STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Nice bro. Did they post a lot of positive comments in the PickUps thread?
You're touching things with your hands though. Like all the plates and dumbbells touch the floor. I'm not an anti-germ hippie so it doesn't bother me.
So being the capslock "peacemaker" guy is so much more constructive?
Well the difference there isn't as much in the protein itself that you're taking in, but all the associated garbage that you consume with it. It's impossible to find protein - straight without intaking any other micro or macro nutrients. That's where your examples come in. But yes I agree there are sources of protein that are preferable in that the potentially negative substances that you take in with them are minimized.

I wash my hands after every exercise and its the main reason I rock gloves in the gym.

And heres the last I`m gonna say on this protein thing, why would anyone look to get 40g of protein from McChicken? Like at the end of the day you can fit ANY protein into your goal for the day, protein is protein whether you get it from a shake, chicken, or eating a pound of poop. Does that mean you should make a pound of poop your primary source of protein? Is anybody saying Make Fried Chicken and Protein shakes your only source of protein?

It takes 2.2 Pounds of Steak to get 5g of Creatine, so according to some people in here, we are dumb if we take creatine supps because all sups are a waste of money and whole foods are God. We must eat 2 lbs of steak per day.

Minus the pineapple though.
You're tripping. Pineapple and beef is a killer combo.

I wash my hands after every exercise and its the main reason I rock gloves in the gym.

And heres the last I`m gonna say on this protein thing, why would anyone look to get 40g of protein from McChicken? Like at the end of the day you can fit ANY protein into your goal for the day, protein is protein whether you get it from a shake, chicken, or eating a pound of poop. Does that mean you should make a pound of poop your primary source of protein? Is anybody saying Make Fried Chicken and Protein shakes your only source of protein?

It takes 2.2 Pounds of Steak to get 5g of Creatine, so according to some people in here, we are dumb if we take creatine supps because all sups are a waste of money and whole foods are God. We must eat 2 lbs of steak per day.
50/50 patty, pineapple, bacon, smoked gouda, cheddar, fried egg, avacado mash, chipotle adobo mayo, honey mustard and lettuce on a bacon pretzel bun...worth every penny!


Man I am so disappointed in myself for not making it there on my trip to LA, would have crushed that.
i dunno but if 50/50 is half beef and half ground bacon, i'd imagine it tastes like the tears of jesus. and lol @ lettuce. get that crap outta there. probably ruins the whole burger.
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i dont even know, i thought it was 50 lean and 50 fat which i think would be disgusting

but i guess its probably 50 beef 50 bacon. sounds interesting and kinda disgusting since i dont care for bacon.
i had a burger similar to that on kauai made from beef and ground smoked pork. it was smokey and juicy. i always eat way too much on vacations.
I think the end of this protein discussion should come down to three things we can all agree on -

1. As long as you're hitting your 1g/lb of protein a day from a variety of sources, you are MORE than fine. Nobody here is routinely consuming 50+% of their protein from powder on a daily basis (and even if they are, who gives a flying ****? If they're gettin gains let them do them.)

2. Different foods may offer better amino acid profiles than whey, but at the end of the day whey is still a complete protein even though it's missing a few non-essential amino acids.

3. Taking a good multi/mineral can help patch up some possible micronutrient defficiencies that may arise from the poor diets on the go people eat these days or reliance on use of supps for ease in hittin the macros.
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got a crapload loaf of cardio last night at the Wayne concert and after party.

Going to a new gym today, kinda hype about that, new faces and hopefully new wemminz. I'll probably just do some upper body stuff today, chest/back, some abs and then do legs tomorrow when I'm back at my home gym.
That burger looks AMAZING. I could crush that with ease :lol:

About to do I love arm days :pimp:
Traeger please. And those green mountains actually are as expensive. get a Weber. I'd say cop a little 30 dollar joint for now and save for something better, them cheapos really only last a season or two.
Traeger please. And those green mountains actually are as expensive. get a Weber. I'd say cop a little 30 dollar joint for now and save for something better, them cheapos really only last a season or two.

I see some decent gas grills at wal mart for 150 and lower, I hear Charcoal taste better (its the only bbq i've had) but Gas is cheaper when it comes done cost of use per times you bbq.

I'd cop one of them high end joints when I buy my own house, but I just need something that gets the job done.

My only issue is the Gas grills dont look easy to move around.
Just had some Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Smh couldn't find a single damb thing on the menu that was healthy. Every entree had 1200-2000 calories and 40+ grams of fat and was sooo fried. Don't like salad but almost got one anyways.

Felt disgusting. Smh.
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