Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

I'm just trying to motivate you, man. Through out my life, well from middle school until last year..I was never the smallest guy in the classroom. Inever thought I can be fit. Frankly I didn't care...I was the funny dude with charisma, I was well off was good. Now that I'mactually in a decent weight becomes addicting to work out and control what I eat. I'm sure you feel this way as well, this is why I wrote what Iwrote.

I simply hate the attitude that says it's OK as long as you did your best, like getting a trophy for being in the 5th place on a 5 team competition. Youjust gotta keep pushing yourself harder and harder..that's how you see results. Well that's my motivation speech for today. I'm heading out to goshopping for a bit.
DAMNIT! I need motivation! I'm going to work out and exercise today and that is a %!#*@+#$#%%%* fact. Needa get a lil more bulked before I head back toschool by September.

any tips? How long will it take for progress to show? How intense should the workouts be? And how much should I eat?
I'm a little slim and just need to put some muscle on my arms and legs.
for plain oatmeal, what do you guys add to make it taste semi decent? i don't like the taste of plain oatmeal by itself.
Originally Posted by specialk619

for plain oatmeal, what do you guys add to make it taste semi decent? i don't like the taste of plain oatmeal by itself.

Blue and/or Black Berries..
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by wj4

lilpro- have you read my last reply or two regarding your post? You still haven't changed your diet at all, it's no wonder you're having a hard time losing weight. FYI breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Those who actually consume a good hearty breakfast actually weighs less than those who don't.

yes, I read your reply.. I'm pretty sure I replied to it.

i was running late today so i missed out on breakfast..
Really, I just looked back and I haven't seen your reply to my post on page 68, post #1356 where I answered why eating less is bad for you and how it will make you gain weight.

Don't take it personally, but from what I observed since you entered this just been bugging out cussing about how you tried and tried and can't lose weight. Advices were given out, but doesn't look like you're changing much...hence why you're not seeing a change.

I told you that 3 scoops of whey protein in one sitting is not the best route to go and you hit me back with the roll face smiley face like telling me to get lost, when all I'm trying to do is help you because in less than a year ago, I was, more or less, like overweight dude. I'm pretty much giving you a guideline on how I did it, through trial and error, steadily getting 10 lbs off a month, going from a size 36 to 30 in ~8 months, with only working out 3-5 times a week. But hey that's cool if you just wanna do you because at the end of the day, it's your body.
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Originally Posted by specialk619

for plain oatmeal, what do you guys add to make it taste semi decent? i don't like the taste of plain oatmeal by itself.

splenda, sugar free jam, sugar free applesauce
A post on "cutting "copied from a board I frequent. More targeted toward a bodybuilding focus, but i have been following with good results.
It's about time we had a decent full length post on cutting…

Let's get a few things straight…
1. All of the insights I'm about to provide are not person-specific. What that means is that it is a general guideline, not a bible.
2. I truly do believe that bodybuilding is 80% diet. You can lift your #%+ off daily, and still look horrible if you aren't eating right.
3. You are what you eat. It's just that simple.

1.Postworkout Nutrition- I'm a firm believer that PWO nutrition is hands down the most important aspect of dieting. It is within the 15 minutes after aworkout that your body is in dire need of nutrients. It is a completely anabolic state, and what you take in can be optimized to ensure maximum results. Ageneral rule of thumb is 40-60 grams whey protein, and double the amount of whey in carbohydrates (50% dextrose/50% maltodextrin).

2. Carbs- . In a strict cutting diet the majority of your carbs should come in the form of PWO nutrition, and the remainder in breakfast. Fibrous veggies are astaple, but keep in mind that they don't count towards intake, as they have negligible impacts on blood sugar levels. (Exceptions: Carrots, Peas) All highglycemic carbs outside of PWO should be avoided. The best sources of low GI carbs can be found in oatmeal and brown rice, as well as yams.

3. Protein- You need tons. 1.5-2.0 grams per pound of lean bodyweight is a good general rule of thumb. You should take in a good portion of your protein in thesource of real meals, avoid intaking too many shakes, as real food comes to a better benefit. The list foods with high protein bioavailability is extensive,and I will only cover a few, (Egg whites, Lean steak, Chicken breast, the list goes on forever….).

4. Fats- Guess what? You need fat to lose fat. We are talking about the granddaddy of fats, the EFA (Essential Fatty Acid). Good sources of fat are ( Flax Oil,Nuts, Salmon, Olive Oil).

5. The separation of Carbs and Fats- This is a hotly debated issue, but again, in my opinion, an important aspect nonetheless. Remember that it is often whenyou eat items and with what you eat them that is more important than what you are eating. A mouthful, I know, but stay with me. Remember that when you take incertain carbs, you can spike your insulin levels. If you are taking in fats when your insulin has been spiked, you are allowing the basic laws of physiology toact out, and you allow for a higher propensity for fat storage. Separation is key. The sample diet will give a good example of how to separate them.

