still having breakup withdrawal months after..

serious man im feeling you for sure.
i just had the same exact experience, girl was like my best friend even after we broke up.
just let time handle everything. honestly everything has been said. and keep yourself occupied.
hang out with your boys and just dont even think about it man.
it took me awhile but i finally am feeling lots better, she honestly isnt the best ever.
AYO i have the sammmeee exact situation, no lie!

i feel your pain man, we broke up a year ago, and its still hard for me to get over her. but if i've learned anything, it's that the sooner you find anew broad, the faster you'll heal.

take care
Going through the same thing. It sucks.
Keep yourself busy.
I know its really hard not to fall back to that person.
3 words...
get over it

theres too many females in the world to be stuck on one...especially if it didnt work out the first time
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

i got over my booskank by fallin' for another
try that

co sign. thats what im doin now and its working fine.
if not, avoidance my friend, its the only way.
1. If you were really in love that feeling will never go away.

Or. . .

2. "There's no need to miss someone from your past- There's a reason they didn't make it to your future"
Originally Posted by StarBucks GTD


nah but i know how you feel man.
I am dealing with the same problem. She is my best friend, everything I look forward to in life and I was with her for nearly 2 years. Then it broke apart andwe are living in the same apartment, but she still wants to be roommates. It is very hard, what I am dealing with right now. I feel depressed, I have a loss ofappetite, nausea and insomnia. Everyone says time will heal all, but sometimes your feelings and emotions you get from someone, just stay for a very long timeas long as they were true. I don't know what to do now, I basically blocked off all friends during our relationship and I spent every second with her. Nowthat she is out of my life, I have no one to go to really except family. That and a lot of my friends no longer go to college with me, are dropping out, orsimply are too busy to have social lives. I'm in a very difficult situation right now. I feel very apathetic as well.
i was in the same poistion. i hated when people told me to move on and forgetabout it at the time, but then i learned that that's what you gotta do. mad hard tho. still kinda miss her
The main solution to your problem is gonna be time... go out with your friends and have fun in time you'll move on but there will be times i where you will
remember her... casually date but don't get serious with anyone until you know for a fact that you are over your ex... trust me
stay up bruh. too many NTers going through the same!#!$, including myself. Its difficult, but its life, it'll make you stronger in the end.
simplest advice anyone can give you is to just stay busy, don't let there be times where you got nothing better to do than just lay down in bed and thinkbecause then you're mind will wonder to her and you'll start missing her and %*#%, trust me, i got out of 2+ year relationship last may and it was hardbut i'm over her.
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