^you stay providing that info lol, the blogs are pretty interesting as well, that john choi's homie messing with him...hahhha

i pick and choose what to take from there and post on here though. i figure everyone who cares that much about sf4 is already over there anyways.

anyways. gameplay vids.  for some reason i can't post more than 2 vids.
^anyone who is interested in watching more can just look at those youtube channels for a ton of gameplay vids.
final box art.

and for anyone interested in watching some good people play, check this out tonight @ 5pm west coast time....via srk-

Tonight the offices of will be streaming their 1up Game Night event. The game? Super Street Fighter 4! The players?'s Richard Li will be joined by Haunts, Magus1234, A_Rival, and S-kill himself to show us some high level Super SF4 and answer your questions live. Skip watching Lost tonight and tune in! The broadcast can be seen here and starts at 5pm PST....
Ah, time to wipe the dust off the TE. Been keeping up with all the hubbub over at srk and it's looking to be a solid release... can't wait.

add me PSN: Locpy
Mannnn I am not going to cop this version even tho it's $40. Esp. after buying that beta Capcom called a full version of the game. In Sf4 I main c.viper. I'll be using the homies copy till I find this game in the 10 dollar bin before Evo this year.

Get at me on PSN, SamB45
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Ugh, still the crappy music.
word. in local matches though, the theme song of whoever is on the player 2 side plays during matches instead of the regular stage music.... which is pretty dope. i don't know if it's the same online though.
^word, i checked that earlier... i was about to ditch gief with all the nerfs he got, but that gave me some hope to stick with him
that's going to change the way a lot of matches go with zangief.

we'll see though. if he whiffs that it leaves him open for a TON of time. it's still pretty risky.
I just looked at that with Gief...

That's BS man just like the Ryu Shyroken...

If you jump you're going to get caught automatically...

Look at the crap with Gief even if someone pulls off a Uppercut or a Power Uppercut Gief Ultra cancels it...

A lot of desperation dudes is going to pull that move and take quick win...
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

I just looked at that with Gief...
That's BS man just like the Ryu Shyroken...
If you jump you're going to get caught automatically...
Look at the crap with Gief even if someone pulls off a Uppercut or a Power Uppercut Gief Ultra cancels it...
A lot of desperation dudes is going to pull that move and take quick win...
that ryu anti air lp SRK >> ultra isn't going to work anymore...they changed the ground to air trade system in this game so he can't do that anymore...goes for sagat trading tiger uppercuts into his ultra too.

and giefs ultra 2 doesnt do nearly as much damage as his ultra one don't trip
and you gotta play the game smart...if you see gief loaded up with ultra cant jump into him...dont do wake up SRK's....all his ultra 2 is going to do is force people to play smarter...instead of mindlessly running away for 2 rounds...'s some character changes from the developer blog.

Let's move on to the individual adjustments. Please tell us about Ryu.

We spoke about this in a previous blog, but we felt that as he was in the previous title, he had some areas that were too strong, so we're working on that. But we don't want all the work that players put in the previous title to go to waste.

-- Generally, what type of adjustments were made?

First off, let's look at the Shoryuken. If I start with the easiest to understand - in the previous title, if Ryu did Shoryuken to an opponent, they'd take damage and go flying, but sometimes Ryu would also take damage on the ground - a trade hit. But he would recover from the trade hit faster than the flying opponent, and he'd be able to do a follow up move for additional damage. This time, Ryu also takes airborne damage*, so its more difficult for him to follow up with an attack.
(*This is a direct translation, but I think he just means that hit stun is longer?)

[Image: Shoryuken Hitting Its Mark]

For many players in SFIV, they felt unhappy that even though they traded with the Shoryuken, this gave Ryu an advantage. So then players would feel that the victory was decided by Ryu being a good character, and that took away from the work that the Ryu player put into using him. We wanted to do something about that.

Also, another fairly big thing was that while Ryu had one Hadouken on the screen, he could cancel into his Shinkuu Hadouken super. So when Ryu had full super, he could just throw Hadoukens. If the Hadouken hit or the opponent jumped to avoid it, or even if they canceled with a fireball of their own, Ryu could follow up with the Shinkuu Hadouken, and it was pretty much guaranteed. So we've made it so that this "Ryu super combo bonus game" is not possible in SSFIV. I believe this will relieve some of the stress people had in fighting Ryu.

