Suicidal Thoughts

Nov 23, 2008
I'm not talking about the Biggie song. Anyone just have those thoughts where you want to say %#%$ it and just end it all?

*Prepared for potential thread backfire.
Honestly... I used to think about it a lot but I always knew someone else had it worse than me. Once I realized that things could be a lot worse.... I said"F this... I got a lot more to accomplish". Overcome

don't kick the bucket yet homie
Just be in the Hood and test them MS or tre pound dudes instead killing yourself like i did..
somebody needs to go to somebody always has it worse
Originally Posted by jeenewed

I don't. Actually I'm afraid to die.

Ditto. I accept it, but very afraid of it.

I have been down so much as to hole myself up in my room before or just kinda lone wolf it for a time, but I eventually snap out of it.
Na there is no need for it. Life is like the NFL. You can have a terrible season (year) and bounce back in the draft and free agency (Making changes to yourlife). Look at the Dolphins. Got the big Tuna and He switch some things up and bam. 11-5.

Are you having these thoughts?
No, I've never thought about killing myself, and I never would. Life is too sacred for me to end mine, or anyone else's for that matter.
I have thought about how I would commit e-suicide though.
I think about it enough
but I'll be damned if I go through with it and hurt my mom
and be labeled a coward by NT
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Na there is no need for it. Life is like the NFL. You can have a terrible season (year) and bounce back in the draft and free agency (Making changes to your life). Look at the Dolphins. Got the big Tuna and He switch some things up and bam. 11-5.
i like this example
No, never. think about your fam how they would feel. just stay up, things will get
better soon.
You're not alone, I've thought about it a lot. It's just not worth it, you have a lot to live for and if you really begin to think about it suicideis a selfish act, even though you might not believe it right now there are a lot of people that depend on you and care about your well being. Hang in there, itwill make you a stronger person in the long run.
sometimes i'm like %+#% this world... but i don't want to die...i don't want my loved ones the pain they would feel if i died... i just want tostop existing... does that make sense to you?

and i just think that death is only the beginning to our knowledge of our universe... but i am not going to fast forward the process... we were put here for areason and i need to find it
Yea I have. But I'll be god damned if I would be that selfish. Fortunately I have people who love and care about me. My lil mama would be so pissed atme... I wouldn't dare put my family through that %*!.
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