Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

ugh man

i couldn't really lift for a week ( i was on vacation and got sick
) so now that i'm back i am weak as hell in the gym. every lift is down, except %$$! skullcrushers for some reason?

maybe it's also because i'm doing my first ever cut, but i'm doing carb cycling which supposedly allows you to retain and even gain a little muscle during the course of it....

basically i will be pissed if i don't get back o where i was fast. not that it's that important, i don't think i look any different, but it's so unmotivating and frustrating to be lifting less than what you were lifting a couple weeks ago.
i know EXACTLY how you feel. i felt like a weenie my first time back from vacation. my bench was way down, everything felt weak, i was PISSED. tomorrow i hope to have recovered some ground. if not, i will just take whatever david ortiz took

second chest workout since ive been back.....i felt even weaker than the first

i honestly was thinking about the pros and cons of driving across the border and scooping up some testosterone. i'm overreacting but still it's realfrustrating.
^^ Yea im feeling the same way since my one week vacation 2 weeks ago, but it seems only my chest lifts are down.

Tomorrow im thinking of doing a plateau workout to see if that will help.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

What's a good protein?Anyone have experiences with isopure because my friend gave me a 7 lb tub.
protein is protein. if you got it for free then great. its good, not sure about tastes though. people just say some protein is better because oftaste but if your not the kind of person that cares about taste then you can go with any kind of protein really.
Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Today I went to the gym and it was suppose to be just my cardio day but then I stopped by the free weights room it was empty and saw one of the bench press bars was loaded with 45 plates. So in my head I was like "i've never tried lifting with 45 plates before I'mma see if I can bench it"(my bad to all the ppl that see that as light weight I just started lifting like this year back in march\april). So I get on the bench and lay down. I get mentally ready and then finally lift it up and slowly lowered it down.. BUT IT DIDN"T stop lowering down lmao. I couldn't lift it back up and then I was like getting squished losing my breath and needed help to get this damn thing off me. I see some dude finally come in the free weights room but then he sees me and just stares like a couple seconds and leaves I was like %@+! After I stop panicking on how the hell I get this thing off me I tipped the bar to the side and finally got it off me...

Just wanted to share...

Nah but seriously though, if you want to increase what you're doing on the bench, do some pushups. Calisthenics are often overlooked but it's a great way to build up your strength.
helpful link, i didn't know there were so many different types of pushups
^lots of factors come into quality of the protein processing. the higher the quality (aka higher the price) the more intact the proteins remain throughout theprocess. all my protein has been naturally sourced lately, no powder or shakes. tuna, eggs, and chicken for the most part. that combined with lots of low GIcarbs and good fat sources has been very effective.

5 weeks ago i started getting into shape for the first time ever. pound for pound i haven't lost at all, actually gained. because i did everything throughstrength training, the only way to look at it really is measurements.

i started out with a 43 chest, 39 waist, 44.5 seat
... now i'm at a 45 chest, 36 waist, 41.5 seat. much larger arms, better looking back, and the startof the elusive 6-pack.

best thing i've ever done with my life. i like being better at sports, walking around with more confidence, and just living a better life.

i do have some really good diet guides here, so i'll be glad to help with any questions as well.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

which should i take creatine or whey???? should i take both? and when should i take it?

Whey protein is basically just food made easy. Whey is often used because it can be produced cheaply and absorbed by the body quickly. Some brands are higherquality than others, but for the most part it's just protein, equal to eating chicken/fish/etcetera. It is generally eaten after working out to fuel themuscles. If you have time to eat a full meal after the workout it will probably be just as (if not more) beneficial.

Creatine is a supplement that basically makes your muscles able to work harder for longer. It's generally not dangerous (it's made by your bodyalready, just not in high amounts) if used correctly and can be beneficial for training. There is debate as to whether it's more useful before or aftertraining, if you take it constantly it will be in your muscles all the time and it won't really matter when as long as it gets in.