-- Does this mean that Ryu was gotten weaker?

Under the same conditions, just looking at it from one side, since we have taken away some advantages then you can say that Ryu has gotten weaker in some areas. But, as usual, we are using Ryu as the centerpiece of the character balance adjustments, so if you look at the game as a whole, his position hasn't changed.

-- What point would you recommend about his new ultra, Metsu Shoryuken?

First, the production is pretty cool. It's just a nice, refreshing feeling when you hit it. Of course, Metsu Shoryuken is a technique that requires a high level of skill to pull off. It's good for showing that you are a top-class Ryu player. So I'd like for advanced players to definitely use Metsu Shoryuken. Since its difficult to hit, it takes off a lot of damage - so I recommend it for players who want to use a powerful Ryu.

-- Now tell us about the adjustments for Ken.

If we compare Ken and Ryu from SFIV, what stands out the most is that I feel Ken has a lot of potential, and can do a lot of tricky/sneaky moves, such as the kara throw and other techniques. So we wanted to keep that aspect of Ken in place while making our general adjustments. Also, Ken has a lot of kick moves for rush down, so we've made his heel kick stronger. Using this move, following into other stuff is more fun. We also adjusted Ken's Shoryuken. Since a while ago, Ryu's staple has been the Hadouken, and Ken the Shoryuken. But in the previous title, Ryu's Shoryuken was fairly safe and strong, so people often said to us that Ken wasn't the Shoryuken character he was supposed to be in IV. So this time, we've reduced the interval on the jab version, making it easier to use. Now its easier to do combos with Shoryuken as the main, and its a very versatile move.

[Image: Shiden Heel Kick]

-- What point would you recommend about his new ultra, Guren Senpyuu Kyaku?

Guren Senpyuu Kyaku is great at a range where your opponent's attacks are just out of reach, in order to control ground space. It's got great rush power, and is also good for chip damage. So I recommend it for the big finish.

-- Now tell us about the adjustments for Chun-Li.

This time, we're working on Chun-Li's offense. The concept for Chun this time around was clear and precise footsies using normal moves. So we've done a full-scale review of her normals. For example, her far standing strong punch - in SFIV its strong it its own right, but we've made it even better.

We've also improved her DF+LK flip kick. In SFIV sometimes it was hard to hit opponents with this, so we made it a bit easier to use.

If you hit an airborne opponent with this, you get counter hit status and damage, so as anti-air you can follow up with something else.

-- Her new ultra, Kikousho, is a move a lot of people wanted to have back.

Yes. In IV Chun is a charge character, and for charge moves you have to calculate when you want to use them or else you don't get them to come out. So they're a little difficult in that way. But this time, her Kikousho is not a charge move, so compared to other moves the timing for using it is a lot easier I think. It's a good all-purpose, easily-comboable move. The trade off is that it doesn't do much damage. So for those who want to land one big heavy blow, they can stick with Housenka, but for those who want a stable tool to help improve their footsies they can choose Kikousho, and this widens out her playstyle.

-- Tell us about E.Honda's adjustments.

We've improved the functionality on his biggest lifeline, the Headbutt. As his normals do plenty of damage, Honda wasn't exactly a weak character, but the feeling was that he had trouble dealing with fireball characters, so we've tried to improve that area.

Generally speaking, in IV the Headbutt didn't go over Sagat's low Tiger Shots, but now they do. And for his Ultra, he gets a combination of his Oicho, called the Shin Orochi Kudaki*. It's a throw with a lot of power, so when he gets in close his options will increase.
(*I may be totally wrong about the name.)

[Image: Headbutt]

When using Honda before, perhaps he didn't have a good move for finishing the opponent off, but with his new ultra now he does. For those who like to press forward, this will make the fight easier.

It's not a charge move, so its like giving him a new special move he can use in a moment's notice that has a bunch of power behind it. I think this is the biggest point for him.

-- Tell us about the adjustments for Blanka.

