Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by Durden7

How many shakes a day do you consume?

Usually 1-2, most likely before and after training or when im on the go and don't have wholefood sources of protein. I eat a lot of PB and nuts for fats, as well as chicken breats and fish steaks - those are the main sources of protein. If I reduce the proportions i'll be in a severe caloric deficit. Im around 180g a day and I weigh in at 138-140. So an extra 40g surely won't kill me..

Fats are around 60-70g and carbs fill the rest - but usually get higher when I have heavier/longer training days/games.

Well eliminating those 2 shakes a day is a great way to reduce your protein intake... ESPECIALLY the one before your workout. Thats just a waste.

That article?
An absolute joke. I never take anything onthat site seriously... its crap.
Durden is against everything reminds me of this fitness guru I know he calls it "Muscle & Fiction" (the magazine) You can say a lot of things rbs but there is still great info inside. To be honest Durden I don't agree with a lot of ACE info an honestly its outdated.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Someone recommend a good brand no salt trail mix, raisins, nuts, dry cranberries, almonds... I'm trying to eat lean and need a snack in between meals
Make it yourself. Go to the market and there's an aisle where they sell dried fruits and head over to the aisle where they sell cake toppingsto get the almonds. Mind you that cranberries, natural almonds, and raisins are far from being low in calories...they just contain good fats with a lot ofgood nutrients.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Durden is against everything reminds me of this fitness guru I know he calls it "Muscle & Fiction" (the magazine) You can say a lot of things r bs but there is still great info inside. To be honest Durden I don't agree with a lot of ACE info an honestly its outdated.
I agree that a lot of ACE information is outdated, but im not saying that I go by ACE on everything. I get a lot of my information from othersources.

I just think that has bad motives, is a niche-oriented site that is trying to appeal to the masses, is full of amateur information.

There IS good information on that site, but its the same information that can be found in numerous journals, sites, articles, publications, etc. Youll findcontradicting info on that site too.
Is there any site that will help me with a workout plan to get back into shape for basketball season ?

I've been slacking all summer
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

Is there any site that will help me with a workout plan to get back into shape for basketball season ?

I've been slacking all summer
Aside from hiring a basketball trainer, YouTube and your local bookstore will be your best friend. Athletes aren't body builders so theydon't train the traditional way.
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

I also need to gain weight. Should I use supplements or go the traditional way ?

Im only 16 btw.
Don't use supplements, your way too young for it because your body is still growing. You shouldn't really start using supplements untilyour early 20's. I would say eat really good kinds of healthy food, like after a workout some chicken breast/drumsticks minus the skin, some good greenveggies/salad and beans and rice or cous cous or another type of grain. To gain weight you need to consume more calories, but the right kinds from the rightfoods or else you'll just gain fat. But your still young and since you say you want to gain weight leads me to believe your skinny so your metabolism isprobably good.

You should just look at the things you eat right now and just add a little to each meal, don't stuff your face but just consistently add a bit more, orsplit up your meals during the day so instead of have 3 big meals your having 5-6 smaller meals.

But yea no supplements is what I say, I've heard bad things from teens who use supplements when their bodies are still growing.
So I've decided to take on an oath and try to incorporated a form of cardio into all my workout days. This morning, I was running short on time so Istarted to do HIIT instead of jogging after I just woke up. Should HIIT help me burn fat/lose weight just as well or does effectiveness only apply to at least20 min of jogging?

And to Supreme Ape, how did you exactly get there? Where you always lfiting/doing cardio on the same days?
Guys i got a problem..I just started the gym last week and noticed that my left arm is very weak compared to my right which is affecting my workout . I righthanded BTW.. Suggestions?
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

SupremeApe you're 250lbs with less than 12% bf?
What are you an NFL linebacker?

