was that your nina?

I love it when people pick characters against the grain. No EWGF's and higher tier characters.
Yea imma have to take a break from this game. I lost to a flowchart Ken and a textbook scrub Ryu earlier and that really got to me

I guess ill go back to playing COD4 for a while.

EDIT: I randomly ran into EvilDrakeFang earlier as well and got showed up. I made so many mistakes

If u dont know who EvilDrakeFang is he has the best Cammy i have ever seen, Youtube him if need be
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

ok well maybe im drunk because its my 21st
but im tired of people sayin how sorry my Blanka calling out anyone to challenge out of 5 first to win 3 matches in xbox.....loser makes a public thread apology in the general forum.....lets go!!!!!!!!
i'll play your trashy Blanka.

i'm on now.

gt is robgva703. i think i added you a long time ago but we never played.

get that thread you gonna make for me ready.
ok im about to get on lets do it....and i want a apology afterwards
so uhh flash house i need that apology thread asap haha. ggs though your cross ups are a $@#!*.
lol i got you hold on

, so um what happened Flash house............................

mannnnnn i was no where near the right stae of mind to be playing xbox at this point

I've come to a conclusion that the drunker you are, the weaker you are at SF. There have been a few occasions of just hanging at the housedrinking with friends and playing street fighter online. The night starts out like 20-4, then it just goes downhill to like 4-20.
It's either the alcohol or the real ++!!%@ come out to play during certainhours.
anyone down to start a new 32 player XBOX SF4 tournament?

or how about a small 16 member 3 week league

everyone faces each other once and keeps a record. top 8 players go to tournament.
Originally Posted by Frijolero

anyone down to start a new 32 player XBOX SF4 tournament?

or how about a small 16 member 3 week league

everyone faces each other once and keeps a record. top 8 players go to tournament.
im down
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

ok koo im gettin on right now

GG's son, took 7/8 matches
. I can't believe I lost to you in the finals in the first tournament
lol they werent all me playing i switched off with my roomate but you still took me 3/4
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

i lost 2500 grade points randomly today, %%%! this glitch. am i the only one losing GP?

Your not the only bro, I lost 600 bp this past weekend eventhough I won all my matches. I also lost like 2600 championship points. I got pissed so I hate SFfor now.
. If anyone wants to play my psn is: barut23. I'm at worktho so probably later on.
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