ggs Rom, your Bison is really good :smokin

Troy still sucks, nothing changed
So I just won a ranked match and it took me from 682pp to like 400, and I was using gouken, who has 1100 bp, but now im back to 1017...

Where do I get that resolved?
^ Also from lurking avengers thread, you must be using spidaman in your mahvel team, lamekilla? :O


I have 4 teams I play. My favorite is spiderman (symbiote suit) iron man (unpainted armor) and hulk (grey hulk/joe fix it)

My spiderman is decent but my iron man :smokin :lol
Anybody peep the canada cup finals... pepeday and poongko was super intense
That GF was nutss! ANGRY Poongko took off his shirt and powered up all buncha levels. But it still wasn't enough to best our true hero pepeday!


Very related
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Man I thought I had the key against furte with sagat/bison but I've never seen one that good ever
You need a Rufus to stop fuerte. All the new challengers for 4 are all overpowered and annoying to fight, especially Juri. But anyone with a decent zone game and a character with dive kick can stop a really good el fuerte
xbl you say?
Yeah, add me GT: samtruong200

Maybe we can play tonight or tomorrow night, I'm in Cali btw
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