Nah im about 14% right now
my goal is to get to under 12% when im 240

Im 6'2

Al Audi i thought under 8% is consider very lean for a guy

and i can always use some advice, cause a little change in your program can work wonders
Even still.....that's HUGE @ that weight and bf% I'm not sure if you understand the image in my head. I'm an inch shorter than you at 200lbs probaround 11% currently. What you're telling me is freakish size.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I shouldnt use supplements?? I'm 19 and been on Protein for almost a year..thats bad?
what kind of protien/supplement do you use? for your age of 19 your not that bad, but usually male growth ends around the age of 23 or earlier,so maybe you've reached that certain age where your not gonna grow anymore or maybe not idk and you don't know.

I would say that for anyone under 20 just get their nutrition from live sources, but healthy live sources. My problem with people under 20 taking supplementsis that your not just getting protien from the powder your getting glutamine and other anabolic stuff that your body doesn't need at that time. If youreally want to take a supplement I would go for a pure whey product since it gets digested by the body right away.

But I haven't scoped out the products on the market for a long time so idk if they would have a product with just whey protein and not contain stuff likeglutamine and creatine and that kinda stuff made for adults.
I'm on my phone so I can't post a male/female chart but yea 11% and under is very lean. 10% bodyfat def shows defined abs. Lowest I've ever beenwas at 8-9% myself. You're 6'2 an wanna be 240 with 11% under bf%, you needa be in WWE.
Getting back to the "Muscle and Fiction" comment from earlier... I will say that its very difficult to put out a high quality magazine onfitness/exercising monthly. VERY difficult.
Durden all those mags are SO recycled with info, I always scan em all everytime I'm in wal mart/grocery store though. I don't subscribe to any. I dopick up sometimes if something interest me. I check em all flex, muscle & development, mens health, etc.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I shouldnt use supplements?? I'm 19 and been on Protein for almost a year..thats bad?
what kind of protien/supplement do you use? for your age of 19 your not that bad, but usually male growth ends around the age of 23 or earlier, so maybe you've reached that certain age where your not gonna grow anymore or maybe not idk and you don't know.

I would say that for anyone under 20 just get their nutrition from live sources, but healthy live sources. My problem with people under 20 taking supplements is that your not just getting protien from the powder your getting glutamine and other anabolic stuff that your body doesn't need at that time. If you really want to take a supplement I would go for a pure whey product since it gets digested by the body right away.

But I haven't scoped out the products on the market for a long time so idk if they would have a product with just whey protein and not contain stuff like glutamine and creatine and that kinda stuff made for adults.

100%On Whey Isolate
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I'm at about 154 pounds.. and my height is 5'9''... I am trying to make my abs more visible..

What should I do, lose more weight? or just do a lot of ab workouts?

Can someone answer this^......
I want to get a tattoo and I was curious to know if cutting/bulking has played any factor in terms of stretching or shrinking?
I plan to get my first one on my chest, a quote so I'm sure it won't make much of a difference.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I'm at about 154 pounds.. and my height is 5'9''... I am trying to make my abs more visible..

What should I do, lose more weight? or just do a lot of ab workouts?

Can someone answer this^......
Not to be a jerk, but this is probably the 5th time, at the minimum, this question has been asked in the thread...just go back and read the pagesinstead of waiting to be spoon fed. You need to get rid of that layer of lard covering your abs. Eat right, work out. Don't get pipe dream of doing 100crunches a day will get you abs. Just like with every other muscle groups, the abdomen needs to be stimulated and given time for rest.

Started high weight/low rep today and man, I burn through the sets a lot quicker than last month when I did the low weight/high rep.
Al Audi

u have to take into consideration my body type, i have a big frame to start with ( my doctor said it would be impossible for me to get to 200), so i dont lookbig in my eyes i just look normal with a bit more muscles then the average person

I was told 8% means u have ripped abs, 12 % means u can see ur abs but they are not ripped, thats what im going for

but enough about how i look, can u guys give me some tips on my meal plan/workout program haha
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