Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

^ i been doing something similar to you but much light , love the circuit training, loving the results.
because your legs are locked on stiff legged deadlifts, your lower back is doing alot more work. while regular deadlifts target everything in general.

You shouldn't be locking your legs on stiff-legged deadlifts. At least not completely, and in all honesty, it's not the safest way tostrengthen your lower back. You're better off doing hyperextensions and learning how to do Good Mornings, and then leaving deadlifts to standard andRomanian
Originally Posted by scmtkings4

guys, what new chest workouts do you reccomend?

i feel like my chest growth/strength has plateaued

the exercises that ive done regularly (not all in one day, but just workouts ive done before) are flat bench, incline bench, flat/incline/decline dumbell, dumbell flys, and some machines

ive been thinking about doing rest pause. should I go with new chest workouts before starting the rest pause method?

Your not doing anything to stretch/warm/pump your chest up first. Ill give you my workout routine , i focus mainly on my upper chest.
I also train 6 days a week (legs are broken up) On my 6th day ill often through in a few other chest workouts i dont usually do.

1) Cables , set them up high and far apart. Walk out so the cables are basically pulling you back behind your
shoulders. Stand 1 foot infront of the other (altenate for each set. 4 sets total) You should feel the pull under your pits , now concentrate on squezzing yourupper
chest. Its basically the same sort of form as a pec dec. But your arms are going to start up higher forcing you to bring them down and togethor. Finishing withyour
hands and about chin/nose level.

2) Pec dec up high again , hands at chin/nose level. I prefer hands open not grabbing the handles. OR I like doing cable Incline flys.

3) Incline machine or Incline Smith

4) Incline dumbells , Drop set the last set twice. If your max is 90lbs drop to 40lbs then 15-20lbs << Focus on the squeez and keep going as much as youcan.
(Some may prefer to do this in the #3 spot but i find i have more power for both excersices when using this order)

5) If i do machine in #3 ill do Smith here in #5

Now for 6 n 7 i mix it up. Some flat , some flat smith. Decline , decline smith , cables (grabbing from the bottom same footing as ex.#1 and pulling togethor nup)
really raises your chest up. Your pick.

May seem like alot , but keep in mind #1-2 are mainly to warm up and stretch your muscles , BUT still treat them as a workout and not a warm up.
I like to keep a high intensity to burn fat and to sweat. 4 sets each excersice increasing the weight each time. Reach for 10 reps but 7,8 is fine. I prefer 10for
sets 1-3. I train this way all year round. But i know my body and what works , i also know how i like to feel.

If theres something you dont understand , feel free to ask and ill try n clear it up.
Also depending on your weekly routine you may like to put this in the start of your week as its new and you want the most energy.
Good luck
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by dead in 09


When Working out two muscle groups in a session, what's better?

Say I'm working out my chest and shoulders..

should I do 3 chest exercises, then 3 shoulder exercises


1 chest exercise then 1 shoulder exercise (repeat 3x) a.ka. alternating

does it matter?
It depends
Me personally i would never work chest and shoulders together, but if u are planning on doing it, then finish ur chest then go to shoulders (or vis-versa).

now if u do it my way where i do Chest and upper back then i would alternate
Today i did
(4sets each)
Heavy dumbbell incline chest ( 75,100,110,120)
Weighted wide grip chin ups (25,25,35,35)
dumbbell Flat bench (High Reps) ( 75,85, 95,105)
Pull down machine ( high reps)
(3 sets each)
Machine Flys ( heavy)
cable flys ( focusing on the lower chest) ( high reps)

See with this work out i alternate because its more effective, but then again different things for different people

Also I never tried Gold Standard but i take IsoFlex, what u guys think about that brand?

I usually dont train this way but when ive had to it is a GREAT pump. You dont neet to follow his excersices but the going back and forth is
great. No need to really rest in between. I go all out and rest for a min after sets 2. There are people who train this way all the time and swear by
it. Im too ignorant to try it ..............
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

started early september mostly ive been doin is boxing and cardio/circuit training...i weight a good 155 now (started 165+) ive been eating lean and healthy...there's no day that im not sore and its been a month my workout as follows:
cardio for 20
circuit training for 1 hour (depends on the day but i rotate on which muscle group i want to focus on)
finish 20 minutes HIIT
BOXING EVERY OTHER DAY i can't do back to back days due to my wrist hurts from punching wrong
its a lot of soreness specially in the morning but it feels so good! im getting sick though (COLD) so i might take it easy for a bit to let my body catch up
sore every day? after a solid month of working out, you normally get to a point where you're not sore after every workout, and definitely notevery day. HIIT is cardio, and circuit training has a strong cardio effect, so why do you start off with 20 minutes of regular cardio? if you take that first20 minutes out, you could probably do heavier lifts in your circuit training and faster sprints for your HIIT, in less time, and get the same amount of workin. your warmup can be a quick full body circuit with lighter weight, 3-5 minutes max.

