Students Expelled: Made Neighbor “Uncomfortable” to See a Boy Point a Gun She Knew Wasn’t Real

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The mother of an eight-year-old boy is questioning the suspension of her son from the Ragged Island Consolidated School, near Lockeport, N.S.

Billy Barnes was sent home for a day after he pointed a breaded chicken finger at another child and said "bang."

His mother Rhonda says it was only a chicken finger, not a gun, and he didn't deserve to be suspended.

It was Billy's second suspension. Earlier this year he pointed his own finger at someone and said "bang."

The director of the Tri-County District School Board says he's reviewing the matter.
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I'd beat the hell out of that ladies son.

point to her like 'you did this'
Don't agree with the suspension, but I also don't agree with the kid's parents decision to let him play with a toy gun unsupervised with other children. I'm sure they trust their own kid with it, but the other kids he was playing with could react poorly to being exposed to a toy gun in a completely unstructured environment. There are better ways of teaching your own children about guns then buying them a toy gun and letting em have at it.
dudes that never played with toy guns grew up to wear chubbie shorts.
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