6. Supplements-

Glutamine: Helps prevent catabolism when cutting. Best used in dosages of 10grams daily, 5 grams before cardio, 5 grams at another interval, but not afterworkout as it fights for absorption with the glutamine peptides in whey.
ALA/R-ALA- Gets my supplement of the day award. R-ALA is effective in lowering the spike of insulin when certain carbs are consumed. I could give you adissertation on the stereoentisomeric properties of the R, but all you need to know is that it has been found to shuttle carbohydrates away from adipose andinto myocytes. Translation: Away from fat cells, into muscle cells. It's a supplement, however, not a miracle worker. It's not a crutch, and won'tdo anything about fat intake. ALA and R-ALA can also aid in the expedition of the ketogenic state. Remember that if you buy R-ALA that you supplement it withBiotin. Glucorell-R is prepackaged with it. If you can afford it, go for it. As far as dosage, with the R, you are looking at 1-2 pills of Glucorell R for each30-40grams of carb intake.
Protein and Carb Shakes: I'm not going to cover protein, because even if you can't afford it, you should sell a kidney to get some. Carb drinks arerather convenient, and companies offer pre mixed dosages, (CarboHit, Glycoload, UltraFuel). Dextrose and Maltodextrin can be bought from most supplement storesor online.

7. Cheating- Cheating is essential. Why? Remember, the body runs on homeostasis, it likes to keep balance. After eating so well after a week, your body beginsto adjust, and fat loss over time will not be as rapid. The other extremely important aspect is mental sanity. So many diets crash and fail because peopledon't give themselves a chance to breath. Remember, cheating is not an opportunity for you to pillage the entire mall food court. Shoot for a cheat meal,not an all out binge. A fast food value meal can be 2,000 calories. Eat that 3 times on one day, and you've consumed 6,000 calories. And that's notgood in any case.

8. Cardio- Cardio and cutting usually go hand in hand. I won't go into specifics about length, other than cardio shouldn't be excessive. 45 minutes toone hour daily should be sufficient, and should be performed on an empty stomach.

Sample Diet:
Note: This is a sample diet for a 200 pound gentleman who is wishing to cut. We can assume his BF to be around 15%. This diet will NOT work for you if thosecriteria don't apply to you; however it is easy to customize the below diet to take in account your own statistics. It is the principles that areapplicable.. I am not going to post the total amount of calories, only the carb, protein and fat macros for the whole day.

Meal 1:
Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal

Meal 2:
Protein shake/Lean Protein (2 tbsp flax

Meal 3:
Veggies, Lean Protein


Meal 4:
PWO Nutrition

Meal 5:
Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice or oatmeal.

Meal 6:
Shake with Flax

That turns into approximately 300 grams protein, 130 grams Carbs, and 50 grams of fat.

*Reminder: This is a PRIMER. It's not mean to be comprehensive.

Here comes the fun part: Question and Answer….

Q: What about dairy?
A: If you don't mind a soft look, fat free cottage cheese is an excellent caseinate source, but as for milks- way too much processed sugar. NO.

Q: Should I do a keto diet?
A: Unless you are morbidly obese, or would like to drag your wilted muscles behind you, stay away from keto. Again, that's my opinion. You can see myprevious posts for my anti-keto ranting.

Q: What about cycling carb intake?
A: Obviously on non workout days you will be without a shake, so you will be auto-cycling. It works well that way.

Q: Is sodium an issue?
A: Outside of the bloating issue, or if you have high cholesterol, no.

Q. How do I make my meals not taste like cardboard?
A. Be creative. Mix in some sugar free jam or splenda in your oats, some hot sauce or soy sauce on your meats, or pick up some sugar free ketchup.

Q. I don't like old fashioned oats. Can I eat the pre mixed oats with fruit?
A. No. Be a man. Those mixes have ridiculous amounts of sugar.

Q. What about fruit?
A: Fruit replenishes glycogen stores in the liver, and in my opinion, is not to be a staple of a strict cutting diet, with a few exceptions.

Q: Can I eat steak while cutting?
A: Definitely. Make sure it's a leaner cut.

And with this post I take a sabbatical. I'd like to thank ~Swolecat~ for his influence, and to thank all of you who may have indirectly annoyed me enoughto result in this elongated post. If I missed anything, or am horribly wrong on anything, feel free to PM me, and I will edit it in. Best of luck, andremember…

"Obsessed is a the word that lazy people use for dedicated."
Originally Posted by FR3SH like UgHH

should i run for my 2 miles after or before my work out?

keep in mind im drinking superpump250 prior to my start....
If you're cardio is consecutive with your workout you always want to do it after. Mainly because if you do happen to do cardio first then headgo off to workout you're going to have a crappy workout, simply because what carbs/energy you did have was all wasted therefore your lifts won't be asgood as you want them to be.
I've been following this thread from the begining and I just started working out last week. I already see some slight results and I have thedrive/determination to keep going. Seeing the changes that some of you have gone through is enough motivation in itself. I just bought some optimum goldstandard whey protein and some muscle milk. When should I be taking these? I know I should take the whey within an hour after working out but can I take bothof them together? Muscle milk says to take it an hour before workout and also an hour after I'm done. I remember reading someone takes protein when theywake up, should I do this. I don't eat the healthiest but I don't really gain weight. I'm about 5'6" and weigh only like 133. I'mtrying to get bigger first then worry about getting cut. I know I have to do bigger weights less reps, how high should I be going for though? ie: benching, mydad said to do whatever weight I can only pick up 6 times max, is that a good thing to start off with? Lurking, wj4 or anybody else who knows what theretalking about please feel free to shoot me a pm or if you can answer my questions about the shakes it would be greatly appreciated.
for the most part I pretty much follow this diet but I usually snack on fruits and other stuff in between meals...

