STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Lol at me being a ******. I guess you guys must all be in the NBA or something. And feel free to post pics of y'all up. Strength, speed, endurance, flexibility = power. Mass, strength, slow, no endurance= a heart attack at 60.
Are you kidding me? Bo Jackson had mass and ran one of the fastest 40 times ever. So your saying every NFL player is slow and will die of some complications due to their "mass"? Man **** with that ********, keep your female model body, not trying to hate but dont be ignorant when it comes to athletics, you can be big and fast and you can be a beanpole and not be able to run a lap.

You took his post completely out of context. Relax fam, you're trying to hard.
Trying to hard? At what, typing? I didnt take anything out of context, he said something I didnt agree with so I said something, simple as that. i would say posting pics of yourself is "trying to hard".
hes not trying to hard, what he said was stupid. having mass means your slow and you will die of a heart attack? LMFAOOOO
is it possible to get significantly bigger without squats/deadlift?
I've started working out about 6 months ago and have been doing bench, pushups, leg press, pullups, row, dips, core stuff, shoulder press, and some more specific excercises too, and I think I've gotten a bit bigger (especially chest, arms, and back/lats) and also lost some weight, but I keep on hearing that squats/deadlifts are pretty much necessary. is this really true?
I'm scared of doing them since half the people I know who're super into lifting all have back problems, so I figure if I can avoid them and still get say 80% of the results that's fine for me.
I also already have pretty big legs/butt lol and small upper body, so I don't especially care about getting bigger in those areas.
They're necessary for a stronger back and core stabilization. You get a full body workout with both. They have back problems because they probably had ****** form. You need to get the form down and then ram up the weight. Snap city if you round your back while deadlifting. Did you do any sports before lifting weights? If you haven't, your lower body is probably fat.
Never said mass was bad. I said having mass coupled with all those other things is bad. some definite hate going on but say what y'all will. The opinion of two men off a snaker blog mean nothing to me, wish nothing but the best for them though. and bringing up BO :lol: dudes a freak of nature but that besides the point. people have different builds and different god given abilities point blank.

i didnt post that first pic of myself, one of yall did :rofl: ..... take that up with him

again im happy with myself, and thats good enough for me. just finished a half marathon yesterday and will be doing another one 2 sundays from now. i feel good..... peace
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They're necessary for a stronger back and core stabilization. You get a full body workout with both. They have back problems because they probably had ****** form. You need to get the form down and then ram up the weight. Snap city if you round your back while deadlifting. Did you do any sports before lifting weights? If you haven't, your lower body is probably fat.

Necessary? Like, there's nothing I can do to get say 70 or 80 % of the benefits?
I know they develop problems because they have **** form. That's why I want to avoid them, cuz I don't want to develop bad form and then end up with a messed up back lol.
And yea I did soccer, running, and some basketball. But you might very well be right and I might have fat legs, which is why I try to do leg stuff + cardio.
idk I'm just scared of getting injured lol
Half Marathon is a dope accomplishment.....When you going for the Full Monty? I have been doing 5Ks/10Ks this year and will do a Half Marathon next year. Nothing like that ice cold beer after you finish a race, even if you just pour it over your head.
^^^^^ man I hope some time soon. A half is already such a kick in the butt I can't imagine the full. What kills me is after evey race you find out that the first to finish is either a 49 year old man, or a 16 year old girl.... Lol. I also do these things solo. If I had a training/ running partner I'd enjoy it a lot more.
Guys I just hit a PR for my mile!


I've been fluctuating btwn 10-13 minute pace (pathetic, I know)

and today I just said eff it and ran and didnt think... just ran.

Next thing u know I hear my Nike app saying one mile.

I was ecstatic!!!

I have been using my bodybuilding regimen as a long time excuse for not upping my running skills.

The past two months I told myself No Mas.

^^^ good job bro. Trust, you will get better. When I started I was gassed out at 800 meters. I used to smoke herb and cigs constantly and it killed my lungs. Only improvements can come.
Just for the record, the "hate" started when the comparison between your physique and Isopure was made.
Some good talk in here. Did crossfit for about a month before the Tough Mudder to get in shape. Can't wait to go back to crossfit in December (getting married next month so that membership money can go to the wedding/honeymoon fund). I do crossfit workouts on my own right now at home and sometimes at the gym but it isn't the same as with a group pushing you the whole time. My goal for next year is to do the Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, a half-marathon, and a full marathon.   
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jordan23dotcom...what advice you have for me to NOT be a fat ***?

