Students Expelled: Made Neighbor “Uncomfortable” to See a Boy Point a Gun She Knew Wasn’t Real

Mar 17, 2010
Students Suspended For Playing With Pellet Gun in Own Front Yard, One Mother Called Because It Made Her “Uncomfortable” to See a Boy Point a Gun She Knew Wasn’t Real
Ed Krayewski|Sep. 23, 2013 7:01 pm

i'll call 911, she thoughtWAVYWAVY, the NBC affiliate in Hampton Roads, Virginia asks “has zero tolerance gone too far?” as it reports this story:

A suspended seventh grade Virginia Beach student will find out soon if he is expelled for the rest of the year for shooting an airsoft gun.

Like thousands of others in Hampton Roads, Khalid Caraballo plays with airsoft guns. Caraballo and his friend Aidan were suspended because they shot two other friends who were with them while playing with the guns as they waited for the school bus.

The two seventh graders say they never went to the bus stop; they fired the airsoft guns while on Caraballo's private property.

Aidan’s father, Tim Clark, told what happened next lacks commons sense. The children were suspended for possession, handling and use of a firearm.
The “fire” in firearm, of course, refers to gunpowder, which a pellet gun doesn’t have. Six children were playing in the Caraballo front yard all together, and the school suspended three it said had discharged the “firearm” near the school bus stop. The school found out about the kids playing around because a neighbor, the mother of one of the children not suspended, called 911. WAVY tracked her down:

She confirmed Khalid was taking target practice using a zombie hunter airsoft gun to kill the zombies. There was also a net behind the target to catch the plastic pellets.

The caller also knew the gun wasn't real and said so, "This is not a real one, but it makes people uncomfortable. I know that it makes me (uncomfortable), as a mom, to see a boy pointing a gun," she told the 911 dispatcher.

UPDATE: Khalid and Aidan have been expelled.

Update: WAVY reports the actual school letter states the students received "long-term suspension" (until the end of the school year), with another hearing in January to determine whether they can return, which the parents rightly note feels a lot like an expulsion.

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Khalid claims he never took the toy gun to the designated bus stop or Larkspur Middle School, according to the report. Two other students who fired guns were also suspended.

In a letter obtained by, school principal Matthew Delaney found that the "children were firing pellet guns at each other, and at people near the bus stop." Delaney states in the letter that one child "was only 10 feet from the bus stop, and ran from the shots being fired, but was still hit."

The school's so-called "zero-tolerance" policy on guns extends to private property, according to the report.

Khalid's mother, Solangel Caraballo, said it's ridiculous that her son and his friends were suspended because they were firing the airsoft gun on private property.

"My son is my private property. He does not become the school's property until he goes to the bus stop, gets on the bus, and goes to school," Caraballo told the station.

Khalid told WAVY-TV he thinks the punishment is unfair and may hurt his chances of getting into a good college after graduating from high school.

"It's on your school record. The school said I had possession of a firearm. They aren't going to ask me any questions. They are going to think it was a real gun, and I was trying to hurt someone," he said.

So much wrong with this :smh: at every angle :smh:
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What a joke this supposed zero tolerance policy has become. The kid is using a pellet gun. What male child doesnt play with toy guns growing up. The toy guns I grew up playing with didnt have any markers on them to indicate it was a toy and could have easily been passed off as real. To think now you can be suspended for a year because you are playing with a TOY gun on your own property. The whole thing about the bus stop is bogus imo as well. What if the bus stops by the curb in front of your house. The mother who called it in should feel horrible. This can have a lasting effect on the kids future.
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Reminds me of when I got suspended for having a plastic knife (EXTREMELY BLUNT) at school in 6th grade on Holloween. Suspended 2 weeks, I was so mad. I never made the news tho.

I agree zero tolerance is stupid. We can do this but we can't stop bullying though? C'mon man
What a ******g joke. I hope every single school official with any involvement in this decision is tarred and feathered.

The blatant fabrication and dishonesty associated with attaching the term "firearm" to their official records is DISGUSTING. What college is about to admit these kids?

I hope there's much deserved outrage over this and the ******* lose their jobs and anything else they care about.

I just don't understand what can compel someone to act so irresponsibly and incompetently when dealing with the future of a child.
Next thing you know they gonna be expelling ****** for playing with super soakers in their back yards during summer break.
This is one of the stupidest things i've ever heard about. They've basically committed to ruining the lives of these children for playing with toys that numerous other kids play with.
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How did I know the kid someone called the police on for using a toy gun was black?
Don't agree with the suspension, but I also don't agree with the kid's parents decision to let him play with a toy gun unsupervised with other children. I'm sure they trust their own kid with it, but the other kids he was playing with could react poorly to being exposed to a toy gun in a completely unstructured environment. There are better ways of teaching your own children about guns then buying them a toy gun and letting em have at it.
Don't agree with the suspension, but I also don't agree with the kid's parents decision to let him play with a toy gun unsupervised with other children. I'm sure they trust their own kid with it, but the other kids he was playing with could react poorly to being exposed to a toy gun in a completely unstructured environment. There are better ways of teaching your own children about guns then buying them a toy gun and letting em have at it.
You suck. I played with airsoft guns when I was a kid, didn't grow up to be a mass murderer. If these kids "react poorly" than they suck as well. America has lost it's backbone.

Kids can play, they weren't at school, we are punishing people for what they do at their home. This is a joke.
Don't agree with the suspension, but I also don't agree with the kid's parents decision to let him play with a toy gun unsupervised with other children. I'm sure they trust their own kid with it, but the other kids he was playing with could react poorly to being exposed to a toy gun in a completely unstructured environment. There are better ways of teaching your own children about guns then buying them a toy gun and letting em have at it.

You suck. I played with airsoft guns when I was a kid, didn't grow up to be a mass murderer. If these kids "react poorly" than they suck as well. America has lost it's backbone.

Kids can play, they weren't at school, we are punishing people for what they do at their home. This is a joke.

Yep. We're supposed to be structuring kids outdoor play now? Playing cowboys and injuns or cops and robbers isn't teaching kids anything about guns - good or bad.
Stupidity. I'd sue the brakes off the whole school district.

And slice the nosey neighbors...

Should sue the state and the toy manufacturer out of spite.


I've seen dudes thump on teachers and only get suspended.
Big *** lawsuits should be filed against the school and neighbors.

Zero tolerance policy is ********. Kids are being suspended for making guns out of their fingers. When America overreacts to a situation, they overreact.
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