Basically, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. I would personally get the whey if it's not possible to eat well after a workout, otherwiseI'd say the creatine.
anyone of you guys have tips or exercises on how to lose lower belly fat

this gut is killing me and I watch what I on the treadmil.and do leg raises and crunches..any advice?


i look really lean from the back but the front side needs work.....i think i'm seeing some results finally from the carb cycling tho so hopefully ill beshredded by sept-oct.
^ Got damn. It's the same for me though, I look like a lot more cut, bulkier from the back. Everybody says they've been noticing that I got bigger, sothere's some motivation. Now that there's a month left of summer with no work, I'm gonna hit the gym even harder.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr



i look really lean from the back but the front side needs work.....i think i'm seeing some results finally from the carb cycling tho so hopefully ill be shredded by sept-oct.
Are u black? or just really tan?
anyone tried intra-aid?

i got a free sample a while back and it tastes pretty good. im almost out of my last tub of intrabolic and im thinking of switching it up a little.....thecitrus ice flavor is ok but its getting old

soooo I'm 6'2 155-160... frail as hell... any suggestion about supplements that I should take to gain muscle mass?
I've been looking into creatine, but the only thing that is stopping me from using it is I've heard about it possibly causing acne...
any recommendations?
Joseph Camel looks black in that pic

What does your diet look like while carb cycling?

I'm super pissed right now...I went to the gym about an hour ago and see a sign that says "Closed for the day due to power outtage, will re-opentomorrow".
First time this has ever sucks so much to miss a workout when you're in the "zone". I'm gonna have to do double thework tomorrow.
lol gotta be the crappy pic

i mean im not a pale blue eyed white kid my natural skin tone is pretty tan but nah

my carb cycle diet is a simple 3 day diet split

day 1 - high carb (complex low gi carbs with every meal......steel cut oats, brown rice, etc. nothing high or medium gi not even whole wheat toast etc.)

day 2 - low carb (same type of carbs as above with m,y first meal and my postworkout meal but the rest are carb free)

day 3- no carb.....self explanatory. i am getting like under 15g of total carbs, and eating no primarily carb foods.....fat and protein only basically

and it repeats itself

i try to get my heaviest lifts (back, legs) on high carb days so i have more energy

its been good so far, definitely dont have a lot of energy on some days but i think thats because its a cut not because of the lack of carbs

also my weight fluctuates like was my no carb day and i weighed 9 lbs less than i did sure tomorrow my weight will go up sinceits my high carb day

i chose carb cycling because i heard it allows you to retain and even gain a little muscle. i dont really buy that tho, at least it hasnt been happening forme. i dont think im really losing any muscle mass but my strength is down and it takes me longer to complete my workouts. im looking a little leaner alreadythough so im happy so far.
Man, I've been eating GOOD aka sloppy for the last 2 weeks. And it's showing..I'm running slower and lifting less. I can't wait to get backhome to get back on the grind.
Originally Posted by wj4

Man, I've been eating GOOD aka sloppy for the last 2 weeks. And it's showing..I'm running slower and lifting less. I can't wait to get back home to get back on the grind.

I know exactly what you mean. I've been on vacation in Trinidad seeing all my fam down there for the past 5 days and i feel like I'm gonna pay for allthe good eating when I get back home. Atleast I've been able to hit a gym down here once, but the eating part is killing me!
Originally Posted by samness20

anyone of you guys have tips or exercises on how to lose lower belly fat

this gut is killing me and I watch what I on the treadmil.and do leg raises and crunches..any advice?
same problem i got, i used to fat, now ive gotten down to an athletic figure, and i cant loose fat around my belly button toward my pelvic area, imean my stomach is pretty flat, but around my belly button it just sticks out
Whats the difference between whole-wheat and whole-grain?

Which is better? I did a quick search and whole wheat is whole wheat, whilst whole grain includes things like oats, rye etc..

And whats the deal with carbs? I try to consume maybe 2-3 carb portions a day, whether it be oatmeal or bread.. God I miss bread.
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