STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

charge your phone brah

Thanks for the motivation brotha. I think if I can get up to around 175-180 with 8% BF, I will be close to him.

Right now I'm 5'10" 175 lbs with 12%BF

My current plan of action is to clean bulk to hopefully 180 while maintaining the 12%BF  by the end of the summer. Then spend a few months to slowly burn fat until I get around 175 10%. Then just bulk and cut until I get there.

Any suggestions? BTW, it's easier for me to bulk in the summer since I have a lot of free time. The school year it's easier for me to cut because I don't have as much time to eat. 
clean bulking and staying at 12 may be a little reasonable. Expect to put on a lil fat - just a point or two
Anyone know the ideal weight for someone 5'11?

I'm sitting at about 165.6 lbs. Metabolism is crazy, but finally seeing weight gains. Not sure if I should stop at 170 or 180.

Don't limit yourself man. As long as you aren't gettin fat, just keep puttin on that mass. No better feeling than bein that guy everybody 'mirin.
I'm 5'9" at 176lbs right now. Trying to get down closer to 170, maybe even below. Started at ~188lbs around April this year. I am pretty limited on weightlifting right now until my shoulder separation completely heals. I am hoping another 4 weeks and i will be back on track. 
Honestly the best thing when trying to get over that is just to mentally focus. Have your goals in mind before you even get inside the gym.

All my friends make fun of me but I can only do chest day with a hoody and hat on to mentally focus
haha... i might actually use that attire when i get in there. keeping focus is a great tip, need to remind myself of that. thanks 
Just made "PB and Jelly" Protein Pancakes they def went in.

Made Chocolate Whey PRotein Pancakes, put a 1tbsp of Peanut Butter between 2 of the pancakes, poured sugar free syrup (20 cal from smuckers) and Rasberry Dark Chocolate Chobani Greek Yogurt on top. had a serving of Almonds on the side.
A lot of guys that put up heavy weight do not have short arms....

Tmbo whats a good routine thats more advanced than a 5x5? I'm not really sure about the 5/3/1, I just want something that will get my lifts up and I will throw in some accessory work after.
check out the Texas Method. I was doing 5/3/2 for a while and while its a solid program the pace is a lil slow for an intermediate lifter like myself.

TM is a natural extension for after you start stalling on a LP like 5x5 or SS.

Basically on Texas Method you got three main lifting days per week: an intensity day where you do 5x5, a recovery day where you do 3x5 at a lighter weight, and then an intensity day where you do a 5 rep (near) max set or work up to a heavy single or triple. It's focused on the squat as you are squatting all three days and has helped my squat a good deal since I got on it.

Doesn't really call for much assistance work but you could add some at the end of your lifting days or add in a 4th to work out bixeps, traps, olys.

Look it up for a lil more on it and I can posy some more on it when I'm back home on the comp. I bought the e-book so I can prolly answer any Q's you have

Hmm. Need to look into this.
2009 vs 2 days ago

Its funny... I'm nowhere near where I want to be but my family (God bless them) is always asking me "why do u keep working out?", "why bother with strict eating any more?" etc. as though I've "arrived".

NO WAY! Got to keep grinding!!

S/o to this thread for keeping me motivated... for real... You guys help a lot.


(in b4... keep working on them forearms :lol:)
Good ish bruh!!!!!

Anyone know the ideal weight for someone 5'11?

I'm sitting at about 165.6 lbs. Metabolism is crazy, but finally seeing weight gains. Not sure if I should stop at 170 or 180.
I'm around 5'10" 175 lbs with 12% BF. For the common person, I have a nice physique. But I'm nowhere near my goal of looking like this:


That looks easily attainable man. Just keep at it and stay disciplined.

That's an interesting idea though, I'm curious as to everyone's ideal body is..what do you aim for? Who's body do you look to for motivation and you think is achievable given your genetics and capabilities.
I understand the idea, but I think people set themselves up for disappointment when they do this. So many variables, I get what you're saying though and won't go off on a rant again lol.

Got in a sprinting sesh yesterday. Loved it. Going to try and add in 2 sessions a week in addition to my normal cardio. Gotta get my meal prep back on point. Will be away on business next week so it's going to be annoying getting my meals in.
I think having a goal is great and that's why my ideal physique is cristiano Ronaldo. His body is functional. I try not to stress about being big since I'm a soccer player. But his legs and lats and core are impressive. I want to be the best on the soccer field not the guy in the gym everyone mirin. I've been trying to do more explosive/total body lifts for this. I want to be as effective in min 1 of a game as min 90.
You wont slim down to "soccer" player status until you dip below 170. Find a happy medium, somewhere between 185-190.

5' 9' is not short. Lots of dudes would like that average height, word to "manlets"

I know my ideal physique, it'll take me awhile.
thanks man!

lol at "manlets"
Ive kicked around the idea too long in my head, im finally just going to do it. Im going to go back for my doctorate in physical therapy. The fitness/exercise world isnt worth it.

Smart choice. Opens more doors, increases scope of practice, and can lead to higher income. Good luck.
Ive kicked around the idea too long in my head, im finally just going to do it. Im going to go back for my doctorate in physical therapy. The fitness/exercise world isnt worth it.

How are old u if u don't mind me asking? I've been thinking abt that same thing and visited a couple programs but ima give this collegiate strength coach gig a shot first.
So I'm getting back in the gym after about a 4.5 month hiatus.  I took a new job and was just too tired after work because of graveyard shift and also worried about being sore and not being able to perform the physical duties for work.

I'm 6'1". Before I stopped hitting the gym I was just starting to notice some muscle gains and definition. I was 178 lbs.
Stepped on the scales last night weighed in at 165 lbs. I'm built pretty much like some of the healthier crucifix jesus images out there (no ribs showing). So I'm pretty skinny. I also have a little bit of man boob that I always hated because I'm to skinny for it to fit my body type. So what diet and work out plans do you guys suggest to get decent results. My main issue I think is that I don't take in enough calories maybe around 900-1100 a day, but I'm a college student on a budget.

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Ive kicked around the idea too long in my head, im finally just going to do it. Im going to go back for my doctorate in physical therapy. The fitness/exercise world isnt worth it.

Do it bro. My cousin has a ph.d in physical therapy. She's working in a clinic for the elderly. I keep telling her to try and work for a team or something, but she likes old folks smh. lol

So because of school, I can only work out 3-4 times a week. which does equal plenty of rest of course, but still, just 3-4 days, so I'm working to be as effective as possible since I dont have the time to do so many iso exercise. Relying more for the heavy compounds and supersets. Feeling strong due to the rest and whatnot so I def able to move some good weight in there. I just get so antsy for those 3-4 days I can't go lol
cheapest whey on ebay? :nerd: kinda wanna get ON but i know the flavor is absolutely terrible in water. whats the best in milk that actually tastes good?

only way id try it is if i could get a 5lb for $40. which i did see at times before on ebay
dymatize is the cheapest quality protein around and they just reamped their flavors and supposedly they are much better (they werent bad to begin with) if i was going the cost efficent route i would purchase dymatize, mt phase 8 is buy one get on free on so u can get 4 lbs for 29.99 use 10% discount code (maxrep10) and u can get it for less than 35 shipped and the choc and vanilla are great
meh, ill pass on the phase 8, heard it chalky and i just dont like MT products.

i just dont feel like spending too much on protein, i already have a few tubs but wanna try a new and exciting flavor but also something low in cals.
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