Successful Long-Distance Relationships

I feel you.. It just comes down to what he does for a living.. for example.. I play drums for a living.. so I work basically 2-4 days a week. I could do that 3hours.. stay for 2 days and come back to make it to service to play drums.. but working a 9-5 daily would make that a tad harder.
You gotta succeed with all the cliches. Loyalty, trust, devotion, and love. Those are the keys. How to exactly go about that differs per relationship, butthat's the foundation you NEED for it to succeed.

P.S. My record stands at 0-2.
Originally Posted by chino905

the key to long distance relationships is that BOTH people NEED to Want to make it work. If one person is seriously dedicated to making it work while the other one isn't, then it won't work.
Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by eye see soles

She about three hours away.

Thanks for the advice so far. Very helpful.
Oh you good fam.. 3 hours is not long distance imo... I thought you meant like 12 hours 3-4 states away.. u could prob make a visit 2 weekends a month depending on ur financial situation.
Yea werd... Me and my girl were doing NY to Florida... Definitely get a web cam like someone else said... If you dont drive im pretty sure thereare other cheap ways to travel... I know in NY we have the Fung Wuh or something like that... $15 per one way...
just make sure u dont spend ANY time
with another chick if u do plan on smashin
on the side.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

She about three hours away.
Come on, brah. That ain't !***.

Good luck, though.
Originally Posted by awwsome

Smash on the side

Or get that ********/********/reality kings pass

Everybody got needs
lmao @ ********/ brazzer pass lmaoooo...

+%#%% try full movies free juss register (which is free to)
Originally Posted by FrankDolla

A lot of phone calls.. A Lot of trust.. not much physical interaction. If you're mature and your girl isn't a jump.... it should work.
ding ding

doing it currently.
Originally Posted by chino905

the key to long distance relationships is that BOTH people NEED to Want to make it work. If one person is seriously dedicated to making it work while the other one isn't, then it won't work.

QFT. Couldn't have said it better myself. BOTH people need to realize this is a long distance relationship and BOTH have to be serious about it. Thats theonly way it will work.
Me and my girl did it for about a year and a half. We are now living together, and very happy.

It takes dedication, communication, trust and ALOT OF PHONE BONING.
Im in a long distance relationship right now.
I talk to my woman like 4 hours or more a day, MSN messanger free video calls FTW

I got 21 months left of being overseas.

I know im gonna stay faithful, and i know she will.
I know I would slip before she would.
So im confident its gonna work out, plus she hangs out with my family EVERYWEEKEND.
My mom takes her shopping, to the movies, out to eat, haha pretty much takes her on dates for me

But My girl dont have a family and is in love with mine. So things are pretty secured.
In 11 months we should be married and she might be able to move out here to Asia with me

Im 18 hours away, BY PLANE. so your 3 hours would be a dream come true if i were in your shoes.
Yeah, 3 hours is barely long distance - if you made the effort you could see her every weekend - even meeting halfway for dinner or something would be doable.

When I was at college my wife was 2 plane rides and $1000 away - and there was no way we could afford that.

We saw each other for the summer - worked at the same summer camp - and at Christmas for 2 weeks and that was it. Did that for 3 years until we were married(11 years ago today actually).

Email was pretty new back then - seems crazy but it was harder back then. We called once or twice a week too - again international phonecalls were expensiveback then.

The main thing we did was wrote letters - there's something about that that means more than an email. It took effort - we each wrote about 3 times a week.Sometimes only a side of notepaper but other times there were lots of things to say.

It's defnitely about trust - but it's also about communication - you have to ensure that you are involved in each others lives. You just don't doyour own thing and then every 2 weeks get together.

Like I said - it does take some effort - but it shouldn't be a chore. If it is a chore to tell them about something then maybe you should have a thinkabout the relationship.
Originally Posted by chino905

the key to long distance relationships is that BOTH people NEED to Want to make it work. If one person is seriously dedicated to making it work while the other one isn't, then it won't work.
This is absolutely true.

Originally Posted by xDOEBOIx

did it for 2 years, still together... mad hard but its possible.... if you at least see each other once a month...
This isn't.
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