue to train movements that don't bother the injury and focus on shoulder stabilization work.

Also, about your new injury. It depends on the nature of the injury. Get a diagnosis and work from there. What type of grip were you using in the deadlift (hook, mixed, double overhand)?
I have said it in the past, grip and forearm training is essential for optimal physical preparation. If you can't hold onto something safely, you can't lift it safely. Straps are not a solution, they're a bandage. I would encourage you to focus on this area after your injury heals. A good starting point is "Mastery of Hand Strength" by John Brookfield.

most of my knee pain comes from arthritis (mostly in my left knee). the rest of the discomfort when going deep just comes from many years of inactivity and severe inflexibility. i've seen people raise their heels on weights and i'll try it with very light weight and if it hurts me more, i'll stop it immediately. if it seems to help, i'll probably invest in some lifting shoes. out of all my fitness goals for the year, probably my highest priority is getting my squats nice and low and progressively upping the weight. most of the guys at my gym that even do squats, do em with horrible ROM. thanks for all your input guys.

I would suggest you do mobility work focusing on the hips (especially hip flexors) and ankles. SMR/soft tissue work in the legs can also help increase Range of Motion. Use effective stretching methods such as PNF stretching and active movement in the new ROM to create lasting gains in mobility at the hip and ankle joints.

I'd also encourage you to sit in a deep (unloaded) squat for atleast 10 minutes throughout the day. Spending more time in the position will make it more comfortable for you. Do it whenever you want, while waiting for the bus/train, reading, watching tv, etc.
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Did bi's and back yesterday. What do you guys do for bi's and back day.

I always feel like i don't have enough time...yesterday

15mins cardio warm up
seated curls
single arm dumbell row
bent over bar bell row (superset with light weight curls)
Over-head dumbbell lat pull over
Machine Lat pull downs

finish up with some sort of concentration curl, incline curls, or preacher curls, or just single arm curls, usually lighter weight.

So all of that took me 1.5 hours....and i wanted to get some heavier bar bell curls in...and didn't even get to that.
Shoulders/traps and some light chest today
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against my better judgement, i watched the latest fousey fitness vid because he posted in here again. dude, you laid off for 3 weeks and think that you're tangibly smaller as a result? c'mon man. stop it.
Illest is a good dude, but that's probably the one thing about fitness that bothers me. Druden touched on it a few days ago. A little self loathing is all well and good, and can even serve as a nice motivator, but some of us put ourselves down wayyy too much. Sometimes we need to get out of our own heads. It's a journey homie, just learn and grow from it.

People in the gym tell me for a dude who puts in the work they see me putting in, they've never met someone so humble. Dudes half my size/strength walk around flexing every chance they get so that people will notice them. My response is always that I'm doing this for me. I compete with one person: myself. I respect what others have and the work they put in, but I don't sit around wishing to be anyone other than myself or "more fit" than the next man. As long as I continue to improve upon what I was yesterday, I'm not doing this in vain. I'm as hard on myself as anyone, but you have to live at the end of the day. **** ain't always gonna be perfect.

New PR! Coming for that 1000lbs before too long!
Concur with what others have said. Squat. You'll get way more out of it than you will with just leg pressing.
What's a good weight to start with on squats? I seriously haven't squatted since the 9th grade(2001) lol.
Any of you guys take yohimbine? I tried primaforce yohimbine hcl a whileeeee ago but I wasn't really taking it properly (dosing, and fasted state). Kinda wanna get try it again since I've gotten used to IF and maybe it would help with that stubborn belly fat 
 . Appreciate the advice fellas
There's a very good looking lady directly across from me doing the hip abduction machine with the tiniest shorts and you can def see her goodies from my POV haha. Trying not to be a creeper but it's in my line of vision.
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There's a very good looking lady directly across from me doing the hip abduction machine with the tiniest shorts and you can def see her goodies from my POV haha. Trying not to be a creeper but it's in my line of vision.
Pics or ducktales
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