get your rest in. heavy cardio or lifting tends to deplete the immune system, so if you don't rest enough you get sick more easily. try to get yourpost-workout meal/shake (protein and carbs) in right after you finish to keep your immune system supplied.
Kinda messed myself up yesterday. I forgot to check my workout log for the last weight I dumbell pressed. I ended up trying 90 lb. And I got my reps, but Istruggled the whole way thru. So I finished the rest with 80's; got home looked at my log and the previous week I had only done 75's
Damn i see you guys goin in..i started a lil wrk out routine, but all i do is 50 push ups and 100 sits ups..but i fail to do it every night..all i really wantto do is tone out my body all bit and get a lil more musclar in my arms and what not..i been thinking bout joining a gym this winter, B/C this is the seasonwhere i gain a lil weight simple cause the weather in NY winter is crazy so there no B-Ball to keep me active
Originally Posted by Regent Park

Originally Posted by scmtkings4

guys, what new chest workouts do you reccomend?

i feel like my chest growth/strength has plateaued

the exercises that ive done regularly (not all in one day, but just workouts ive done before) are flat bench, incline bench, flat/incline/decline dumbell, dumbell flys, and some machines

ive been thinking about doing rest pause. should I go with new chest workouts before starting the rest pause method?

Your not doing anything to stretch/warm/pump your chest up first. Ill give you my workout routine , i focus mainly on my upper chest.
I also train 6 days a week (legs are broken up) On my 6th day ill often through in a few other chest workouts i dont usually do.

1) Cables , set them up high and far apart. Walk out so the cables are basically pulling you back behind your
shoulders. Stand 1 foot infront of the other (altenate for each set. 4 sets total) You should feel the pull under your pits , now concentrate on squezzing your upper
chest. Its basically the same sort of form as a pec dec. But your arms are going to start up higher forcing you to bring them down and togethor. Finishing with your
hands and about chin/nose level.

2) Pec dec up high again , hands at chin/nose level. I prefer hands open not grabbing the handles. OR I like doing cable Incline flys.

3) Incline machine or Incline Smith

4) Incline dumbells , Drop set the last set twice. If your max is 90lbs drop to 40lbs then 15-20lbs << Focus on the squeez and keep going as much as you can.
(Some may prefer to do this in the #3 spot but i find i have more power for both excersices when using this order)

5) If i do machine in #3 ill do Smith here in #5

Now for 6 n 7 i mix it up. Some flat , some flat smith. Decline , decline smith , cables (grabbing from the bottom same footing as ex.#1 and pulling togethor n up)
really raises your chest up. Your pick.

May seem like alot , but keep in mind #1-2 are mainly to warm up and stretch your muscles , BUT still treat them as a workout and not a warm up.
I like to keep a high intensity to burn fat and to sweat. 4 sets each excersice increasing the weight each time. Reach for 10 reps but 7,8 is fine. I prefer 10 for
sets 1-3. I train this way all year round. But i know my body and what works , i also know how i like to feel.

If theres something you dont understand , feel free to ask and ill try n clear it up.
Also depending on your weekly routine you may like to put this in the start of your week as its new and you want the most energy.
Good luck

7 chest exercises?!?!

Way too much.
For the skinny dudes on here, what does yall workout plan consist of? I'm gonna start a 5x5 strength program today. Only takes 45mins a day, 3 days/wk.Sounds promisin. Building block type. I'm tryna get stronger since I aint gainin any weight forreal (6'3", 175lbs) Med charts say after 180lbsI'm overweight
Give me 190 and I'm smooth
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Regent Park

Originally Posted by scmtkings4

guys, what new chest workouts do you reccomend?

i feel like my chest growth/strength has plateaued

the exercises that ive done regularly (not all in one day, but just workouts ive done before) are flat bench, incline bench, flat/incline/decline dumbell, dumbell flys, and some machines

ive been thinking about doing rest pause. should I go with new chest workouts before starting the rest pause method?

Your not doing anything to stretch/warm/pump your chest up first. Ill give you my workout routine , i focus mainly on my upper chest.
I also train 6 days a week (legs are broken up) On my 6th day ill often through in a few other chest workouts i dont usually do.

1) Cables , set them up high and far apart. Walk out so the cables are basically pulling you back behind your
shoulders. Stand 1 foot infront of the other (altenate for each set. 4 sets total) You should feel the pull under your pits , now concentrate on squezzing your upper
chest. Its basically the same sort of form as a pec dec. But your arms are going to start up higher forcing you to bring them down and togethor. Finishing with your
hands and about chin/nose level.

