Student fighting a teacher.

Students have all the power. **** working at a high school. That little dude goes back to class in a couple days like nothing happened and that teacher now needs to find a new career

“On my momma” lol
i WISH my son would act like this at school
he knows better
even if ur teacher in the wrong
which they can be
or teachers can be vindictive
they only human
i understand and i know
ive always told my kids
to just listen to the teacher says
then when u get home tell me
and ill take care of it
ids should always respect there elders
thats what lost nowadays
I had the type of Dad that would request an assembly and beat me in front the whole school.

He picked me up from school in middle of the day, took me to my sisters school and wooped her in front of her class then looked at me and pointed at me with the belt. Didn't say nothing. Just scary silence. Lol I never tested him.
i WISH my son would act like this at school
he knows better
even if ur teacher in the wrong
which they can be
or teachers can be vindictive
they only human
i understand and i know
ive always told my kids
to just listen to the teacher says
then when u get home tell me
and ill take care of it
ids should always respect there elders
thats what lost nowadays
All the BS I’ve done in school and even I had the sense that “hey let me fight the teacher” was never a thought. Yeah the teacher can be in the wrong, honestly I don’t know the story to this last vid, but they’re in a complete and utter disadvantage. You tell a kid to be quiet, that little dude tells moms you’re threatening him and, boom, teacher is *** out. **** all that. Teacher are at the complete mercy of these kids.

I could not imagine what school is like now with troll life being a real think with social media. Thousands of cameras on at all times looking for likes baiting this type of BS. Hell naw
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I had the type of Dad that would request an assembly and beat me in front the whole school.

He picked me up from school in middle of the day, took me to my sisters school and wooped her in front of her class then looked at me and pointed at me with the belt. Didn't say nothing. Just scary silence. Lol I never tested him.
bet u respected the hell out of ur dad too i bet
forget that fear
u also knew if anything was wrong
u could tell ur dad and he would handle it
am i right
All the BS I’ve done in school and even I said the sense that “hey let me fight the teacher” was never a thought. Yeah the teacher can be in the wrong, honestly I don’t know the story to this last vid, but they’re in a complete and utter disadvantage. You tell a kid to be quiet, that little dude tells moms you’re threatening him and, boom, teacher is *** out. **** all that. Teacher are at the complete mercy of these kids.

I could not imagine what school is like now with troll life being a real think with social media. Thousands of cameras on at all times looking for likes baiting this type of BS. Hell naw
not only that though
like where was all the people in vests
while the kid was all in his face
dude lost his cool
i understand why he went off on the kid
but man he shoulda called security
sent someone to get security or principle
or something
i hate he was put in that position
and yeah i know he the adult and coulda handled it better
but we only human
feel bad for the teacher
and i hope the kid gets a whooping at home
cause he completely was outta line
getting in an adults face like that
not only that though
like where was all the people in vests
while the kid was all in his face
dude lost his cool
i understand why he went off on the kid
but man he shoulda called security
sent someone to get security or principle
or something
i hate he was put in that position
and yeah i know he the adult and coulda handled it better
but we only human
feel bad for the teacher
and i hope the kid gets a whooping at home
cause he completely was outta line
getting in an adults face like that
Schools aren’t set up to protect the adults, just the kids. For sure with how he handled it. I would of just left. Here’s the thing, that kid will be there again tomorrow, the day after that, etc. what do you do? They WONT kick the kid out for you. If anything they’ll give you the option to leave and work somewhere else.

It’s a lose lose LOSE situation :lol:
bet u respected the hell out of ur dad too i bet
forget that fear
u also knew if anything was wrong
u could tell ur dad and he would handle it
am i right

I respected the hell out of him but at the same time there was a certain things I wouldn't tell him for fear of how he would react.
Oh and if I had to bet on it I’d say that kids parents are looking for a payday. Teacher went physical first
Schools aren’t set up to protect the adults, just the kids. For sure with how he handled it. I would of just left. Here’s the thing, that kid will be there again tomorrow, the day after that, etc. what do you do? They WONT kick the kid out for you. If anything they’ll give you the option to leave and work somewhere else.