meal 1
6 eggwhites 2 yolks
3/4 cup oatmeal water or 1% milk
one scoop whey protein

meal 2
can of tuna
1/2 cup rice
light italian dressing(olive oil)

meal 3
6-:nerd:z chicken
5oz sweet potato
1/2 cup green beans
1 tbsp peanut butter

meal 4
1 can of tuna
1/2 cup rice
light italian (olive oil)

work out

meal 5
2 scoops whey

meal 6
6-:nerd:z sirloin or steak
large dinner salad with red wine vinegar/olive oil
Quick question: Do you guys prefer lifting with or without gloves? I never use gloves, I feel that you can't get a good grip and feel for the weight imo
Originally Posted by BallinB

Quick question: Do you guys prefer lifting with or without gloves? I never use gloves, I feel that you can't get a good grip and feel for the weight imo
I use chalk, builds up your grip strength.

Originally Posted by krazy88s

IMO, for anyone eating eggs everyday should watch the cholesterol.
I believe that's only the yolks that have the most cholesterol. Whites are an excellent source of protein to knowledge.
yolks are fine

dietary cholesterol doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels, that's a common misconception

it has much more to do with saturated fat intake

egg whites have less fat though
^ Oh yeah I know, should've said that part. But I'm under the impression most here are eating whole hard-boiled eggs everyday and such.

dietary cholesterol doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels, that's a common misconception
Really? I didnt know. I'll look into it. I watch the cholesterol because my family has a history of high-blood pressure, and they always giveme %^$ about it.
You guys, I need help building muscle mass. When I exercise, all I do is tone up. By no means am I skinny, but I wouldn't mind packing on a few more poundsof muscle. I'm 5'7" and weigh 160 (fit). I'm looking at packing on an additional 10 pounds of muscle and I need help going about it.

School me on protein, whey, diets, etc.

I've been in the gym everyday this month so I'm already in shape. I can post pics for reference if need be.
^^ I dont know Blink. Maybe you can decrease the number of reps and increase lbs of weights. And keep doing the same exercises.
Originally Posted by iBlink

You guys, I need help building muscle mass. When I exercise, all I do is tone up. By no means am I skinny, but I wouldn't mind packing on a few more pounds of muscle. I'm 5'7" and weigh 160 (fit). I'm looking at packing on an additional 10 pounds of muscle and I need help going about it.

School me on protein, whey, diets, etc.

I've been in the gym everyday this month so I'm already in shape. I can post pics for reference if need be.
Originally Posted by The Rat Pack Is Back

for the most part I pretty much follow this diet but I usually snack on fruits and other stuff in between meals...

meal 1
6 eggwhites 2 yolks
3/4 cup oatmeal water or 1% milk
one scoop whey protein

meal 2
can of tuna
1/2 cup rice
light italian dressing(olive oil)

meal 3
6-:nerd:z chicken
5oz sweet potato
1/2 cup green beans
1 tbsp peanut butter

meal 4
1 can of tuna
1/2 cup rice
light italian (olive oil)

work out

meal 5
2 scoops whey

meal 6
6-:nerd:z sirloin or steak
large dinner salad with red wine vinegar/olive oil
why not mix in salmon?
How many scoops of whey is too much?

On the back of my bucket it says 3 scoops (one serving) in approx 200/225mls of water. Recommended max is 3 servings a day..
I do not take whey protein more than twice a day (23g per scoop so 46g of protein total from whey) but I read that it can be modified if you need more or lessdepending on how much protein you have consumed in the day. Some people who works out a lot just needs way more protein than others so I do not think there isa limit on how much you can take, in moderation of course.
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

in the begging of summer I was hitting the gym hard almost everyday. put an inch and half on my arms and my shoulders and chest were bigger. but the last month I haven't gone to the gym once.
I don't know whats going on. I guess im just being lazy. Its just strange how i changed so drastically. ima start up again. but also the gym i go to sucks pretty hard. They never have pins for the machines. and never have enough benches for more than 6 people.

Planet Fitness FTMFL. big
to them.
The Planet Fitness I go to at least has pins, but for the benches it's the same story. Once you see an open one, you better run over there andmark your territory before someone steals it
Just got done working out. Damn i feel good today, not sick at all. I think my body is getting used to it again. Im pumped
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by iBlink

You guys, I need help building muscle mass. When I exercise, all I do is tone up. By no means am I skinny, but I wouldn't mind packing on a few more pounds of muscle. I'm 5'7" and weigh 160 (fit). I'm looking at packing on an additional 10 pounds of muscle and I need help going about it.

School me on protein, whey, diets, etc.

I've been in the gym everyday this month so I'm already in shape. I can post pics for reference if need be. . .

brilliant articles
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