2) Pec dec up high again , hands at chin/nose level. I prefer hands open not grabbing the handles. OR I like doing cable Incline flys.

3) Incline machine or Incline Smith

4) Incline dumbells , Drop set the last set twice. If your max is 90lbs drop to 40lbs then 15-20lbs << Focus on the squeez and keep going as much as you can.
(Some may prefer to do this in the #3 spot but i find i have more power for both excersices when using this order)

5) If i do machine in #3 ill do Smith here in #5

Now for 6 n 7 i mix it up. Some flat , some flat smith. Decline , decline smith , cables (grabbing from the bottom same footing as ex.#1 and pulling togethor n up)
really raises your chest up. Your pick.

May seem like alot , but keep in mind #1-2 are mainly to warm up and stretch your muscles , BUT still treat them as a workout and not a warm up.
I like to keep a high intensity to burn fat and to sweat. 4 sets each excersice increasing the weight each time. Reach for 10 reps but 7,8 is fine. I prefer 10 for
sets 1-3. I train this way all year round. But i know my body and what works , i also know how i like to feel.

If theres something you dont understand , feel free to ask and ill try n clear it up.
Also depending on your weekly routine you may like to put this in the start of your week as its new and you want the most energy.
Good luck

7 chest exercises?!?!

Way too much.

Is it ?? Try it and let me know. If your new then yes it would be too much.
He seems like he needs a jump start again. Also like i said #1 and #2 are mostly for warm up , your not doing any pushing.
It takes a while to get used to , but once you do you will notice results. I do 6 excercises.....................
Rest up , give it a go and give me your feedback.
Originally Posted by Regent Park

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Regent Park

Your not doing anything to stretch/warm/pump your chest up first. Ill give you my workout routine , i focus mainly on my upper chest.
I also train 6 days a week (legs are broken up) On my 6th day ill often through in a few other chest workouts i dont usually do.

1) Cables , set them up high and far apart. Walk out so the cables are basically pulling you back behind your
shoulders. Stand 1 foot infront of the other (altenate for each set. 4 sets total) You should feel the pull under your pits , now concentrate on squezzing your upper
chest. Its basically the same sort of form as a pec dec. But your arms are going to start up higher forcing you to bring them down and togethor. Finishing with your
hands and about chin/nose level.

2) Pec dec up high again , hands at chin/nose level. I prefer hands open not grabbing the handles. OR I like doing cable Incline flys.

3) Incline machine or Incline Smith

4) Incline dumbells , Drop set the last set twice. If your max is 90lbs drop to 40lbs then 15-20lbs << Focus on the squeez and keep going as much as you can.
(Some may prefer to do this in the #3 spot but i find i have more power for both excersices when using this order)

5) If i do machine in #3 ill do Smith here in #5

Now for 6 n 7 i mix it up. Some flat , some flat smith. Decline , decline smith , cables (grabbing from the bottom same footing as ex.#1 and pulling togethor n up)
really raises your chest up. Your pick.

May seem like alot , but keep in mind #1-2 are mainly to warm up and stretch your muscles , BUT still treat them as a workout and not a warm up.
I like to keep a high intensity to burn fat and to sweat. 4 sets each excersice increasing the weight each time. Reach for 10 reps but 7,8 is fine. I prefer 10 for
sets 1-3. I train this way all year round. But i know my body and what works , i also know how i like to feel.

If theres something you dont understand , feel free to ask and ill try n clear it up.
Also depending on your weekly routine you may like to put this in the start of your week as its new and you want the most energy.
Good luck

7 chest exercises?!?!

Way too much.

Is it ?? Try it and let me know. If your new then yes it would be too much.
He seems like he needs a jump start again. Also like i said #1 and #2 are mostly for warm up , your not doing any pushing.
It takes a while to get used to , but once you do you will notice results. I do 6 excercises.....................
Rest up , give it a go and give me your feedback.

It is too much. Im not new to this and its way too much for even someone whos been doing this for awhile. If you have enough energy to do 7 exercises thenyou arent going heavy enough on them.

1 and 2 are certainly exercises. Just because its not a pushing movement doesnt classify it as a stretch.

Thats also a lot of exercises which "target the upper chest".
man HIIT is the !++@. the stomach fat is just shedding right off. not eating garbage after 10pm also helps, and i can't imagine how ripped i'd be if ijust ate healthy overall.

my new routine is 5 min warmup, then i do 90% sprinting in between 1 to 1.5 minute jogs depending on how tired the sprints made me. i use the elliptical anduse 7 resistance for the jog and alternate between 12-14 for the sprint. burned 350 calories with a 20 minute exercise
and I feel GREAT. my energy levelshave been going through the roof.

