Not exactly sure what you can and cant do from a lawyer standpoint, but I dont see why Mike cant go back to Harvard for is Masters or Doctorates?  Does that not happen in law? 
Ok i just googled that and you can get your PHD but not all do....  I can see that working.... 

But the sure thing is someone is going to crash and burn. 
He got kicked out of undergrad for selling a test so there's no way he's going to be able to get into a masters program
Not exactly sure what you can and cant do from a lawyer standpoint, but I dont see why Mike cant go back to Harvard for is Masters or Doctorates?  Does that not happen in law? 
Ok i just googled that and you can get your PHD but not all do....  I can see that working.... 

But the sure thing is someone is going to crash and burn. 
The problem mainly is he already got hired as an associate. Associates have law degrees, they already graduated. Also there was a tradition/rule that Pearson w/e it was at the time only took ppl from Harvard. So he already got the job, he started to work on cases. He can't go back and try to finish school because he's already posing as a lawyer. Then he started working on cases and having his name put on it, appearing in court, putting a face to the name. Everything he's touched is tainted. Then he had that one client hack the Harvard records to make it seem like he already graduated, then after he did some other illegal **** to double down on the fraud with Harvard.

There's no turning back now.

This is before we even add in illegal stuff like Mike taking tests for a few dozen ppl if that gets out.
Another flashback ep.

I'm digging Harvey's focus the most. Didn't particularly care for preteen Mike. :lol: @ makeup/costume dept. attempt at making Harvey look 10 years younger or w/e.

Seeing his jezebel mother and clueless father with Harvey in the middle is just sad.

Hardman is back in rare villain form. I hope he targets Mike on top of all of this.

The father is dropping nothing but truth on Mike though. Seems it led to Mike smartening up.

:rofl: He finally does the right thing and now he going to prison. I see where this 2nd part of the season is going now, Harvey finding his way back to the firm and Mike finding his way out of doing time.

I wonder if the priest snitched on Mike :nerd: or if it was just Hardman finding out somehow.
it might not necessarily be the him not being a real lawyer thing.

He & Harvey were in the grey area a lot during some of their deals

There's still a sixth season for 2016.
Man, i can't wait till Winter for this. Have no idea when this show will end, but i still like it. I do think after 1-2 more seasons, it does need to come to an end, had a great run.
it might not necessarily be the him not being a real lawyer thing.
He & Harvey were in the grey area a lot during some of their deals

There's still a sixth season for 2016.
They did say he was arrested for fraud. With the way the writing is going I feel it's obvious it's for his secret.

Interesting if it turns out it's for some shady **** he and Harvey did in one of the past seasons.

I feel like the 7th season will be the final one. Unless they somehow bounce back in a big way.
I dont think this is about the Harvard thing. This feels like a ploy to get to Harvey.
Well, it took a few seasons for them to get back into the groove.

Now they have a nice launchpad for next season. Mike and Harvey getting redemption?
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It's still the same season. This was the summer finale. They'll be back like this Nov. or Dec. for like an 6-8 ep sprint to the season finale.

It's one of the smarter ways to break up a season.

Networks who always want 20-22 ep seasons should follow suit. Break up the season in to 10-12 blocks of greatness and you'd have all types of consistency and higher ratings. Of course the writing and acting has to be on point.
Thoughts on the episode:

I thought the whole season was top notch but this episode did not quite meet my expectations. 40 minutes of the show was a flashback which I was hoping to be more of a focus of the current situation.

Interesting thing is how Harvey joins the firm back and how the show incorporates him in the episodes without him working there (same with Mike). 

Im thinking the first 2-3 episodes are bringing back Mike, and the last 4ish are how Harvey saves Mike (if indeed, Mikes secret is the reason he doing time) and marrying Rachael.

What a crazy ending though, that last second of the show turned the whole season around. They didnt even need the other 59 min lolol. Thats how big the show bases Mikes secret around. Love it.  
This episode was one of my favorites of the whole series. The flashbacks were necessary to getting the characters to a new point of self realization.

Without the flashbacks, you'd end up rushing into each major blow of this episode and end up feeling cheated. Flashbacks allowed for them to come smoothly and with justification.

The writers really picked up the pace for this season. I'm excited for the 2nd half.
Suits  Postmortem: Series Creator Explains Why That Shocking Midseason Finale Had to Happen

The big question is, who outed him?

Korsh: Yes, it is. [Laughs] Well, this is the funny thing. That question almost didn't occur to me. I was more thinking about it like, if it were the character, I would be thinking, "What am I gonna do? How am I gonna get out of this?" But that was definitely the first thing that occurred to the writers and it seems to be the first thing for people who find this out. Our editor said, "Who is it?" For the back six [episodes], the writers were very much wanting the other characters' top priority to find out who did this. I thought, "Don't we have other things they need to do before this?" We ended up doing both. They do try to find out who it was, but they do other things. Ultimately, we do find out who it was. I asked our editor who he thought it was and he was surprised when I told him. I don't know if everybody will be. But there's a long list of people who knew and there are certainly plenty of other people who could've found out and handed him in even though we've never seen them know.

The other big development was Harvey stepping down to save Jessica. I liked the parallel between him and Mike both sacrificing their jobs for their "families." How is Harvey going to react to this? Is he going to be arrested since he hired him?

Korsh: I like the thought that they're both doing this for their family. There were so many themes running in the last episode. There were a lot of faith things, believing that things will be OK. The last six [episodes] are really gonna be about the fallout or blowback of this event happening and Mike getting arrested. This is a major turning point. Certainly Harvey quit, but Mike getting arrested affects the trajectory of what he was going to do. Does he try to come back? Everything is going to be affected by this thing that no one saw coming. We will find out what will happen to all six of them.

Thought this was an interesting read if any of you are interested. BTW, its not a spoiler just the creator talking about the writing. 
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so the second half of this season will be who ratted out Mike? :lol: . I like it.

List of people who know the Mike's a fraud, I think I missing some Jeff Malone?:
Lola Jensen
Prof Gerard

I'm hoping its Rachel would be :nthat:, but I think Rachel's moms went to a PI and found out herself
what if it was mike who turned himself in? one of the recurring things has been that Mike fails to own up to his actions and has always placed the blame on others and the priest called him out on it.
This Whodunit? has a bigger question mark than who shot J.R. or Mr. Burns. But after the shocker of him being a arrested, a part of me wants to believe that it's not about him not being a lawyer since they arrested him for "Attempt to commit fraud" We'ere 5 seasons in, he's way past attempting :lol: It's not going to be somebody whom we would expect e.g. Solof, Hartman, ol girl he went on the date with.
I hope somehow Harold Gunderson found out and he snitched :lol:

If it was Mike's secret, they would have to arrest Jessica and Harvey too since they know about it and hired him. 
The cops wouldn't necessarily know that though.

Mike would still get arrested first. Then the rest would be deposed to see if they been knew.

It'd be a great scene to have Rachel under oath and see if she lies or tells the truth with Mike staring from the defense side of things. That'd be like 6 or 7 ppl lying on the stand for Mike.
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I want to say I knew what was coming when he decided to clean his office.
My rule for tv is when you're leaving a bad situation, leave don't loiter. Mike loitered. However I was just so extatic that I forgot that rule. Then I got my heart crushed.
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I'd like to know more about jessicas personal life after that episode. 

Shes the most credited and influential actor on this show.
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