The centerpiece of Blanka's adjustments would have to be his new ultra, Shout of Earth. His original ultra, Lightning Canon Ball, was good for chip damage as well as charging forward, so it was plenty useful. But Shout of Earth can work as both ground-to-ground and anti air. So you get two for the price of one. Blanka is a character who worries about what to do when he is out of attack range, but this move helps with that. If you get to a distance where both characters are out of attack range and you use it unexpectedly, I think it will be quite useful.

[Image: Shout of Earth]

Outside of his ultra, we've also reduced the recover on surprise forward. So now it's good for surprise attacks, closing the distance from mid-range and going for a throw, or using a normal for a counter hit.

Also, we've shortened the distance for jab Blanka Ball. The distances for strong and fierce have also been adjusted, so you can better use them to fake out opponents.

-- Finally, tell us about the adjustments for Zangief.

I believe that Zangief was recognized as one of the stronger characters in the last game, and we developers also felt the same. He was especially strong on wakeup pressure. One of his best tools for that was the Lariat. We spoke about this on a previous blog, but we have nerfed the Lariat a little bit. Generally speaking, we made it so that from the second hit, if the opponent is crouch blocking it will whiff. So its no longer the get out of jail free card up close that it used to be.

Also, in IV since the Backfist was fairly functional, he felt more like a heavy-hitting character than a grappler. So we've kept the power of his throws but tuned down his attacks, so this is more like the real Zangief. I feel like the Gief everyone wanted is finally here.

[Image: Backfist]

Also, in IV, Gief's jumps were good enough for him to be called "Flying Zangief", so we've looked at the functionality there. But, everything else you can still use as-is, and for many of you using his Short Jump, etc, we haven't changed that at all. Gief's basic concept is a strong ground-based fighter, so I believe we've gotten closer to that image now.

-- It sounds like his opportunities to win against characters has decreased.

Yes. I feel that Gief is a lot closer to his original image now, but in general if you look at it a certain way, he's the character we had to adjust to hold back the most. But that's not to say that he's weaker - his new ultra, the Siberian Blizzard is pretty interesting. Its an air-to-air throw that won't grab grounded opponents, but if you input the command skillfully in the air, you can jumpers of course, air-bound moves like the Shoryuken, or even use it against people trying to run away. Like an elevated Hurricane Kick. So like in IV when Ryu would run away from Gief with an air Hurricane, if you use this move well you can snatch him out of the air with ultra. A 720 motion in the air is hard, but if you get it down it has a nice wide range of uses.
That footage of Gief's 2nd Ultra looks HELLA broken... *!%. It's not safe to jump into Gief anyway since his lariat has a god-like hitbox and can hit u out the air... imagine if ure in the corner and he has a full ultra meter, u basically can't do *+$! to get out of the corner.....
^^the ultra seems like it's more beneficial to gief's meta game than it is to his physical game. just the threat of him having the ultra 2 stocked is
.... i definitely don't see it being broken by any means though...landing it is still guess work, and if whiffed it leaves you grounded right next to the opponent completely vulnerable for a LONG time....

anyway...super SF 4 TV spot with NT fav JUST BLAZE... would be dope if they just had him score the game
from today's developers blog, more changes to SF4 characters - guile, vega, balrog, sagat, bison and dhalsim.

according to the developers...
- guile got a nice buff(improvement) from sf4. his normals are said to be improved and his charge times have been changed meaning he can throw sonic boom's faster.

- dhalsim is the only character not to get his damage output nerfed(decreased). his throws were improved for close range.

- balrog/boxer's new ultra deals out a TON of stun(dizzying power). chances are you will dizzy your opponent soon after landing it. for big health damage, use ultra 1.

- vega/claw got buffed big time. he has more over head(attacks that will hit a person blocking low) attacks. his mask and claw take more damage before falling off. added invincibility frames to his special moves. his old ultra 1 now hits on the way up. inputs have been adjusted so he doesn't throw his mask/claw off as easily by mistake anymore.

- sagat's damage output & health was reduced. timeframe to land his combos has been shortened. the new move "angry charge" uses 1 EX meter and increases the damage his next tiger uppercut will do.  overall the nerfs will allow other characters to close the gap on him. sagat =/= win button.

