Strap up NT, please strap up **SERIOUS TOPIC**

Props to girl for telling you man. There's alot of %@$#@% up people out there that go around spreading that kind of stuff with no remorse. I feel sorry for broad, but at least you came out clean. You don't even need to smash to get herpes btw. I'd thank the girl for having the respect to tell you. That's gotta be tough to admit. Imagine kissing your casual sex life good bye, or just knowing you couldn't get domed up. 
Props to girl for telling you man. There's alot of %@$#@% up people out there that go around spreading that kind of stuff with no remorse. I feel sorry for broad, but at least you came out clean. You don't even need to smash to get herpes btw. I'd thank the girl for having the respect to tell you. That's gotta be tough to admit. Imagine kissing your casual sex life good bye, or just knowing you couldn't get domed up. 
When she said it, it was honeslty like an invisible person slapped the %+%# outta me
. And then
I always wonder what people with herpes do to find partners. Like is there some secret online forum where they find eachother? Every time a chick starts acting distant and kinda funny I get the same feeling OP had. That's when the text messages to them turn into "k" and "yeah..". This one time I met this chick at a party, got her number and told her to hit me up the next day. She hits me up the next night trying to chill so I tell her to come over my boys house to smoke. She gets there and for the first time I see her in real light and girl had some !%%+ on her lip. I tell my dude to play like he's asleep and I tell her I can't roll an L so maybe we can just chill tomorrow. Girl left and I never heard back from her again. Obviously she knew what the deal was...
I always wonder what people with herpes do to find partners. Like is there some secret online forum where they find eachother? Every time a chick starts acting distant and kinda funny I get the same feeling OP had. That's when the text messages to them turn into "k" and "yeah..". This one time I met this chick at a party, got her number and told her to hit me up the next day. She hits me up the next night trying to chill so I tell her to come over my boys house to smoke. She gets there and for the first time I see her in real light and girl had some !%%+ on her lip. I tell my dude to play like he's asleep and I tell her I can't roll an L so maybe we can just chill tomorrow. Girl left and I never heard back from her again. Obviously she knew what the deal was...
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Long story short, but I met this girl about a month ago and she has been great
, but she has also been a little off. You, know kinda distant etc. Anyways, she tells me this morning that she really likes me and that I treat her well etc. BUT there is something that she has to talk to me about that may change the way I think of her. I'm anxious as a motha *$%@@@ so I'm like tell me NOW. Anyways, she tells me that she has herpes. Like it was so hard for her to say it. Like she was so SHOOK.

By the way, this girl is no bird, just very very unfortunate. In all honesty we could all be in her place. Seeing the way that it has impacted her life really wakes me up and tells me that it isn't worth it. Noone should have to live like that

I'm SHOOK tho, I do you react to that?

BTW, before the lames come in here are start saying RIP,.....I didn't even make out with her.
Her name Amanda and she from MD?
Broad did that to my lil cuzzo, had the whole hood back in HBG bout to dig in that #@% so she disappeared

TEAM RAW, where u at?!?!?!?! 

Amanda? MD? Need more info!
did she go to frostburg university?

Don't know. All I know is ol girl said to be goin to the military but last time we heard, she still be creepin in the hood.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Long story short, but I met this girl about a month ago and she has been great
, but she has also been a little off. You, know kinda distant etc. Anyways, she tells me this morning that she really likes me and that I treat her well etc. BUT there is something that she has to talk to me about that may change the way I think of her. I'm anxious as a motha *$%@@@ so I'm like tell me NOW. Anyways, she tells me that she has herpes. Like it was so hard for her to say it. Like she was so SHOOK.

By the way, this girl is no bird, just very very unfortunate. In all honesty we could all be in her place. Seeing the way that it has impacted her life really wakes me up and tells me that it isn't worth it. Noone should have to live like that

I'm SHOOK tho, I do you react to that?

BTW, before the lames come in here are start saying RIP,.....I didn't even make out with her.
Her name Amanda and she from MD?
Broad did that to my lil cuzzo, had the whole hood back in HBG bout to dig in that #@% so she disappeared

TEAM RAW, where u at?!?!?!?! 

Amanda? MD? Need more info!
did she go to frostburg university?

Don't know. All I know is ol girl said to be goin to the military but last time we heard, she still be creepin in the hood.
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