I'm 5'11 250-260 pounds. What should I be eating to get the weight loss down? 

I have a big chest and broad shoulders so I wear it well but I got a gut and yeah. I was 237 at one point but ehh, food is too good 

I have a legit anxiety issue with gyms so what kinda of routine you recommend for FAT LOSS being outdoors and what not.
^^^ weight loss is relatively easy, emphasis on the relatively.

1. COUNT YOUR CALORIES!! sucks, i know, but its really the only way. weight loss is calories used vs calories taken in.
2. no drastic diets! a huge downfall for most people is thinking that a radical new diet is the answer which is not true and can actually cause damage. it will also cause hunger, headaches, weakness, and just plain old will make you wanna quit. ease into a new plan, start with substitution (diet, sugar free, lite, whole wheat, ect...) then work your way up from there

as for the work out:

outside is where its at!! ill just say this, all you need is a hill, tracker tire, rubber sledge hammer, and a bucket of water. PM me after you have these and i can write something up for you bud.
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Some good talk in here. Did crossfit for about a month before the Tough Mudder to get in shape. Can't wait to go back to crossfit in December (getting married next month so that membership money can go to the wedding/honeymoon fund). I do crossfit workouts on my own right now at home and sometimes at the gym but it isn't the same as with a group pushing you the whole time. My goal for next year is to do the Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, a half-marathon, and a full marathon.   

did a mud rin and a spartan down in texas during the summer. super fun. i will was this, get your hands/grip as strong as you can for them, and expect shin splints after the mudder :smh: ouch

that cross fit stuff is no joke!! love it though. i would say its the best thing out no for whoever is looking for something new to do.
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Just for the sake of comparison i would love to see where everybody is at fit wise as compared to jordan23dotcom cuz homie is def cut
not the best "progress" pics but I lost some facial fat and stuff. First Pic is from the beg of Aug, 2nd is from last week. Been Cutting carlories and doing Starting Strength. in 3 months so far I only lost like 14 or 15lbs but I noticed my body fat is getting lower.


noticed my traps and shoulders getting bigger too and moobs shrinking but I still got a looooong way to go



started at 310 (maybe a little more) in July right now im 295. (I`m 6'3 by the way and former Athlete so I`m not sloppy fat, but I`m still overweight.)
^^^ weight loss is relatively easy, emphasis on the relatively.
1. COUNT YOUR CALORIES!! sucks, i know, but its really the only way. weight loss is calories used vs calories taken in.
2. no drastic diets! a huge downfall for most people is thinking that a radical new diet is the answer which is not true and can actually cause damage. it will also cause hunger, headaches, weakness, and just plain old will make you wanna quit. ease into a new plan, start with substitution (diet, sugar free, lite, whole wheat, ect...) then work your way up from there
as for the work out:
outside is where its at!! ill just say this, all you need is a hill, tracker tire, rubber sledge hammer, and a bucket of water. PM me after you have these and i can write something up for you bud.
Appreciate it. I have a hill. Culver City stairs but it's become a trend to go there but ehh I'll stay on the street and not the trail/stairs. And I have 5 gallon paint buckets so I can fill them with water. What kinda routine we talking bout.

oops. I thought I was PMing. oh well 
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Appreciate it. I have a hill. Culver City stairs but it's become a trend to go there but ehh I'll stay on the street and not the trail/stairs. And I have 5 gallon paint buckets so I can fill them with water. What kinda routine we talking bout.

oops. I thought I was PMing. oh well :smh:

lol this will work too. i guess its better so other can see it too. if your bucket has a handle, even better. you can fill it with water to whatever weight you need it to be. you can run up hills (or stairs) with it, up row, press, ...ect. think of it as a cowbell so anything you can do with it you can also do with the bucket. the water also adds a larger degree of difficulty and balance into the mix. the stairs, tire, and sledge hammer are pretty much self explanatory but there are some simple yet drastic variations that can offer more dynamic to your everyday workout.

if this sounds like something you'd like to try, PM me and i can get you a routine to try. anyone for that matter.
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