STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Lucky there's no reason to explain yourself everybody is different. No homo but I look to you a te main source of my inspiration. I'm 6'3 and a black male also lol. But I started at 370 a couple years back and now In 240 with another 40 to go. But one thing I can tell you diet plays a big part but it doesn't matter what or when you eat. JUST MAKE SMART DECISIONS. I never once went on a special diet or taken any supplements. NEVER. I just found out I could use the school gym for free a couple of months ago. ( first time in my life ever in a gym ). My final thought on fitness is to just MOVE YOUR *** AND BE PRODUCTIVE; outside or in a gym. Nothing's going to happen sitting on this forum and arguing. I just wished I took pics before I started so I could trump LUCKY lol.

What has happened to this thread since this morning? Lucky flexin on errrbody 

My cheat days are EPIC sometimes, no shame in my game. 

Hey Stuntman did it take a while to break your Romaleos in? I used them for rack pulls yesterday to help break them in and man were they stiff. Which soles do you use?
This is my thing dudes will confuse CUTTING BACK with NOT BEING HEALTHY. If in one month some has eaten fried foods twice dudes will be like "blah blah u gon die" it's almost an insult to the persons intelligence. If there are 30 days in a month and you eat what people "consider bad" foods 4 times out of those 30 days and you've worked out 25 of those 30 days chances are the odds of good health are in your favor.

Heck me eating Mediterranean food being considered cheating is pure stupidity. None of the food is fried or what ever its all grilled meats and veggies and rice, but its almost as if many of these pseudo fitness gurus are quick to attack anything that isn't chicken brown rice and a veggie, THAT is the mind set I hate about "fitness"

Meh, I got no problems with you Lucky, matter of fact I'm happy for you and it actually motivates me to see someone make such a drastic change in their lifestyle and realizing what was wrong. I think the hatred towards you in this thread is not so much direct at you but more so how you respond to "criticism." You started off wanting to learn more about fitness and why/how things worked with your body and it undoubtedly worked for you but as it progressed it just seemed like you throw everything back at people's faces when they say something you don't agree with. By all means, it's okay to disagree with statements but when something has scientific facts behind it, at least try to have an open mind about it.

Cheat meals, cheat days, are needed to keep us sane, but back on the grind NT. For someone that goes to school 8-5 then has to get the energy to study/workout/cook/browse NT, I'll tell you Natural foods and sources of protein will always be more beneficial to you the protein powder (even if you don't agree and think it's all the same) but I do enjoy my protein powder for convienance.

Went to Austin to help my little move in to his new place at UT and waited an hour for some BBQ so I'm feeling bad about it now, but I did work during the week anticipating this weekend so it's whatever. Finally getting my hydrostatic weight test done on Monday and I'm kicking the cutting into overdrive for the next 3 months.


Lawd that looks good. I need to take a trip to Texas soon.
Idk why but leg day is starting to become one of my fav days I guess I'm starting to see definition in my legs, I've always had decent calf muscles.

I reccomend everyone invest if powerlifting shoes or some vans/chucks. I've always walked on my tippy toes until recently and when I use to squat I had a hard te keeping my feet flat and they have really helped. Idk how people can squat or DL in running or hoop shoes
Idk why but leg day is starting to become one of my fav days I guess I'm starting to see definition in my legs, I've always had decent calf muscles.

I reccomend everyone invest if powerlifting shoes or some vans/chucks. I've always walked on my tippy toes until recently and when I use to squat I had a hard te keeping my feet flat and they have really helped. Idk how people can squat or DL in running or hoop shoes

Especially going heavy. I wear some frees to the gym but for my 2 leg days a week the shoes come off and I'm just bare feet with socks. My rec (UT medical center) has chalk and man, I don't know how I deadlifted without chalk before.
What's wild is I look back At my progress pics and even like 4 months in I look back and day "damn I was fat" even though at the time I thought I was slimmer (I was smaller but still) I already know by December I'm gonna look AT my current pics and think "damn i was skinny fat"

