Student died after eating 5 day old pasta

More than 36,000 pounds of Tyson chicken nuggets recalled because they may contain rubber

Tyson Foods Inc. has recalled approximately 36,420 pounds of chicken nuggets because the products may be contaminated with rubber, the United States Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday.

The recall comes one day after Perdue Foods recalled more than 16,000 pounds of refrigerated chicken nuggets because of an undeclared allergen and an incorrect UPC code.

Damn I was just standing in the grocery store Monday night thinking if I wanted to cop Tyson or Foster Farms nuggets lol. Glad I grabbed the FF joints.

:lol: @ the addict homeless having iron stomach. I do be noticing the poop on the streets in SF are pretty solid looking stools. :lol: Them ****s be big as hell and solid 1 pieces.

That heroin got them hella constipated so once they’re finally able to go they unleash some big ol jokers.
More than 36,000 pounds of Tyson chicken nuggets recalled because they may contain rubber

Tyson Foods Inc. has recalled approximately 36,420 pounds of chicken nuggets because the products may be contaminated with rubber, the United States Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday.

The recall comes one day after Perdue Foods recalled more than 16,000 pounds of refrigerated chicken nuggets because of an undeclared allergen and an incorrect UPC code.

Myth: “If I microwave food, the microwaves kill the bacteria, so the food is safe.”

Fact: Microwaves don’t kill bacteria – microwaves generate heat that kills bacteria in foods. Microwave ovens are great time-savers and will kill bacteria when foods are heated to a safe internal temperature. But microwaved foods can cook unevenly because of irregular shapes or variations in thickness. Even turntable-equipped microwave ovens can cook unevenly and leave cold spots where harmful bacteria can survive.

so basically put it in for a long time.
i microwaved an egg for 2 minutes today and it splattered everywhere... the bacteria was strong on this one
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Sort of - food has to be heated to a particular temperature to kill bacteria and then stay there for a while - that’s harder when you heat something quickly, and if the food wasn’t cooled and stored appropriately then the bacterial load will be higher to start with.

The speed of cooking makes it hard for the entire plate to get up to temperature - that’s why a lot of things need stirred part way through the time.
i aint gon lie leave left overs out for a few days and eat it still didnt think it was that bad
I eat food made that day or not at all. I cook everyday though so it’s not hard at all
man i feel bougee about it but this is what im on lately. 8 hrs from time of prep or imma jus go somewhere n get somethin else. special exception made for thanksgiving leftovers
i just heated up 1 week old rice, fried chicken, and beef, for 7 minutes on high heat

stopping in intervals of 1 minute and 2 minutes to stir it around n puttin it back in the microwave

tastes delicious tbh

when do i know if im dying and gotta go to the hospital though?
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