I won't put a number on it, but I'm slowly getting to this level :


that's the goal

and of course i do 2-3 weight lifting workouts a week. all upper body since my legs are kinda messed up from basketball in HS, but the running makes up for it.
Just a quick reminder, if you truly worry about your health, don't work out too hard on too busy of a schedule. I did 2 HIIT sessions in the first half ofthe week (already not a good idea) and then my studies hit me hard, I was getting about ~5 hours sleep every night. Then flu season is starting to show itsinfluence and next thing you know I'm waking up with a sore throat. Hopefully I can hit the gym by end of next week.

do you guys have any remedies before I go to safeway though? So far I've been taking Cold Eeze (to shorten the duration of colds) and Campbell'schicken noodle soup. Any help would be appreciated.
It is too much. Im not new to this and its way too much for even someone whos been doing this for awhile. If you have enough energy to do 7 exercises then you arent going heavy enough on them.

1 and 2 are certainly exercises. Just because its not a pushing movement doesnt classify it as a stretch.

Thats also a lot of exercises which "target the upper chest".

Its not too much. After youve done #1 and #2 it wont effect the rest of your workout in a negative manner.
Try it first ............... Each set you increase the weight. ex: Set#1 45lbs x 10 , set#2 60lbs x 10 , set#3 75lbs x10 , set#4 90lbs x 6-10
You can also increase the weight by more than 15lbs. Each excercise is done this way EXCEPT 1 and 2.
6 excercises is not too much. Not too much when you train 5-6 days a week.
Again if what you do works for you then no need to change. Just giving a suggestion that was taught and given to me and that ive showed others.....
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

My butt is sore from doing squats for the first time. Is that normal?

I like this feeling.

Its not too much. After youve done #1 and #2 it wont effect the rest of your workout in a negative manner.
Try it first ............... Each set you increase the weight. ex: Set#1 45lbs x 10 , set#2 60lbs x 10 , set#3 75lbs x10 , set#4 90lbs x 6-10
You can also increase the weight by more than 15lbs. Each excercise is done this way EXCEPT 1 and 2.
6 excercises is not too much. Not too much when you train 5-6 days a week.
Again if what you do works for you then no need to change. Just giving a suggestion that was taught and given to me and that ive showed others.....

It will effect your workout. Its an exercise, it changes the outcome of your workout. Maybe if you said you do 1 set of 15 reps of 50% your startingweight you can classify it as a stretch but if youre doing SETS its an exercise.

If your first set is 45 lbs and your last set is 90 then youre wasting your time for the first few sets.

How do you figure that 6 exercises isnt too much if you train 6 days a week? This simply doesnt make sense. If you train 6 days a week you need to be workingout smarter, not harder.

If you came to me as a client, I would totally redo your entire workout. It goes against so many exercising principles, but if you think it works for you thencontinue.
Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this.All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.
Anyone have the Iron Gym pull up bar? How was it? Im a little apprehensive about buying it bcuz im afraid it'll break my doorframe. All the reviews I readsay it wont, but still...
Any help is appreciated
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this. All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.

yea i cant work out early mornin before work/school etc.....i need caloric intake from my day first. i dunno how people work out like that.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Hire me as your trainer. I will show up to your crib every morning at the butt-crack of dawn with a megaphone screaming in your ear. First order of business is 100 pushups followed by 20 squat thrusts before you're allowed to take your morning leak. Then you're going to go to the kitchen and down a scoop of whey protein and a banana, and then we're off to the gym.

After that we're doing a circuit of all your major muscle groups, so you'll be doing 5 rounds of 20 reps of Squats, Bench-Presses, and Chins. For every second you rest, that's a squat-thrust at the end of the workout, so if you stop moving and just stand or sit down between exercises for like 20 seconds, that's 20 squat thrusts. I will keep a small bucket with us at each station for whenever you need to vomit. If you vomit, it's another 10 squat thrusts.

We're gonna follow that with 4 sets sumo deadlifts, front squats, and 20kg kettlebell swings, 20 reps each.

OK, warmup is over, no to go train. You're going to Squat for 10 sets, the first 4 being light warmup sets of 10 reps, the next 2 being moderate sets of 8, and 3 heavy sets of 5. Then we're deadlifiting for 5 sets, starting at your 5 rep max and increasing until we finish at 90% of your 1 rep max. In between each set you'll do 20 squat crunches.

Then we're benching for 10 sets, same setup as the squats, each time superset with 20 clap pushups.

Then cardio, then you'll kneel on broken glass for 10 minutes to build up your inner strength. Then a 150 gram protein shake and 2 raw steaks.


thanks that that laugh... i've just started this week... 1 day so far... hopefullyi keep going and dont sit in front of my tv lol
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