Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Vancity74 wrote:
Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this. All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.

yea i cant work out early mornin before work/school etc.....i need caloric intake from my day first. i dunno how people work out like that.

Im the exact opposite.
I enjoy working out first thing in themorning. If its past 5 pm and I have already worked out I wont do it for the day.

It really takes some getting used to. Just like anything else though, once you start the habit sets in and it gets easier.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Vancity74 wrote:
Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this. All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.

yea i cant work out early mornin before work/school etc.....i need caloric intake from my day first. i dunno how people work out like that.

Im the exact opposite.
I enjoy working out first thing in the morning. If its past 5 pm and I have already worked out I wont do it for the day.

It really takes some getting used to. Just like anything else though, once you start the habit sets in and it gets easier.

man I'm right in the middle. i can't work out too early or too late. i gotta have at elast one meal in me, and be rested for at least anhour. everything has to feel "right" for me to workout. but so far i've done cardio or worked out everyday for a week (just started back up) andmy abs are almost back
i did stop late night snacking (read: pizza andjunk food) the past 2 or so months and I've seen such a vast improvement.

I just got back from another day of HIIT and I'm already losing some of the motivation even though I'm seeing great results
maybe once the females notice it'll motivate me again...
Felt pretty strong today but afterwards I thought I was dying. Just heavy legs and rack-pulls today. Got up to my heaviest squat, then up to my heaviest legpress for 10 reps, then finished with a few low-rep sets of heavy sumo-stance rack pulls. Feels great now, but damn, I'm beat.
I haven't gone to the gym for the past couple days and I've been eating sloppy and above my maintenance up to 3500+ calories and I've dropped 3lbs. wtfreak.
Originally Posted by PiNoypi

Anyone have the Iron Gym pull up bar? How was it? Im a little apprehensive about buying it bcuz im afraid it'll break my doorframe. All the reviews I read say it wont, but still...
Any help is appreciated
you'll be fine

i have one
I hooked up about 20 people in this thread with P90x so hopefully someone can come through for me.

Someone find where I can cop this at...


and I dont want to hear "you dont need that just use your house hold tub". no. I want this lol.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this. All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.
Get a good night of sleep in, man. I love going to the gym in the morning because the gym is usually empty. The old folks just bunch up in onespot and talk about politics.
I'm with Durden on working out in the morning. I feel nice and energized afterwards

On another note, I hit the gym with my cousin today and it kinda made me wish I had a workout partner. I figured since I had a spotter, I would try a set of225 on the bench. Now, I've only hit 225 once before, which was for 2 reps and was like 2 years ago, back when I first started lifting and had no luck anyother time after. So I get under the bar and bang out 6, no assistance. I was like
. I think knowing I had a spotter gave me a psychological boost. If Iwas solo I don't think I coulda hit it. Also squated 320
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Just a quick reminder, if you truly worry about your health, don't work out too hard on too busy of a schedule. I did 2 HIIT sessions in the first half of the week (already not a good idea) and then my studies hit me hard, I was getting about ~5 hours sleep every night. Then flu season is starting to show its influence and next thing you know I'm waking up with a sore throat. Hopefully I can hit the gym by end of next week.

do you guys have any remedies before I go to safeway though? So far I've been taking Cold Eeze (to shorten the duration of colds) and Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Any help would be appreciated.
i used to get sick a lot when i didn't work out. when i work out, i get sick less, but also i don't get as sick as i used to either. ugotta try to get decent sleep, especially if you're a student and working out. that academic stress plus the acute stress from hard workouts will tax yourimmune system. make sure your nutrition is on point too... vitamins, minerals, veggies, etc. sunlight helps too (if you're in a region that still hassome

Ben Roethlisberger wrote:
I hooked up about 20 people in this thread with P90x so hopefully someone can come through for me.

Someone find where I can cop this at...


i had the ice tub experience once for really bad shin splits. it had me hating life for a good 10 minutes until my legs went numb
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

My butt is sore from doing squats for the first time. Is that normal?

I like this feeling.

Its not too much. After youve done #1 and #2 it wont effect the rest of your workout in a negative manner.
Try it first ............... Each set you increase the weight. ex: Set#1 45lbs x 10 , set#2 60lbs x 10 , set#3 75lbs x10 , set#4 90lbs x 6-10
You can also increase the weight by more than 15lbs. Each excercise is done this way EXCEPT 1 and 2.
6 excercises is not too much. Not too much when you train 5-6 days a week.
Again if what you do works for you then no need to change. Just giving a suggestion that was taught and given to me and that ive showed others.....

