Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

anyone know where i can find a simple meal plan that i can follow? nothin to crazy but sensible and doable. im not lookin to lose to much weight but rather gettoned and defined and perhaps a bit jacked. if its possible. lol
Originally Posted by cbass625

anyone know where i can find a simple meal plan that i can follow? nothin to crazy but sensible and doable. im not lookin to lose to much weight but rather get toned and defined and perhaps a bit jacked. if its possible. lol
im no expert but honestly meal plans are tough to follow. a lot of people try to get into too much of the science of being fit. u wannabecome/stay slim? eat the following:

deli meats
wheat bread
brown rice
100% juices

hope that helps somewhat. worked for me..
Originally Posted by UNtroubled YOUTH

Originally Posted by cbass625

anyone know where i can find a simple meal plan that i can follow? nothin to crazy but sensible and doable. im not lookin to lose to much weight but rather get toned and defined and perhaps a bit jacked. if its possible. lol
im no expert but honestly meal plans are tough to follow. a lot of people try to get into too much of the science of being fit. u wanna become/stay slim? eat the following:

deli meats
wheat bread
brown rice
100% juices

hope that helps somewhat. worked for me..

i see what u mean about meal plans. having an actual list of foods like the one you provided will probably help me out a lot better. thatll be my grocery listwhen i go shoppin. thanks
Originally Posted by UNtroubled YOUTH

Originally Posted by cbass625

anyone know where i can find a simple meal plan that i can follow? nothin to crazy but sensible and doable. im not lookin to lose to much weight but rather get toned and defined and perhaps a bit jacked. if its possible. lol
im no expert but honestly meal plans are tough to follow. a lot of people try to get into too much of the science of being fit. u wanna become/stay slim? eat the following:

deli meats
wheat bread
brown rice
100% juices

hope that helps somewhat. worked for me..

They are actually very unhealthy for you. Loaded with salt, preservatives and something else I cant remember right now.
^ had a feeling someone would say something about deli meats, but u can't have chicken and tuna everyday so going with deli meats is much better than beefand/or pork..
I would argue that lean cuts of beef are way better than deli meats, taste much, much better too.
Steak is my go to meal when I feel like I need something filling and taste great.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by UNtroubled YOUTH

Originally Posted by cbass625

anyone know where i can find a simple meal plan that i can follow? nothin to crazy but sensible and doable. im not lookin to lose to much weight but rather get toned and defined and perhaps a bit jacked. if its possible. lol
im no expert but honestly meal plans are tough to follow. a lot of people try to get into too much of the science of being fit. u wanna become/stay slim? eat the following:

deli meats
wheat bread
brown rice
100% juices

hope that helps somewhat. worked for me..

They are actually very unhealthy for you. Loaded with salt, preservatives and something else I cant remember right now.

you can find lean, low-sodium deli meats if you look though.
Here's an interesting way to figure out how many cals you want to consume to hit a projected weight. It's from this month's Mens Health magazine.

Say you want to hit 180 lbs, and you exercise 1 hour or less a multiply 180x10 = 1800 cals a day.

You add 1 to the factor of 10 for additional hour you work out. So if you want to hit 180 lbs and you exercise 5 hours a week you multiply 180x14= 2520 cals aday.

They also recommend taking in 1 g of protein per the projected weight. So for the 180 lbs, take in 180 g of protein. They also said that 1g of protein isroughly 4 cals. So 180x4 = 720 cals a day from protein. Subtract that from your total amount to see what's left for carb and fat. You take in 1/2 of theprojected weight in carb and the rest go to fat.

The person who gave out the info supposedly trained NBA stars and Olympians.

I doubt I will use this lay out, but I found it to be interesting to say the least.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

anyone else in here enjoy naked juice?
Naked juice is awesome.
you know it. i don't think there is one bad flavor (maybe blue machine). loaded with vitamins and no sugar added. 100% juice.

lol yeah that's the only bad flavor i've had.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

anyone else in here enjoy naked juice?
Naked juice is awesome.
you know it. i don't think there is one bad flavor (maybe blue machine). loaded with vitamins and no sugar added. 100% juice.
lol yeah that's the only bad flavor i've had.

yeah i know. on the contrary, red machine is awesome. banana choc. protein zone is pretty damn tasty too.
yeah red machine, the mango one, and the acai pomegranate ones are my go to the ones i usually get.

i cant be drinking these anymore though......carb cyling is gonna be so lame.
How many hours of cardio do you guys recommend a week?

I've been doing around 30 minutes daily. I'm not trying to lose much weight, just get "toned".

Andddddd... If my muscles are sore, I should give them a rest? If so, how long?

ANDDDDDDDDDDDD. How much cottage cheese should I be consuming before bedtime?

Thanks in advance! And sorry for all the questions.

P.S. Don't let this thread die. It's the only place I'm seeking advice other than occasional skims through
one diet i've heard of is: say according to your body you need 2500 calories per day. well, count calories and get 1000 less per day until you reach yourdesired weight, then add them back on and keep it there and you'll just maintain your weight.

i personally don't mess with pastas, rice, and breads. it's just tons of carbs.
P.S. Don't let this thread die. It's the only place I'm seeking advice other than occasional skims through
You're better off on No offense to anyone helping out in this thread, it's just that they're you're dealingwith people who live this lfestyle everyday and that's why they go to the site, so it's easier to get a straight answer. If you say "Is eatingchicken after I work out good or bad?" on here, like 10 people will say yes and 10 people will say no. There most people will answer the same.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

P.S. Don't let this thread die. It's the only place I'm seeking advice other than occasional skims through
You're better off on No offense to anyone helping out in this thread, it's just that they're you're dealing with people who live this lfestyle everyday and that's why they go to the site, so it's easier to get a straight answer. If you say "Is eating chicken after I work out good or bad?" on here, like 10 people will say yes and 10 people will say no. There most people will answer the same.
+ The positive reinforcement is almost sickening over there

Opposite of NT
How did this thread jump 40 pages since I last checked it? lol. I got a lot of reading to do.
Got some treatment for my back today, hopefully I can get it better by August
Alright my legs still feel mighty sore, if they are still sore by leg day should I still work them out?I mean sore as in I hate going to the can now bc itmeans I have to damn near pull the foundation of the house down to get back up on my feet.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I can get to the gym and get in the gym my problem is staying long enough to get a good work out.
That's not the issue, I think the issue is knowing what exercises to do on the right days. If you plan accordingly, and set aside a workoutplan that you HAVE to go through, you'll never leave the gym unsatisfied because you didn't spend enough time in the gym.

Solution: Get a program started and stick to it.
So, i def need some motivation right about now. I just started some crazy +%+ workout and im feeling sick and sore as all hell. Like this +%%# isn'tworth it
Originally Posted by Fade On You

So, i def need some motivation right about now. I just started some crazy +%+ workout and im feeling sick and sore as all hell. Like this +%%# isn't is soooooo worth it

thats the feeling that youre doing something right....usually.
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