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Jamal Crawford was Gift's HS basketball teammate.

D1 full-ride to Denver as a guard.

Looking back at old Phil Heath pics he had an above avg build for a b ball player, most hoopers are skinny as heck
More like below avg, most are usually above 6'

Not knocking the fact he was muscular, he was also short tho

Had no idea Crawford was his teammate
Lol unless they make calorie free butter can't eem do it. And I don't want to be waiting for long for them to cook as my schedule when I get off and prep meals is pretty tight. And the baked potato re heats well right? Dumb question I know but don't want it tasting like garbage when I get to work the next day
I have a grill and on Sundays I grill up for the better part of the week.  I tried grilled sweet potato two weeks ago and it taste and keeps much better than plain in the oven.  I just cut the skin off and into some thick pieces and coat with olive oil and salt.  Grill for about 5 mins on both sides and put a little olive oil and seasoning on them
Why are we investing so much effort in this thread discussing juicing when the vast majority of posters are natty and will stay natty?
I understand that some discussion is necessary in the context of bodybuilding as a spectator sport; however I'm not personally interested in bodybuilding when its not applicable to my own training. Its up to you all what gets discussed here but arguing about roids when only a couple of guys in this thread have actual experience with them seems kind of unproductive.
anyone have any feedback using 'white flood'? Just bought the 30 serving to try. Heard some good reviews.
probably 20-30g a day, I think its might been because I've had a ton of processed foods this week (rice cakes and pop tarts), ive used the bathroom everyday but it hurts.

Might wanna consider the health aspect of food rather than just the calories then for a lil bit.

I'm not sayin go straight up hippy vegan mode (no disrespect, just isn't for me) but maybe chill out on all the "reduced fat/calorie" foods that are full of artificial stuff and hit some more whole foods like veggies n fruit.

maybe u already makin that switch tho... just throwin out an idea.
Looking for new lifting shoes. Currently wearing the Free 7.0 that I've been wearing for 7(?) years now. I want something more rigid now. Not doing Chucks or Vibrams and preferably something
Chest and shoulders with a strained rib today 

Read that as long as you can bear with the pain, you can train through it. My second strained rib this year. Takes WEEKS to heal.
AyZee: I wouldn't train through it unless the pain is minimal. I'd get the injury, area checked out for long-term concerns. Only have one body, must protect it like a fortress.
AyZee: I wouldn't train through it unless the pain is minimal. I'd get the injury, area checked out for long-term concerns. Only have one body, must protect it like a fortress.
Thing is, there's nothing you can do for a strained or bruised rib aside from ice and rest. It just heals in time. But I see your logic. The pain isn't unbearable (I did squats last Friday, deadlifts Monday and bench press today).
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