Student died after eating 5 day old pasta

This thread really got me shook right now. I just threw out my lunch because of it. I was legit eating white rice that was about 5 days old, and was kept in a rice cooker at room temp. Before eating, I heated it up for 3 minutes in a glass container, and it was slightly mushy after. I don't know if that's because of the steam from heating it up, or something else. I'm from a 3rd world country, so I do pride myself on having an iron stomach, but I really am nervous now...:frown:

This thread really got me shook right now. I just threw out my lunch because of it. I was legit eating white rice that was about 5 days old, and was kept in a rice cooker at room temp. Before eating, I heated it up for 3 minutes in a glass container, and it was slightly mushy after. I don't know if that's because of the steam from heating it up, or something else. I'm from a 3rd world country, so I do pride myself on having an iron stomach, but I really am nervous now...:frown:


Da bascilus cereus b
This thread really got me shook right now. I just threw out my lunch because of it. I was legit eating white rice that was about 5 days old, and was kept in a rice cooker at room temp. Before eating, I heated it up for 3 minutes in a glass container, and it was slightly mushy after. I don't know if that's because of the steam from heating it up, or something else. I'm from a 3rd world country, so I do pride myself on having an iron stomach, but I really am nervous now...:frown:

Hold on, you kept rice room temperature for 5 days?

I come in peace but why don't you put it in the fridge?
This thread really got me shook right now. I just threw out my lunch because of it. I was legit eating white rice that was about 5 days old, and was kept in a rice cooker at room temp. Before eating, I heated it up for 3 minutes in a glass container, and it was slightly mushy after. I don't know if that's because of the steam from heating it up, or something else. I'm from a 3rd world country, so I do pride myself on having an iron stomach, but I really am nervous now...:frown:


Rice is good for about 2 or maybe 3 days max even when refrigerated. If you're eating plain rice, why not cook it every 2-3 days? There's little to no preparation needed for it.
More than 36,000 pounds of Tyson chicken nuggets recalled because they may contain rubber

Tyson Foods Inc. has recalled approximately 36,420 pounds of chicken nuggets because the products may be contaminated with rubber, the United States Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday.

The recall comes one day after Perdue Foods recalled more than 16,000 pounds of refrigerated chicken nuggets because of an undeclared allergen and an incorrect UPC code.
Botulism. I’ll still eat them but if you see any funky black stuff around the lid throw it out.
Botulism is really rare, but holy **** does it scare the crap out of me.

Botulism is another reason people need to store food correctly. Don't be leaving **** in the fridge forever.
Speaking of botulism, I will probably never get around to canning and preserving. Improperly handling the jars can be deadly.
This thread really got me shook right now. I just threw out my lunch because of it. I was legit eating white rice that was about 5 days old, and was kept in a rice cooker at room temp. Before eating, I heated it up for 3 minutes in a glass container, and it was slightly mushy after. I don't know if that's because of the steam from heating it up, or something else. I'm from a 3rd world country, so I do pride myself on having an iron stomach, but I really am nervous now...:frown:


Oh u a wild boy for dat. U asking for it
:lol: @ the addict homeless having iron stomach. I do be noticing the poop on the streets in SF are pretty solid looking stools. :lol: Them ****s be big as hell and solid 1 pieces.
This thread Is a reality check, real talk.

I live dolo and always thought of having an iron stomach, being able to withstand stomaches and whatnot. I tend to leave food out overnight and still it the next day.

I’m def gonna be more cautious about how my food is stored and bacteria.
My fam is Asian and just leave rice in there 2-3 days. Been doing that for over a decade and no one died yet. Except for when it’s summer, it spoils real quick.
Rice is good for about 2 or maybe 3 days max even when refrigerated. If you're eating plain rice, why not cook it every 2-3 days? There's little to no preparation needed for it.

I cook rice in a pot and leave it with a lid for up to 3-4 days after, no refrigerating, nothing. I love cold rice, once it gets mushy on the sides then I know ifs a wrap. Never had a problem.
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