STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Thanks for the input all... negatives definitely work we did them for 4 weeks during my last workout (8 weeks long)

I thought the same about the whole tricep thing only one lift for them? i was confused.

We are supposed to do our max, but i cant get that 5x1 so i was doing about 95-90% and help on the last 2-3 sets..

As far as positioning and all that, yes i feel like I have good control when doing my sets. My problem is getting 265 i can easily do 255 but that 265 feels like im trying 300.. Ill get there, will post progress each week...

again thanks for all the input
Can you get 260?

Why are you making 10 lb jumps when you could be progressively loading
Started a new workout routine to get me over my bench plateau

Squat 10, 8, 5, 5, 5
Leg Press 3x15
Good Morning 4x12
Romanian Deadlifts 3x12
Standing Ab Pulldown 4x8

BB Bench Press 5x1 (at 100% Max) 3x8 @ 80% max
Bentover Row 3x8
Inverted Row 3x failure
Pullup 3x Failure
BB curl 5x5


Front Squats 3x5
Deadlift 10, 8, 5, 5, 5
Shrug 4x12
Back Extensions (Hyper) 4x12
Standing Ab Pulldown

Overhead Press 10, 8, 5,5,5
Seated Dumbbell Press 3x10
Upright row 3x10
Lat Raise 3x10
Dip 4x Failure
Tricep Pushdown 4x10

Lemme know what ya think.... The idea of the bench is to train your body in doing a heavy amount of weight one time.
Whats the goal or purpose of the program?
As far as positioning and all that, yes i feel like I have good control when doing my sets. My problem is getting 265 i can easily do 255 but that 265 feels like im trying 300.. Ill get there, will post progress each week...

again thanks for all the input
Thats because when you get up towards your max numbers on a exercise even 2 pounds will feel heavy as **** much less adding 10 more. I suggest adding 5 total pounds and go for 260. I hate using the baby 2.5 plates myself but progress is progress and it will help you.
Random question, but if I drink my egg whites straight from the carton am I still getting the same protein as cooking them? Ive read different arguments online about it and not sure which side to go with.
Started a new workout routine to get me over my bench plateau

Squat 10, 8, 5, 5, 5
Leg Press 3x15
Good Morning 4x12
Romanian Deadlifts 3x12
Standing Ab Pulldown 4x8

BB Bench Press 5x1 (at 100% Max) 3x8 @ 80% max
Bentover Row 3x8
Inverted Row 3x failure
Pullup 3x Failure
BB curl 5x5


Front Squats 3x5
Deadlift 10, 8, 5, 5, 5
Shrug 4x12
Back Extensions (Hyper) 4x12
Standing Ab Pulldown

Overhead Press 10, 8, 5,5,5
Seated Dumbbell Press 3x10
Upright row 3x10
Lat Raise 3x10
Dip 4x Failure
Tricep Pushdown 4x10

Lemme know what ya think.... The idea of the bench is to train your body in doing a heavy amount of weight one time.

It looks too complicated imo, my biggest thing with programs is the 'keep it simple, stupid' motto. Have one of the main lifts dictate the entire workout for the day and then taper off to supplements of the main body part youre working out. For example, today is leg day, and you want to focus on glutes, so revolve your workout around lunges, then taper off with some squats and then non heavy deadlifts.

Also try adding weighted dips to your workout, you can buy the chain-belt at any Modells. It's easily the best workout i've added for shoulders and triceps, you can also use it for pullups/lats+delts

Glad to see this thread is still going.
yes I got 260. I swear I have a mental block when trying to get 265

crazy i had stalled at those exact same numbers months ago. i was constantly lifting around 80-95% of my 1rm. i changed things up, hopped on a new a program(JC) and once i finished 2 rounds of it i tried for a new 1RM and got up to 285. sometimes its better to take a step back so you can take a step forward. my focus is functional strength and performance so i try to keep it as a simple as possible bench, squat, ohp, dl, bb row, pull up and some curls are the sum of my lifts.
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i cant bench for crap still, easily the weirdest yet most frustrating thing ever.

i might just abandon it all together and just incline press all day
No expert, but I'd rather not take the chance of getting explosive diarrhea and being out the gym for something so inconsequential
lol I just mix it with milk son you cant even taste it.

Its quick easy protein thats low in calories. You cant beat it. Well I guess you could 
lol I just mix it with milk son you cant even taste it.

Its quick easy protein thats low in calories. You cant beat it. Well I guess you could :wink:

Egg whites per gram protein are much more expensive than whey protein though. just a thought.
Do you feel like they fill you up when you drink em?

I like eating eggs, so I'd never want to just drink em instead but that's just me.
Do you feel like they fill you up when you drink em?

I like eating eggs, so I'd never want to just drink em instead but that's just me.
I don't eat them to get full, just a quick way to get protein in post workout. Plus Ive been getting tired of eating them lately. I love eggs though.
Does anybody lock out on tricep exercises? I'm not talking about exploding to lockout, but locking out period. I'm wondering whether locking out is bad for the elbow joint.
Does anybody lock out on tricep exercises? I'm not talking about exploding to lockout, but locking out period. I'm wondering whether locking out is bad for the elbow joint.

I don't lock out but when you think about it, the human body isn't meant to be locking out with some crazy weight. The joints in the human body can only handle so much weight and punishment.

Just my bro-science theory on the matter.
Yeah definitely bro science. Ill chime in more once i get to a computer, but locking out is safe for the joints.
I lock out. I just don't go real heavy when I do it. More so out of comfort for my elbows. But when I'll go lower and lock out feels great. Like I'm actually working the muscle better more efficiently.

With that said..Got back in the gym today. Had a great workout. Been about a week and change. Can't really say it was Fun fun but it was cool I guess. Back tomorrow.
1 or 2 raw eggs blended in with some protein powder, skim milk and whey is nice. i can usually grab eggs for free in the kitchen at work so long as their supervisor isn't in there. texture of the shake is improved and even if it's not as effective as cooked eggs, it's still some extra free protein.
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