- bison/dictator's psycho crusher has been buffed. it now leaves a trail behind it that inflicts chip damage(damage done to a blocking opponent). said to be a good wakeup tool(getting up from being knocked down). EX psycho crusher now goes through fireballs. new ultra is a command move(not a charge move) and will be useful to murk fireball spammers.

Let's get right into it - please tell us about the adjustments for Guile.


Since SFII, Guile has been a character who can't do his special moves instantly, but with plenty of good normal moves. Since we wanted to work on that area in S4, he's the only character in all of the game who we've made adjustments to his charging time, and we've also made some big revisions to his normal moves.

We also worked on his offensive priority quite a bit.

We've also changed the functionality of the Guile High Kick (DF+RH), which many people didn't quite know how to use. In IV we intended for it to be an anti-air for when Guile doesn't have charge, but in S4 we've added combo functionality to it.

-- Combo functionality...which means we can juggle after it?


Yes. You can juggle after it with EX Flash Kick, etc, and you can use it in combos. We've also adjusted his Spinning Back Knuckle (backfist) so that you can combo it after a Sonic Boom. We've also made it so that his Reverse Spin Kick (Upside-down kick) makes low attacks miss more easily, and tried to make him more like his old self.

We've also made some corrections to his combos.

Yes, we have. The Guile players who gave it their all with his combos, they didn't really get enough reward for their efforts. That was the biggest thing about his combos, so in S4 we took that into consideration and we're adjusting the amount of damage his link combos do.

-- What about adjustments to his special moves?


Guile is all about the Sonic Boom. But in IV, when getting into a fireball fight he ended up on the losing side. That's not really Guile. Even though SB is a charge move, he's supposed to be the one to win in a fireball fight. So in order to get closer to that idea, we've made some slight adjustments to the charge time for Sonic Boom to make it stronger.

-- What type of move is his new ultra, Sonic Hurricane?


As the Sonic Hurricane is a move based on being grounded, you can use it to pressure your opponent, do chip damage, or just keep your opponent in front of you and stop them from moving. We've also made it so that it can be used in combos. So then because of that, it does a little less damage than his Somersault Explosion Ultra I. So if you want to take off big chunks of damage, use Somersault Explosion, but if you want an all-purpose attack plan with lots of variations, then you can use Sonic Hurricane.

-- Sounds like Guile's been buffed up.


Yeah, I think he's risen up to the middle class at least. We've also given him a fun new move, so if you can use it when you have a chance I'd be happy about that.

Ah, this was a bit of a secret topic during Hakan's reveal trailer. Guile's sunglasses.

If you enter in the command, Guile puts on the sunglasses. Do it again, and he takes them off. ...And that's really all it does (laughs). We also wanted to make the sunglasses cancellable.

Jump RH -> S.FP -> Sunglasses! (laughs) But this would just aggravate the player on the receiving end, so we gave up on it.

-- Next, tell us about Dhalsim's adjustments.


The character who won the first national tournament. Dhalsim is a character where the players have found a lot of really interesting ways to use him, which surprised even us. But his overall damage output was kind of low, so the reward for reading your opponent wasn't that great. So if the player wasn't exceptionally skilled, there were many rough spots in using him. Although there was the thought that if we made him stronger in S4, those who were already good with him would just be even better, but as we wanted a wide range of Dhalsim players to be able to enjoy him more, we decided to give him some improvements.

Isn't he the only character who hasn't has some kind of numerical reduction?

Yeah, I think we talked about this the last time, but in order to increase the number of turns in a fight* we've reduced the damage output in general for all characters - all except for Dhalsim. His damage was low to begin with. Also, we've slightly increased his counter attacks. Since Dhalsim is a character who has difficult normals and trouble with footsies in close, we've improved his throw, and made his Drills better, which many people wanted. So for the Dhalsim players who felt like they lost once their opponent got in close, in S4 I think that will be a better fight for you.
(*Az: In the last blog they mentioned making the game so that if you read your opponent twice, you would probably win - they were adjusting S4 to increase this number, so "turns" probably refers to this.)

-- Many people wanted the his Yoga Fire to be sped up...