It’s a lose lose LOSE situation :lol:
Thats why parents need to be involved
with their schools education more
talk to there teachers more than just on parent teacher conference week
or back to school night
i stay in communication with my kids teachers
i tell them to call or email me ANYTIME
for ANYTHING whether things they need to work on academically
or any behavioral problems
thankfully its never for any of those
my kids are pretty well behaved
and do well academically
of course the occasional talking in class but imo
thats normal
they've never been disrespectful towards teachers staff or kids
but parents need to be more proactive and not use school
as a babysitter
and actually have convos and talk to their kids teachers
Thats why parents need to be involved
with their schools education more
talk to there teachers more than just on parent teacher conference week
or back to school night
i stay in communication with my kids teachers
i tell them to call or email me ANYTIME
for ANYTHING whether things they need to work on academically
or any behavioral problems
thankfully its never for any of those
my kids are pretty well behaved
and do well academically
of course the occasional talking in class but imo
thats normal
they've never been disrespectful towards teachers staff or kids
but parents need to be more proactive and not use school
as a babysitter
and actually have convos and talk to their kids teachers
This is NOT the norm my dude. Idiot kids have idiot parents too. I’ve yet to be proven wrong about that
Oh and if I had to bet on it I’d say that kids parents are looking for a payday. Teacher went physical first
Kids like that end up in prison or testing the wrong person. Never known anyone to really straighten up past 12-13 yrs old. Once an *** always one. Parents tend to reinforce that.

Around my way, I heard about a sub who got fired because this female student put her phone on her lap after the teacher said no phones out. She antagonized the whole thing and sub got fired because she accused him of sexual assault/groping. Lots of low-key stuff doesn't make the news. But I can see how teachers can snap. She put the phone where she knew teacher technically shouldn't be close to. Straight up bait and accuse situation. And this was a middle schooler.
like what???
just curious

Like if someone was trying to bully me I'd try my best to handle it myself before it got escalated to him because I was afraid he'd really do damage. Or like one time this older gay dude was tryna get at me (iIwas like 13 at the time) at this even we all went to. I didn't tell my dad because I didn't want him to kill dude and end up in jail. I'm still kinda torn about how similar it sounds to some of the me too stories I've heard and when I do have kids in the future how will I handle being firm enough to be respected, yet warm enough for them to be open for my kids to feel safe telling me things. Sometimes having your children too fearful can have advere affects.
His momma:

being a teacher how do u feel about that???
Let me start off by saying I work with a very different demographic than the norm. With that said, help those wanting to be helped, reach out to those on the fence, deal with the ones that don’t. There is no magic in anything and you can’t save everyone. It’s just the honest truth
Kids like that end up in prison or testing the wrong person. Never known anyone to really straighten up past 12-13 yrs old. Once an *** always one. Parents tend to reinforce that.

Around my way, I heard about a sub who got fired because this female student put her phone on her lap after the teacher said no phones out. She antagonized the whole thing and sub got fired because she accused him of sexual assault/groping. Lots of low-key stuff doesn't make the news. But I can see how teachers can snap. She put the phone where she knew teacher technically shouldn't be close to. Straight up bait and accuse situation. And this was a middle schooler.
Yeah, like I said, idiot kids come from idiot parents. Behind closed doors when all is said and done it’s the parents fault. They will deny and deny this till the day they die
so true
BUT i think u sometimes have to at least try
or make an attempt
For sure but peep this. I can have lesson after lesson about how stealing is bad for a month. That kid can go to the movie, have their parent lie about their age to get them in for free and within that 10 seconds everything I just worked on is out the window. Something so simple can undo a lot. Nobody can control the parents. Parents are the key
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