It will effect your workout. Its an exercise, it changes the outcome of your workout. Maybe if you said you do 1 set of 15 reps of 50% your starting weight you can classify it as a stretch but if youre doing SETS its an exercise.

If your first set is 45 lbs and your last set is 90 then youre wasting your time for the first few sets.

How do you figure that 6 exercises isnt too much if you train 6 days a week? This simply doesnt make sense. If you train 6 days a week you need to be working out smarter, not harder.

If you came to me as a client, I would totally redo your entire workout. It goes against so many exercising principles, but if you think it works for you then continue.

I was taught and trained with an IFBB Master Pro. If im going to listen to anybody its him .........
#1 and #2 are warm ups. You are not doing your max. Its 10-15reps easy. Get the blood flowing and stretch it out.
But yes it works , works for me and others. Try it , if your a PT take the time and try it. Unless your busy with bouncy balls and boxes.
going through some weird emotions lately after the death of my dog..

its like i wanna splurge out on junk food just to ease the pain, but my minds telling me not too. ive got a lot of junk food in the pantry, but i have nodesire to eat it.. #*!%%*! head messes with ya in the weirdest ways

even when i workout, i push through my lifts with ease, but it feels like im doing it for nothing now
I know that for mass, you should lift heavy in a rep range of 6-10...

Does this apply to legs as well?

The exercises I'm referring to specifically are legs extensions and leg curls.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I know that for mass, you should lift heavy in a rep range of 6-10...

Does this apply to legs as well?

The exercises I'm referring to specifically are legs extensions and leg curls.
Yes but you really need to do squats to get good leg growth, and deadlifts for hamstring development.
Whats better for strength - or for a basketball player

I.E. Squats 3x10 (challenging weight but quality over quantity)


Squats 3x10 (light weight) x8 (moderate) x 6 (heavy)

.. would it be ideal to train every muscle group this way (dropsets) or would a 3x10/4x10/5x10 with a comfortable weight suffice and then mix in adropset/failure every once in awhile to spice them thangs up?
I asked about getting mass on legs on a local bodybuilding forum and I was told to try out extra long 20-30 reps. Never tried it out though.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this. All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.
Get a good night of sleep in, man. I love going to the gym in the morning because the gym is usually empty. The old folks just bunch up in one spot and talk about politics.
Originally Posted by I3

Whats better for strength - or for a basketball player

I.E. Squats 3x10 (challenging weight but quality over quantity)


Squats 3x10 (light weight) x8 (moderate) x 6 (heavy)

.. would it be ideal to train every muscle group this way (dropsets) or would a 3x10/4x10/5x10 with a comfortable weight suffice and then mix in a dropset/failure every once in awhile to spice them thangs up?
Unless you're training for looks or secondary exercises you should go heavy.
If you're training for sport you need to do heavy squats. You're looking for strentgh and speed and you increase those traits by consistently placingmore and more stress on your body.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I know that for mass, you should lift heavy in a rep range of 6-10...

Does this apply to legs as well?

The exercises I'm referring to specifically are legs extensions and leg curls.
Yes but you really need to do squats to get good leg growth, and deadlifts for hamstring development.
Totally agree with u, focus on squating and deadlifts

Correct me if im wrong but for mass u should be doing 3-6 Max
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Man does anyone have tips for working out in the morning? My new job leaves me no choice, and after today's workout I'm really not stoked about this. All the weights just felt so much heavier this morning. It sucked.
Get a good night of sleep in, man. I love going to the gym in the morning because the gym is usually empty. The old folks just bunch up in one spot and talk about politics.
That's the truth! Lately, I've been waking up at 5:15 am to start walking by 5:30 am. Just make yourself get up -- the first couple ofdays, I was wiping my eyes while walking.
And what keeps my motivatedis when I tell myself that CEOs, Lawyers, Politicians, Big Wigs, etc. wake up hours before work to exercise; why can't I? It's a great energy/feel tofinish up, shower, start your day, and NOT be tired (that's why you've got to get good rest) ...
i wanna lose 10-15 pounds and keep it off.. how should my diet look and how much should i run?
IICEMAN comin through with the private investigator/hidden camera pics
. Props on the strength increase
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