We haven't changed the speed of Yoga Fire, but EX Yoga Fire now goes full-screen, so you can pressure people from areas you couldn't before now.

-- What type of move is his new ultra, Yoga Shangri-la?


Yoga Shangri-la is a move that can be used during Dhalsim's unique jump arc. As its for grounded use, it won't throw an airborne opponent, but its really good when used with his teleport. To put it simply, Yoga Castastrophe is a move for starting an attack string, while Yoga Shangri-la is a move for ending one.

The hitbox for Yoga Shangri-la is pretty big, and sort of similar to the headbutt Drill. So its difficult for an opponent to tell in an instant whether Yoga Shangri-la or Headbutt Drill is coming, and that adds some variation to his attack patterns.

-- Now then, please tell us about Balrog's adjustments.

As Balrog was already a pretty strong character, I think he was pretty high up in the tiers in IV. So we wanted to keep his current playstyle intact, but make his freedom of use a bit better. Probably the biggest adjustment is that we've re-examined his input priority. In IV, his Dash Uppercut and Grand Dash Uppercut sometimes wouldn't come out, or would come out on their own, so we've adjusted this.

-- How about his new ultra, Dirty Bull?

Dirty Bull is a throw type move that deals out massive stun. Balrog is a character who can make his opponents clam up and then deal out chip damage, or if he breaks their guard he can deal out big rushing damage. But if he has his opponent guarding, for the most part he can really only do chip damage. So now he has the Dirty Bull, which is another way of breaking his opponent's defenses. As was said before, the move does massive stun - so if you hit it after getting in a good rush attack, there's a high likelihood that your opponent will be stunned. For those looking to dish out big damage, you'll want to stick to Violent Buffalo, but if you want more ways to pressure your opponent, then I think Dirty Bull is a nice choice.

-- Now please tell us about Vega's adjustments.


We've made Vega stronger! Probably the biggest thing is that we've given him more overheads. His Piece of Mercury (DF+MK) was a high attack, but in S4 it now hits overhead. Many people said it was hard to get knockdowns with Vega in IV, but with this attack hitting overhead now this should increase his attacking options. Also, we mentioned this before, but we've made his claw and mask more durable, so they don't come off so easily now. We're also adjusting his vitality even when he has the mask and claw, so I believe players will be able to use a stronger playstyle. We've also increased the invulnerability periods on all his special moves and made them stronger.

To give some specific details, we've made his Scarlet Terror unthrowable, so it can be better used against Zangief's Screw Pile Driver. Also, his MP Rolling Crystal Flash will cause guard stun until the very end, so he doesn't have to worry about it being interrupted by an attack with invincibility, and can use it safely as a chip-damage move.

-- How about his ultras?

First, we've vastly improved his Bloody High Claw. Now it hits on the way up, the same as his EX Flying Barcelona Attack, so there are more situations in which he can land it. Also, Splendid Claw reduces his hitbox and moves along very quickly. Bloody High Claw does good damage and is good for anti-air, while Splendid Claw is for grounded opponents. I think Splendid Claw is easier to use than Bloody High Claw, so that adds to his strength.

-- Many people feel that Vega isn't quite as agile as compared to his SFII version...?


Really though, in IV Vega is one of the most agile characters in the game. It's just that he's tall and his legs have a particular movement to them, so if you look at the image it doesn't look like he's moving much at all.

-- There were also a lot of opinions that his claw throw-away move came out too easily.


We have taken another look at the inputs for that. Except for those who do a lot of inputs from crouching position, it shouldn't really come out on its own anymore.

-- Well then, now tell us about the adjustments to Sagat.


Sagat was well known as a strong character, and we on the dev team felt so as well. This time around, we wanted to retain what he could do, so we went with reducing his damage output. Using the moves and combos he often utilized as a reference, we adjusted his attack power, and we also took another look at his jumping strong punch, which people felt was lopsidedly strong. Of course, you have to read your opponents movements in order to be able to hit them, but as his combo window for attacks was on the long side, we adjusted that as well.

Basically, the situations where he can just throw something out and it will be okay - those have been reduced.

