Student Beaten To Death

Chicago reminds me so much of New Orleans.

I hope nothing like a Katrina has to happen for these kids to wake up and start cherishing life.
so he was loved and a good kid probably had friends, and no one could give this lil @@$#% a ride?

dam RIP
This is the stupiest $%$%.

Killed over nothing...

It's sad they don't know any better.
I just saw this on CNN and was tearing up. This %!@+ has to stop and we as members of the human community need to bepart of that change in our local communities. My soul is hurting right now... I was just at a wake last Sunday for Corey Harris, a 17-year-old student that Iworked with... now this.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Jeez. I can't even look at the still on the video.
Just looking at that piece of !%#$ holding the board makes me stabby.
While there is absolutely no excuse for their actions, my heart hurts for those dudes as well man. It's clear that they're probably missing strong parenting and mentoring in their lives that would prevent them from making these types of decisions...We need to step up and take more responsibility for all of our children; otherwise we have no right to point the fingerat these young people. Just to be clear they definitely should face the legal consequences of their actions but my point is how we can prevent these thingsfrom continuing to happen.

My prayers go out to his friends and family. Rest In Peace
The kids involved in the beating down that student will pay for it in the end for what they did.
Originally Posted by red mpls

I just saw this on CNN and was tearing up. This %!@+ has to stop and we as members of the human community need to be part of that change in our local communities. My soul is hurting right now... I was just at a wake last Sunday for Corey Harris, a 17-year-old student that I worked with... now this.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Jeez. I can't even look at the still on the video.
Just looking at that piece of !%#$ holding the board makes me stabby.
While there is absolutely no excuse for their actions, my heart hurts for those dudes as well man. It's clear that they're probably missing strong parenting and mentoring in their lives that would prevent them from making these types of decisions... We need to step up and take more responsibility for all of our children; otherwise we have no right to point the finger at these young people. Just to be clear they definitely should face the legal consequences of their actions but my point is how we can prevent these things from continuing to happen.

My prayers go out to his friends and family. Rest In Peace
You're right...and that's true. I just can't help being angered over it. That boy could have easily been someone I knew and loved. Godforbid anything like that ever happen to my family, as selfish a request that is...I just don't know what I'd do. This is our city. This is happeningtoo much. These kids can't even !++$$$$ go to SCHOOL anymore. And then to see that +%@% so graphic, just listening to those kids shouting...knowing thatthey're cheering on someone that's beating the life out of another person. Words can't even describe it.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

No offense but i dont believe that story, it sounds to sugar coated to me. I grew up around #+*% like this so i know something was covered up or not being told

R.I.P. though

i hope all them little !%!!*# get caught

Not to mention there's a pretty conflicting story on CNN's page. My heart goes out to the victims family. Chicago is maney, that gang $+!% is sad. Readthat last school year, something like 40+ kids enrolled in public school were killed. Kids 12-17, $+!% is unbelievable.
The video isn't working and I don't like watching stuff like this anyways, but can someone describe it for me?
Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk


Why were they fighting in the first place?
HS rivalry brewing since August. I found it weird but then I just figured they were all in Summer school.
at 0:35 one of the kids hits his friend with the stick

I figured that
I'm still impressed with dude who tookthe hit from the stick just so he could get the guy right after. Got hit right in the face with it
!@+! like this pisses me off. Its like the lil bamas didn't even care that they was killin dude. Damn shame.
And I thought the youngin's in mytown were getting out of hand.

smh, only place i've seen a murder and had a gun pressed against my eyeball.

if i didn't have family, i'd be going no where near chicago right now, especially as a young black male.
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