If it ends up all crashing down and ending horribly then it needs to happen at the worst time.

After Mike and Rachel get married, Harvey and Donna are dating, Harvey and Louis are best friends, Jessica totally likes and respects Louis and sees him as right in line behind Harvey, Jessica has come around about Mike fully and likes him too. Bonus; Rachel tells Mike she's pregnant.

THEN spill the beans on Mike, send him to prison, and have the entire firm collapse.

:lol: I'll respect and enjoy that.
Realistically how many more season do yall think we're gonna get? I'm loving the show still but I feel like the end if the series is fast approaching
THEN spill the beans on Mike, send him to prison, and have the entire firm collapse.

He wouldn't be the only one going to prison. :lol:

It would ruin Robert Zanes reputation and tarnish his firm...every case Mike touched has to be retried and hundreds of clients would be screwed :rofl: :rofl:
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I don't know when this series will end but 2 more seasons would be cool with me. The one they already announced (which wasn't called the final season) and then one more after.

I could see them going all the way to 8 and even 9 seasons not knowing when to stop.

I think it'll take something like Macht wanting to leave the show for it to end.
THEN spill the beans on Mike, send him to prison, and have the entire firm collapse.

He wouldn't be the only one going to prison. :lol:

It would ruin Robert Zanes reputation and tarnish his firm...every case Mike touched has to be retried and hundreds of clients would be screwed :rofl: :rofl:
:lol: :smokin
What is up with Rachel looking white? Lol she used to actually look lightskinned, now she looks straight white smh

Btw this show gotta end with Mike getting caught. It would make it more memorable man
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What is up with Rachel looking white? Lol she used to actually look lightskinned, now she looks straight white smh

Btw this show gotta end with Mike getting caught. It would make it more memorable man

She actually is half-white, so she could go from light brown to kind of pale depending on if she chooses to stay clear of the sun/sunlight. She/the producers may potentially see her as being more appealing and be seen as being more desirable the lighter/whiter she looks. Not saying it's right, but there is a track record of that going on. Have you even noticed that she has lost some weight? She was never really super curvy, but her newer look with the lack of curves compared to how she looked in season one is quite noticeable.

All of these Hollywood/TV biases is one of the reasons why I was surprised that they gave the role of Iris (Arrow) to a "dark" skinned girl and not to the Hollywood standard "light" skinned girl who is either mixed or could pass as being mixed.
Not trying the derail, but I even remember in some interviews where Jessica Biel even mentioned that she was told that she would be able to get more roles is she "looked" a little different. Nice big butts may be the "In" thing now, but for the most part, Hollywood still has their biases. You'll most always see the shapely curvy woman (black or white) as the temptress, sexual object there to the objectified. But you never see her as the smart/strong lead.

Ok, back to Suits talk.
I agree. Rachel looked very very skinny last season. She seems to look closer to the weight she had around the first season but still, it's crazy. She's one of those actresses that will always be just a TV actor so I'm sure she's trying anything to get more major roles.
She actually is half-white, so she could go from light brown to kind of pale depending on if she chooses to stay clear of the sun/sunlight. She/the producers may potentially see her as being more appealing and be seen as being more desirable the lighter/whiter she looks. Not saying it's right, but there is a track record of that going on. Have you even noticed that she has lost some weight? She was never really super curvy, but her newer look with the lack of curves compared to how she looked in season one is quite noticeable.

All of these Hollywood/TV biases is one of the reasons why I was surprised that they gave the role of Iris (Arrow) to a "dark" skinned girl and not to the Hollywood standard "light" skinned girl who is either mixed or could pass as being mixed.

She was also thicker back then
Gret episode, seems like everyone is back lol...I really wanna know what Hartman has on Jack, and we all know Harvey and Mike no quitting
Great ep. I actually think what Trevor said will stick with mike. Did anyone else get a "born again Christian" vibe from him?

There has to be one L in all of this and I think it's Mike and Rachel's marriage. They will either post pone it, cancel it, or even break up.
All the cameos from previous seasons was actually pretty neat to see. Even Sean Cahill got mentioned.

Trevor has always had influence on Mike, positive and negative, so what he said will definitely hit Mike and make him think about what he really wants.

Anyways, great episode it never got too convoluted with all the old characters making an appearance. Ready for the mid-season finale next week!
Man mike just needs to save his money and hang out with mr robot.

So looks like Trevor married Jenny. Mike sitting there like damn, i picked the wrong chick look how happy this guy is.
Man mike just needs to save his money and hang out with mr robot.

So looks like Trevor married Jenny. Mike sitting there like damn, i picked the wrong chick look how happy this guy is.
IDK about that one. I just think Trevor got to him and so far in the last two episodes he's been told he will eventually get caught twice, and rachel has had to lie for him twice. On top of that he's more in the spotlight than ever.
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I'm convinced Trevor told his wife about Mike but not about his past or even what he's probably still doing. He looks like the type to force focus on somebody's else's ill doings to hide his own.

This show is going to end w/ Mike being alone, quitting, and disappearing. I can only see one more season w/ this show since Mike's future is damaged by his present w/ lying. He can't really marry Rachel and be happy w/ her and she's the same. She wants that big wedding and knows that she can't have it w/ Mike.
Harvey did tell him this in season 3 "You want to be legit, there's only one way. You go to a small town in Iowa where nobody's ever heard of Harvey Specter, Jessica Pearson, or anybody else, you go to law school, hang out your shingle. Nobody will ever know. I guarantee you'd be king of the hill...."
I like the idea that Trevor married Jenny.

Makes more sense that Trevor's wife would tell him not to mess with Mike. Cuz I don't see how some new chick being told about Mike by Trevor would be that down on him. Trevor wouldn't go extra hard and bad mouth Mike. Jenny though, had her own time with Mike, dealing with his lies and illegal career, and got played by him when they broke up. So I can see her telling Trevor after he got his **** together not to mess with Mike given he's still living crooked.

The season where Mike tried to go straight seems even more bittersweet and makes him look dumber. Okay you lose your job, get a new one. Nah he been mingling with Pearson Specter so much he let Harvey reel him back in to the firm and that illegal life.
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Yeah I'm on the Trevor and Jenny getting married side.

Finally glad they started working the whole "Theres no way Mike and Rachel can pull this wedding off" thing into it. It was so obvious that if they didnt I would have been upset.

I honestly think that when its all said and done, they're gonna get caught and Harvey is going to throw himself on a grenade for Mike and they'll be the only two people out the door.
Not exactly sure what you can and cant do from a lawyer standpoint, but I dont see why Mike cant go back to Harvard for is Masters or Doctorates?  Does that not happen in law? 
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