What bicep stuff do you all do? I'm starting to think genetically I'm just not meant to have a big peak. My bicepts are thick and long more so than short but super tall when flexed.
I do hammer curls, Arnold curls, wide grip curls and concentration curls. It's pretty high volume and I'm hitting all parts so I'm thinking its just genetics/my body fat
me and my friends have been challenging each other through pretty cool concept. If you can't get motivated by winning your friends $ I don't know what can motivate you
Nobody is saying protein shakes are better than something else, I never understand why people say whole foods is Better than protein shakes as if someone is saying they get all their protein from shakes? Serious question do some of you just not work 40 hours a week? It's easy to say how someone should eat and train when you don't work their schedule. A protein shake is a quick fix point blank, I don't think anyone in this thread is dependent on any supplement.

And the thing is cats in here have their own definition of cheat day, some people call eating fried chicken yet still being at a caloric deficit a cheat day. Cheating for me is eati at maintence. When your cutting at 1500-2000 calories eating at 3000-3500 is a treat and doesn't cause you to gain weight. I don't care who you are if you cut at more than 500 calories for an extended period of time you gotta give your body a break point blank. Dudes cut for 3-5 months and try to compare themselves to others is not the same at all.

At the end of the day I got to where I am by doing what I wanted and enjoyed, this is the issue with "fitness" you have all these people doing things they don't enjoy because someone else said they are suppose to do it and majority of people end up falling off.

I'm gonna keep taking my protein, taking my creatine whole cutting, keep eating my fried chicken when I desire, and keep making gainz like I've been doing.
no you not

you gon end up right back at that size 46 

keep eating your fried chicken at a deficit, you wont be fitting into a 32 anytime soon
Hey Stuntman did it take a while to break your Romaleos in? I used them for rack pulls yesterday to help break them in and man were they stiff. Which soles do you use?

after using them 2-3x/week for about 3 weeks, i notice that they are a little more pliant. i don't think they'll ever be super comfortable though. i use the stiffer insoles. might feel crappy when you walk but during the lift is where it counts and i like how my foot doesn't move around or feel tippy. good luck man!
Going to Slaters 50/50 tonight for a turkey burger but I know once I get there I'm gonna want one of those crazy burgers that they offer.
Going to Slaters 50/50 tonight for a turkey burger but I know once I get there I'm gonna want one of those crazy burgers that they offer.

If I`m going to one of them crazy burger spots I usually eat light the day before, and dont eat until I get to the place, 1 of those burgers and a side usually end up amounting to 2 meals worth of food Calorie and Macro wise, so since I didnt eat prior during the day I usually smash it all or at worse split the serving in half. I usually do some cardio that day or the day after too.
You do know that all macros are not created equally? There are different fats, carbs, proteins, etc that affects basically everything your trying to accomplish? I get it, have a cheat meal here and there, my days are probably even worst then your cheat days but don't go around thinking or spewing that garbage that it's all about the calories.

Diff kinds of protein? LOL K.

you really think processed proteins are the same as natural proteins from real eggs and chicken breast?

Thinking about squatting and deading barefoot. Noticed my sneakers aren't stable anymore and with the heavy weights its really noticeable.
What "Separates" Protein are the amino acid make ups. IF a Protein Powder is created with the same exact profile as a steak, The Protein =Protein point blank.

Once again dudes in this thread take things to the extreme, to try to boost their heads, as if they specialist, half these cats go off of random things they ready on message boards.

Person posts "Hey I had a protein shake post workout"

NT Fitness guru "bro I dont take shakes, you're wasting your money "

Who cares what you don't do, because someone doesn't follow your approach you want to try and discredit their progress?

Not everyone has money to cup 50 lbs of meat every few weeks, nor has the time to cook a full meal every time they want protein. If I`m a college student on a budget buying a 23 dollar tub of protein with 30 servings will help stretch my other food.
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