Earlier today, the official Street Fighter account on Twitter sent out a rather interesting message concerning the latest character to be revealed in Street Fighter V, Vega. While typically a charge character, the tweet in question revealed that the Spanish ninja will instead control with motion inputs.
The developers have made similar changes to other characters in Street Fighter V, such as removing the piano inputs on Chun-Li’s Hyakuretsukyaku (Lightning Leg) in favor of a quarter-circle, but the idea of Vega being altered so drastically piqued our interests. Could it be possible that one of his stances would retain the usual charge motions while the other took on this altered control scheme?
Seeing as these questions weren’t answered by other reports, we contacted Capcom community manager and Street Fighter V associate producer Peter “Combofiend” Rosas for clarification. “We’re just testing him out without charge motions at this moment in time,” he explained. “It’s not final by any means. If it’s a good fit, it may stay. If it’s too strong, it could go. We were just giving players a heads up so they’re not in utter shock when they use him at Gamescom.”
With Capcom’s added emphasis on offensive play in Street Fighter V, it’s no surprise that these changes have been made, as charge characters tend to be played rather defensively due to their controls. Now let’s see if this particular adjustments sticks.