STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Does anyone have any experience with box jumps? I've been working on my squat and I'm trying to increase explosiveness out of the bottom. I've been doin pause squats but I'm looking for additional variations to work on explosiveness and box jumps seem to fit the bill.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I usually add 8-10 3.5ft box jump reps to either my hang clean or front squat routine then end it with jump rope. Can def feel the difference with explosion on the bball court and rugby runs.
Working out 5 days straight this week (Mon-Fri). Didnt plan for it but thats how it is. Technically didnt workout yet today, will do tonight but I feel sore all over (not tired, just sore). Im sure I could power through leg day then do back tomorrow morning but wonder if a days rest will do me better.

In other news, that GNC deal spoiled me, I refuse to buy a box of Quest bars under $20. They need to re-activate that code asap.
Sounds like a really good way for spinal cord compression
Thats what I'm saying. Jump squats are an exercise though so.. I read you are supposed to land softly on your toes and transfer your weight to your heel. I dont know though, seems sketchy with any real weight. Maybe one of the ex science guys will chime in.
You were NOT kidding about that blog being NSFW. Saw things on there I didn't need to. Article about eating bugs for gains

But the point the guy on there made about pause squats has been true, at least for me. I feel like they've hurt more than help.
in dire need to strengthen my abdominal. starting at a negative on the in shape scale. may I have the most basic workouts to strengthen my abs , something I can do right now at home?
in dire need to strengthen my abdominal. starting at a negative on the in shape scale. may I have the most basic workouts to strengthen my abs , something I can do right now at home?


In the gym, wood choppers, cable crunch, leg raises, and planks again = $.
Either GNC is slackin on the code or they lost a ton of money but they need to do something. Spent $27 on a box of CnC Quest bars smh.
Anyone use those bluetooth LG Tones or any other bluetooth headphones in the gym...

I'm looking to cut the cord...
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