Stop & Frisk New York Vol. Why I will always pick CA over NY

Dress stupid ? Dress productive ? hell is that supposed to mean? ... this is America.... If I feel the desire to leave the house painted orange, wearing booty shorts, an obnoxiously oversized tee featuring a poorly airbrushed rendition of my favorite rapper, a pair of crocs and some mickey mouse ears on my head to boot... I can do it.

It doesn't matter how stupid or foolish you think someones clothes are...people have the right to dress however they want without being harassed by law enforcement .

The fact so many people are conforming to homogenized European standards of dress is borderline disgusting....

Look at photos of global diplomats over the years... All the traditional garments have nearly disappeared in favor of more palatable industrialized cookie cutter suits. Saudis are about the only only ones that haven't conformed and still wear their traditional thwabs and ghutras.

everything you said is right and completely reasonable but this is AMERICA we are talking about and not a perfect world which is a shame.

truth of the matter is REALITY is different.

So we have two choices.

A. Conform and live out a normal free of harassment life


B. Be an individual, dress and act how you like and suffer the consequences

its something we all hope we could do but the truth is being presentable is very important in this era. Most people wouldn't hire someone tatted up from head to toe in a office job and same goes for someone dressed ridiculously.
Dress stupid ? Dress productive ? hell is that supposed to mean? ... this is America.... If I feel the desire to leave the house painted orange, wearing booty shorts, an obnoxiously oversized tee featuring a poorly airbrushed rendition of my favorite rapper, a pair of crocs and some mickey mouse ears on my head to boot... I can do it.

It doesn't matter how stupid or foolish you think someones clothes are...people have the right to dress however they want without being harassed by law enforcement .

The fact so many people are conforming to homogenized European standards of dress is borderline disgusting....

Look at photos of global diplomats over the years... All the traditional garments have nearly disappeared in favor of more palatable industrialized cookie cutter suits. Saudis are about the only only ones that haven't conformed and still wear their traditional thwabs and ghutras.

You make to much sense.

To me my issue is that being harassed for no warranted reason whatsoever is an unnecessary inconvience, a waste of my time, and an embarassing situation which makes a person look bad regardless if they did anything or not.

To be honest with you if I legitametely fit the description of someone who did something in the area and the cops aren't bs'ing about it, I could live with a search and understand it but feel entitled to a sincere legit apology afterwards.

Aside from that though, if your just stopping people just to stop them in hopes of striking gold on a sucker who doesn't know his rights or just to stop someone for whatever reason its bs.

1. Your wasting a persons time, that person has to be somewhere or is trying to go about their business or get from point a to point b in peace and some cop looking to bother whoever comes along with no regard or consideration to that persons time.

2. Its embarassing. Say a teacher, or a park recreation leader that works with kids is stopped for no reason and searched. The search uncovers nothing as they were only stopped for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. While their let go, say a parent of one of the students or kids in the Rec program sees them being searched by a cop and automatically assumes the worst about the teacher and spreads the word to other parents about how their kids teacher was getting searched by a cop. Their public opinion is damaged due to an unwarranted unjustified search.

The sheriffs around my way are notorious for just stopping whoever and harassing them. It was times I'd be jogging at night or walking my dog and local sheriffs would stop me and ask dumb questions like where's the drugs at and try and search me. I complied the first time and figured they would get the point but when I got harassed again a few weeks later just for jogging I just told them, did I commit a crime, am I being detained, if not with all due respect I'm neither of those is the case then I'm going to continue my jog and while I did receive a rather slick response from the officer he drove off and I went on my way. Either way though being stopped and harassed for no reason when you've done nothing wrong is an unnecessary waste of time and inconvience.
last night I was hanging out at my friends apt in Castle Hill BX... his wife and mine were chit chatting with the kids and S&F came up. He grew up in Jeff projects and was about to buy a pad in Fl but that fell through. He aint no punk or square, and he said h would feel uneasy aka petrifried if they took away S&F. you know how many gun shots and stabbing occur in that area? sheeeeettt.. ive only been frisked once but Ill take it over being a victim in these streets....
To me its similar to taking away or limiting certain freedoms in order to prevent the potential of attacks, etc. Like would you submit to your phone records being taken in (well not the best example now due to Snowden and the NSA doing it regardless :lol:) or other data mining or infringements on your privacy. But I don't think you can stand for one and not the other. Like supposedly "random" checks at airports but if your name is Joe Nielsen vs Mohammed El-Amin...problem is, Joe Smith could be carrying something too and he may not get checked. I don't live in NY but I know as a black person with no record to speak of and a law abiding citizen I'd be pretty annoyed by that...ESPECIALLY if I were with any of my white friends knowing they do drugs occasionally and some have records for stuff in their past and they skate on by like they are invisible for the most part. Its pretty clear cut stereotyping and profiling imo, I guess you can justify it under the guise of "safety" but there's stats to dispute that, especially for minor drug offenses.