Yes. If you look at him as a whole, the nerfed parts sort of stand out. But we thought that just nerfing him was kind of sad, so we've given him a new move. The "Angry Charge" uses up meter, but affects the functionality of his Tiger Uppercut. If Sagat hits Tiger Uppercut during Angry Charge, it does more damage, and it increases your chances of beating your opponent with an air combo. So this is something you should try to do when you have meter.

-- Sagat was called the strongest in IV - what do you think his position is in S4?


Now, I feel like he's either 1st or 2nd. Its not that his position has changed, but our adjustments have allowed for the other characters to close the gap on him. So its not that we've just made him weaker, but we've made the other characters more competitive with him.

So for the players who used Sagat before, instead of thinking that they won based on the character's ability, now they can think that Sagat is strong because the player is strong.

-- What type of move is his new ultra, Tiger Cannon?

In contrast to Tiger Destruction, which moves him forward, Tiger Cannon is a powered-up version of his Tiger Shot. As Ryu is his rival in the story, we also figured that Tiger Cannon would be a nice accompaniment to Ryu's Metsu Hadouken. It doesn't have the destructive power of Tiger Destruction, but its a projectile move that can be used regardless of where the opponent is on screen, and I think it will be nice for those who want to improve their footsie game.

-- And finally, tell us about the improvements to Bison.


I think there are a lot of skilled Bison players in IV, but Bison didn't really have a good go-to move. Bison's signature move is his Psycho Crusher, so for our adjustments we took another look at his usage of it.

-- The usage of Psycho Crusher?


We've increased the functionality of Psycho Crusher to bring back the "Psycho Tail" image from back in the day. In the past, it would do chip damage even after he passed through the opponent, and trip people up, so we've made adjustments to bring that back. It was often said that the Psycho Crusher was useless in IV, but now you can use it on wakeup to give Bison an advantage.

-- Are there any other areas that have been changed?


We've improved the EX Psycho Crusher's ability to negate fireballs. So now he can nullify a fireball and keep on with his attack.

-- What kind of move is his new ultra, Psycho Punisher?


His ultra in IV, Nightmare Booster, was mainly meant for in-combos, and has high damage output. So his new ultra, Psycho Punisher, is a move to help Bison against projectile characters. He flies in a parabola, so in those times when projectile characters are zoning him out now he can use this ultra. Also, the biggest feature of Psycho Punisher is that its a command move. So you can use it without having to store a charge.

-- Do you have a message to everyone looking forward to playing the game?

Of the characters we talked about this time around, I believe people were the most concerned about Vega and Sagat. We've improved Vega so that he finally feels like one of the strong four bosses (Four Kings ie the WW bosses), so to all the people who have stuck with Vega I really want to say thank you. As for Sagat, as Ryu's rival I don't think his position as changed, but he has a lot more openings than he did in IV. So for people fighting against Sagat, be sure to take advantage of those openings and take the fight to him, and I think it'll be a good match. For Sagat players, you may feel that he's really been nerfed, but he's got a new move, and his position as The King (or, the emperor) hasn't really changed, so please enjoy him in this game as well.
new combo videos..... makoto's combos takes more than 50% of your life bar.  glad to see sagat's overall damage is lowered.
Originally Posted by daaznfella

officially two more weeks, get hyped!!!
I can't wait anymore, it's killing me haha.

Where's everyone getting their copy from?

Hey Jae,

I was wondering if you knew of any mom/pop stores in SF selling the game early? I preordered at game stop ($5 only) so I wouldn't mind trying to get this game a few days earlier.
Hit me with a PM if you got any info.

Originally Posted by syxth element

Where's everyone getting their copy from?
Hey Jae,
I was wondering if you knew of any mom/pop stores in SF selling the game early? I preordered at game stop ($5 only) so I wouldn't mind trying to get this game a few days earlier.
Hit me with a PM if you got any info.
man i wish i knew of some mom/pop stores. i know a lot of east coasters are going to be on this game hella early.

i preordered mine at gamestop too. but then i read that best buy and amazon are giving out free costume packs with preorders, while gamestop is giving out finger puppets
. so eventually i'm going to cancel my preorder at GS.

also cowboy ken.
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