Subway's Jared Fogle paid for sex with minors and caught with child porn

Dr. Phil got the audio tapes :smh:

Recordings of Jared Fogle bragging about his attraction to children and the lengths to which he would go to satisfy it will air on the “Dr. Phil” show on Thursday and Friday, the New York Post reports.

The former journalist Rochelle Herman-Walrond says she posed as Fogle’s friend over the course of four-and-a-half years, wearing a wire and asking him about his predilections. “I would fly us clear across the world if we need to. To Thailand or wherever we want to go. If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us it would be a lot easier,” Fogle told her.

“I had a little boy. It was amazing,” Fogle reportedly said, in response to a question about being with children. “It just felt so good. I mean, it felt—it felt so good.”

At one point, Fogle asked Herman-Walrond whether he could film her children: “Are there any of your kids’ friends that you think are pretty hot? What if we put a camera in your kids’ room, would they be OK with that?”

Fogle plead guilty to child porn charges in August and faces, at minimum, 5 years in prison. His sentencing hearing is set for November 19th.
That might be the most horrible excerpt ive read on here. I dont think ima be able to listen to the audio

And why waa she posing as his friend for four years???
So she recorded him for 4 1/2 years for evidence and during that whole time he was going around and having sex with kids? Why didn't she report him to the cops and give them the tape after she recored him the first time?

:x :smh:

This dude deserves to be locked away for ******* life. If a fellow prisoner decides to take him out, I wouldn't call it right........................but I would understand
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View media item 1768852

:smh: :x :stoneface:

I saw the commercial on tv for Dr. Phil and I was like I aint about to watch no Dr. Phil just for that. I change the channel any time Steve Wilkos has a child abuse/molestation ep.

This sick ****.

I'll say it's okay, I'd be totally fine with somebody torturing and killing this ****.
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Famb I just watched the entire show on Youtube. :x :x :x :x

I'm as non violent as they come, but his dude's death is gonna bring me joy.

******* piece of ****
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This guy is a sick ****

Only 5 years????

Then what? He's out raping kids again
Recordings of Jared Fogle bragging about his attraction to children and the lengths to which he would go to satisfy it will air on the “Dr. Phil” show on Thursday and Friday, the New York Post reports.

The former journalist Rochelle Herman-Walrond says she posed as Fogle’s friend over the course of four-and-a-half years, wearing a wire and asking him about his predilections. “I would fly us clear across the world if we need to. To Thailand or wherever we want to go. If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us it would be a lot easier,” Fogle told her.

“I had a little boy. It was amazing,” Fogle reportedly said, in response to a question about being with children. “It just felt so good. I mean, it felt—it felt so good.”

At one point, Fogle asked Herman-Walrond whether he could film her children: “Are there any of your kids’ friends that you think are pretty hot? What if we put a camera in your kids’ room, would they be OK with that?”

Fogle plead guilty to child porn charges in August and faces, at minimum, 5 years in prison. His sentencing hearing is set for November 19th.
It does just "minimum" 5 years...but really, that's the minimum for THAT tyoee of crime??? That is sickening. Another reminder of how goofy the justice system is.
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5 years for CP/CM is 3 life sentences on the angus.

That mans angus is going to whistle in the wind by the time he gets out.
His angus won't whistle at all. He's a frail boy who's a child molester. He'll be in pc or with other molesters.
5 years for CP/CM is 3 life sentences on the angus.

That mans angus is going to whistle in the wind by the time he gets out.


I wonder if he will use his subway cash to buy protection on the inside? Dude will probably leave jail with a swastika tatted on his chest.
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