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Why is it crap? Been taking MM for about 6 months now. No complaints.
Lower quality/quantity of vitamins and minerals as compared to other brands. There is such a thing when it comes to supplements. Sources and concentration of ingredients are important when you're considering your choices.
I took Orange triad all of last year. I started off with the recommended serving of 6 pills a day than went down to 3 than 2. Now I take Men's one a day. I don't want to take too many pills now. I take 1 MVI and 1 fish oil (Orange OxiMega) pill in the morning. I feel no difference and my piss is clear by lunch time. A bottle of Orange triad is like $30. I had to chill on that. I have a year supply of MVI for like $15.
Hip flexor on squats?
So on the down part it hurts?

Try stretching it out before hand and stretching all muscles around the hip. Also helps to get a deep squat (for me at least if I stretch before). Foam roll as well. It hurts, but its a good kinda hurt? hah

Maybe try some isometric leg raises for stability and target the hip flexor. Also if you hip flexor isn't recovered properly it would give out more easily.

Does your hip flexor hurt for days? is it swollen/red?
I followed your advice and it's felt a whole lot better. I actually been doing my warm up sets with pause squats ( go down and stay in the hole for 1-3 seconds) and my hips feel awesome by the time i get to my working sets.
I don't mean to cause any ill will, but I'm curious...does a typical cross fit box teach their students about proper dieting? I ask because apparently 3-4 folks I know have been religiously doing cross fit for half a year or so now. This totally caught me off guard because their bodies remain the same. This conversation popped up at lunch. They joined me, went to Wendy's for lunch, while I was eating my home packed salmon and baked potato. I know cross fit has a lot of intense activities so I am not doubting that muscle groups are being activated.

Some places have nutrition coaches, others don't. Believe it or not, you have to have extra insurance to give nutrition advice, since handing it out is a liability :smile:|).

Contrary to popular belief, the diet that Crossfit HQ pushes is the Zone, not Paleo. However, Paleo has become synonymous with Crossfit. Tons of athletes are Paleo but it's a difficult diet to follow and get energy from when exerting tons of energy. The Zone is more athlete friendly and includes a longer list of carbs along with dairy.

Like anything, boxes that don't have an on site nutrition coach will "suggest" meal plans but won't push them on their members. Like any gym goer, some are going to be strict all the way to see results, others are going to workout and continue to eat like crap.

Ultimately diet is important in any workout program, you can only lead a horse to water though.

People who try to generalize CrossFit boxes are already starting with a faulty premise. Although the foundation may be the same, every box has different programming. Some boxes really push strength programs and use MetCons for conditioning, etc. There are others that focus on gymnastics and there are some that do a little bit of everything. It really depends. It's not really a one size fits all, that people try to make it out to be.
I don't mean to cause any ill will, but I'm curious...does a typical cross fit box teach their students about proper dieting? I ask because apparently 3-4 folks I know have been religiously doing cross fit for half a year or so now. This totally caught me off guard because their bodies remain the same. This conversation popped up at lunch. They joined me, went to Wendy's for lunch, while I was eating my home packed salmon and baked potato. I know cross fit has a lot of intense activities so I am not doubting that muscle groups are being activated.

People who try to generalize CrossFit boxes are already starting with a faulty premise. Although the foundation may be the same, every box has different programming. Some boxes really push strength programs and use MetCons for conditioning, etc. There are others that focus on gymnastics and there are some that do a little bit of everything. It really depends. It's not really a one size fits all, that people try to make it out to be.

really wish more people understood this.

read in an earlier post you opened up a box? congrats man.

my adipowers come in tomorrow. SO. EXCITED.
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I took Orange triad all of last year. I started off with the recommended serving of 6 pills a day than went down to 3 than 2. Now I take Men's one a day. I don't want to take too many pills now. I take 1 MVI and 1 fish oil (Orange OxiMega) pill in the morning. I feel no difference and my piss is clear by lunch time. A bottle of Orange triad is like $30. I had to chill on that. I have a year supply of MVI for like $15.

Same ,switched to the Kirkland multi and I'm good.
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Anybody recommend lifting straps? When I deadlift, I know I can go a little bit heavier but my grip gives out :\ Does anybody recommend a particular brand of lifting straps?
Making some good progress bros.  Hit chest this morning and noticed some vascularity coming in.  Trusting the process, sticking to my diet, getting leannnnnnnnnn!!

I can't wait for the summer!
lol a lot of you dudes wear muscle tanks huh

no diss to you guys in here its just funny...........the dudes at gyms with muscle tanks or gym slogan shirts usually are the dudes with beats headphones on an such who think they really doing it, o yea superman logo T shirts are way too common also. an the most serious guys i know in the gym are the humble as &$^%

i actually havnt been going to LA fitness lately, been going to more gritty hardcore gyms around my area now, so glad i have so many options
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Usually the big guys are all cocky and crap. Ain't nuffin wrong with muscle shirts. Its a gym. Who cares. I wear tank top and some short shorts to show off quads. Say something!!!!!!!!
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