Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else having trouble finding matches on live? i swear it would take a while til someone shows up in my lobby.
I have my accept challenger thing on and I just go to arcade mode and usually I get a match before I even get to start the first round vs thecomputer.
Originally Posted by donpoppa

i always have a hard time beating cammy online.
Me too, the only way that seems to work for me is blocking low and after she does the leg thing get some damage in.. I don't know much else.
Damn me n Dom got 2 double K.O.s in our matchup
!#*$, my Xbox Live subscription ran out
, guess imma be playin somesingle player games for a while
i havent been on in a few days but look out for me tomorrow... GT in the sig... i just started playin wit balrog and i think i've gotten pretty decent
but ryu is still my main
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

damn i just played alex valle on PSN.. dude has a sick ryu
Alex gives me first to 10 sessions on Live. I can barely win 1 match

I need to get back on Live soon
Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

vega isnt cheap... he's honestly the worst character in the game, lowest tier. like someone mentioned above, limited combos, does very little damage, his
moves dont beat out a lot of other characters moves, and its easy to hit him out of his anti air.

Vega doesn't have an anti-air LOL

he does actually.... what's so funny?
GG ddotski, your freakin focus to ultra keeps getting me. For some reason whenever I see someone charge their focus, I just wanna attack.
mongoose what happen bro i was waiting for like 20 min

i will be on tmmrw same time

anyone wanna play a few matches. add me GT in the sig
all these vids and talk makes me want to become a professional ...

my fight pad is holding me back

i saw a lot of new gt on here ... add me xbox - mongooseny23 ... i got a decent sagat ...
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

mongoose what happen bro i was waiting for like 20 min

i will be on tmmrw same time

anyone wanna play a few matches. add me GT in the sig

i was in a heated battle against some kid ... then i checked 4 u and u was out ...
i don't want to see a certain player on here that ummm using e. honda ... ummm using sagat ... ummm doing combos that i do ...
yo i just got this for 360 GT=robg-va703 be on in about ten mins.

yo dav0 whats you gt. sorry for asking since you probably posted it many times. don't feel like looking through the pages.
Originally Posted by oidreez


for the majority of ken users online, all they do is shoryken, the hard punch version and ex version. It has superb priority and it is going to win out onwreck less players. What you do is bait him, get close to him and pretend you are going to hit him, then block his shoryken and counter. Its that easy.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by oidreez


for the majority of ken users online, all they do is shoryken, the hard punch version and ex version. It has superb priority and it is going to win out on wreck less players. What you do is bait him, get close to him and pretend you are going to hit him, then block his shoryken and counter. Its that easy.
use vega or cammy it works on me
imo zangief and blankaare harder to beat than ken
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by oidreez


for the majority of ken users online, all they do is shoryken, the hard punch version and ex version. It has superb priority and it is going to win out on wreck less players. What you do is bait him, get close to him and pretend you are going to hit him, then block his shoryken and counter. Its that easy.
yep all u gotta do is bait em. When u knock Ken down quickly dash towards them and stand over them, 9/10 they will do a shoryuken. Just block itthen punish them when they are coming down
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by oidreez


for the majority of ken users online, all they do is shoryken, the hard punch version and ex version. It has superb priority and it is going to win out on wreck less players. What you do is bait him, get close to him and pretend you are going to hit him, then block his shoryken and counter. Its that easy.
yep all u gotta do is bait em. When u knock Ken down quickly dash towards them and stand over them, 9/10 they will do a shoryuken. Just block it then punish them when they are coming down
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