This ep is great but I know the ending will gut me somehow.

The way Harvey ripped Rachel a part about Logan.

Donna not lying :smh:

Then they trot out the black guy to lie and save Mike :lol: :smh:

Harvey killed Trevor :lol: :rofl: I wanted to see Jenny so bad :evil: :pimp: :nerd:
Pretty much can tell they'll end up tricking the lawyer chick somehow and winning the case. The previews shows Louis going to her with proof but I feel it's all a setup
Yeah, w/e she uses provided by Louis is gonna tank her whole case :lol:

I like the idea now that Harvey is saying you should be 1st chair so the jury likes you. Especially now that the defense is up. Now Mike doesn't need to do the dirty work.

The reason this Benjamin dude helped Mike is so ridiculous.

The evidence is being hidden and they're purposely not clear what they have that's so incriminating. Hard to say they got anything legit.

What's going on right now is just the preamble which is really intense but Mike aint ready for a trial.

A mountain of evidence would be:

- Trevor's testimony Harvey will attack his character and credibility.

- Jenny's testimony You are assuming the prosecution has her testimony.

- Hacker girl flips on Mike You are assuming the prosecution has her testimony.

- Testimony of all Harvard professors that allegedly taught him in classes (except for that one ethics prof. obviously) This is plausible.

- Evidence Mike never attended classes (I don't think hacker chick hacked in to attendance and test scores she just hacked his final grades and GPA along with a fake transcript) There is no way that attendance records exist from this many years ago.

- That lawyer chick that Mike use to date that found out he was a fraud earlier this season testifies You are assuming that the prosecution has her testimony.

- Sheila's testimony As it stands, she will be out of the picture.

- Scotty snitches You are assuming that she changes her mind and flips on Mike.

All in all, I am still not convinced of this "mountain of evidence" that the prosecution may have. Seems like they dont have much of anything. Remember, they need indisputable proof that he didnt attend. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I didn't assume anything. I simply posed a hypothetical situation where the prosecution would actually have a mountain of evidence.

So saying I'm assuming doesn't really matter. I'm saying a mountain of evidence would be if Scotty, Jenny, and hacker chick testified against Mike. That the main **** really.

Also why would you assume Harvard deletes it's attendance records from 6 years or however long ago it was when Mike was suppose to be attending?
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Oh, right.... new episode out. Better go watch. Keeps on getting better and better since they came back from the winter break. :smokin
This was intense. I kept muttering, "dont take the 5th, don't take the 5th" *donna takes the fifth* 

Jimmy came through though. Gibbs is good at her job I'll give her that, but she's not good enough to beat Harvey AND Mike.

Harvey laid the ground work and Mike is gonna finish the job.
Gibbs is truly amazing.
Fact that you want to punch her dead in her smug little arrogant stalker face is the proof of truly amazing acting skills.

Donna aint a real one at all :x :smh:
When you think about it, Donna pleading the 5th kinda shows a lack of faith in Harvey winning the case and being able to win any other case after that where Mike is accused of being a fraud.

:smh: Ungrateful and the lack of faith.
Yeah Donna went from one of my favorites to not mentioned at all smfh

I gotta agree on you w/ the lawyer. She's like a female Harvey tbh
When you think about it, Donna pleading the 5th kinda shows a lack of faith in Harvey winning the case and being able to win any other case after that where Mike is accused of being a fraud.

Ungrateful and the lack of faith.
I think its important actually.

warning: potential reach

Donna can read anyone, especially Harvey. I think she sensed that Harvey felt that he didn't have it in the bag and that caused her to panic. Harvey wasn't confident so in turn she lost hers and that caused the slip. I think this makes sense because at the end even Harvey is doubting his ability to get the job done so he turns it over to Mike. Does that make sense?
Yes, that is one way to rationalize it and it would make some kind of sense if Donna wasn't so guilty and was looking to apologize to Mike as random black friend perjured himself up and down the block for Mike. So she was thinking she made a mistake to an extent.

With Harvey it's different. It's possible Mike was right and Harvey just wanted to beat him in the mock trial. It's possible he would've always suggest Mike defend himself but went against it cuz Mike suggested it first so he had to put him in his place and prove he's the better lawyer. The display at the mock trial got Rachel to believe Harvey would get it done so he took that as a W and then possibly went with his original plan to have Mike defend himself. Keep in mind the trial being in two days even shook up Harvey but in one way if you don't think it's a reach that he's that arrogant and egotistical that to can make sense :lol:
is it just me or does jessica seem to look better as the seasons go along? Lowkey probably the first female i'd smash on the show if given the chance right now.
Louis being a slimey snake so far :smh:

Jessica is as cold blooded as usual.

Harvey completely buggin with this mistrial nonsense. Tampering hard body. I feel like Mike killed it with the witness he called and his closing.
In the end he smartened up damn they sure had to give him a good # of scenes to show us how much he has been panicking about this case without being directly involved.

Mike should've done that from the start if he was gonna do it. So stupid. Even he don't realize he's gonna win. I don't know why the writers acting like they wrote this case like Mike lost.

The only way this gets botched if somebody makes a deal and takes it out of the jury's hands.

I still think it'd be funny if Mike ratted but said only Daniel Hardman knew he was a fraud :lol:
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