If this policy weren't extremely biased and prejudicial, then I could see arguments for its merits but its not fair at all...just like its not fair if security agencies really only target people with certain names (read of Middle Eastern or north African descent) for prevention of "certain crimes" while others aren't really examined. Like do they search every white male going into a high school for fear of a mass school shooting? I don't think they do or ever would. Or maybe white collar criminals who are stealing money every single day working on wall street doing MUCH more damage than some 16 yr old smoking a j once in a while, yet they aren't being stopped either :lol:. Don't a huge majority of these stop and frisks result in nothing being found anyway?
Whatever makes the city safer. 

Then why do you have blinds and locks on your doors? Whats to say they dont expand upon this and have police posted in certain neighborhoods doing random house checks from 8pm to 3am? I'm sure that'd make stuff "safer" or give the false impression of safety to assuage some peoples' fears
'Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.'

-Benjamin Franklin
[h2] [/h2][h2] [/h2][h2]What To Do If You’re Stopped By The Police[/h2]
We all recognize the need for effective law enforcement, but we should also understand our own rights and responsibilities — especially in our interactions with the police.

This card tells you what to do if you are stopped, questioned, arrested, or injured in your encounter with the police, and how to file a complaint.


1. What you say to the police is always important. Everything you say can be used against you.
2. You have the right not to speak. To exercise this right, you should tell the police, “I would like to remain silent.”
3. You never have to consent to a search of yourself, your belongings, your car or your house. If you do consent to a search, it can affect your rights later in court. If the police say they have a search warrant, ask to see it. If they don’t, say “I do not consent to this search.”
Police cannot arrest you simply for refusing to consent to a search. This may not stop the search from happening, but it will protect your rights if you have to go to court.
4. Do not interfere with or obstruct the police—you can be arrested for it.


Police may stop and briefly detain you only if there is reasonable suspicion that you committed, are committing or are about to commit a crime.
2. You should ask if you are under arrest or free to leave.
3. In New York, you are not required to carry ID, and you don’t have to show ID to a police officer. If you are issued a summons or arrested, however, and you refuse to produce ID or tell officers who you are,
the police may detain you until you can be positively identified.
5. Don’t bad-mouth a police officer or run away, even if you believe what is happening is unreasonable. That could lead to your arrest.
I'm aware of everything you posted. I have a degree in Law & Due Process.

Not sure how exactly it diminishes what I quoted in any way.

We got people in here saying 'don't look suspicious, and you wont be searched' and 'They can search me, I'm not a criminal, as long as it makes me safe.'

That's a problem. On a lesser scale, but not much different than how the Patriot Act has been justified.

Where does the forfeiture of our right to privacy for this idea of 'safety' end?
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they need to stop calling illegal searches "stop and frisk"

guess they trying to trick people into believing that stop and frisk is not a illegal search so they won't have to pay out lawsuits
Whatever makes the city safer. 
Research has show that stop and frisk doesnt make the city any safer. Crime has been declining before stop and frisk and it continues to decline. Most stops dont produce weapons mostly low amounts of marijuans. Stop and frisk alienates populations and negatively impacts police and civilian relationships. Also the research shows that whites who arent targeted by stop and frisk actually are found to have more contrbrand than the minorities who are targeted and stopped  by stop and frisk. Should we stop more whites?
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How will the Judge's ruling affect crime and cause it to rise when the stop and frisk doesn't turn up any weapons or drugs, or solve any robberies or other reported crimes? That makes no sense to me. They just looking for a needle in a hay stack. Dudes getting caught up for some bs weed and ****. Yeah it's illegal, I know but who here hasn't at one point lit up? Now my life is over b/c of it.

WHy don't they acknowledge how flawed the searches are. THis suspicious ******** makes no sense. Where are the caucasion, asian, indian stats on search and frisk? Please show the NYPD that clip in "Dont be a Menace to South Central while Drinking Your Juice in Hood" when they were in the store following the "suspicious" black guys, leaving the white man free to steal everything in the store :smh:
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