I really don't see what having Rachel's number is gonna do. At some point she will figure out it's not him if not through texts but when he gets visitation.

A month is a long time from now.

However, if she was even remotely smart, she'll probably say something about their relationship that Frank wouldn't know and that will probably be the unwinding of that situation...
Exactly. "Name the place where we did X" and that's a wrap. It's not like Rachel's dumb either. The wording of the texts should throw her off and make her suspicious then she'll ask that question.
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He doesn't have to pretend to be Mike.

He can just tell her to go to _____ place and have her kidnapped.

Messages don't even have to be like Mike. Just curt, short to the point:

"Its over."
"Forget about me."
"I can't last another day"
"I won't make it."
"I've been raped."
I KNEW there was no way Mike would luck up and get this super nice cell mate. :lol:

And in true Mike Ross fashion, he opened his heart to "frank" and now he's almost completely vulnerable, his only chance being that "frank" doesn't know about his memory or how manipulative/calculated/resourceful Mike can be.
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Mike should get burned for trusting his actual cellmate now :lol:

On the outside though, I aint never seen the form have this many continuous proble s. They got no time to breathe.

You know something is gonna **** up dude getting transferred along with that painting not being enough.
So many L's for The squad this season, Its gonna be a drag when they finally pull that miracle out arent going to be happy when they figure something out?  You would prefer them just taking Ls all season?

I swear, people dont enjoy television for what it is anymore.  Always complaining about something.
 @ jessica not checking donna for that comment
Ok ep.

Mike ain't snitching on his cellmate.

Should just tell everybody dude is an informant and let him get killed.

Douche trader for Louis to deal with, meh.
So many L's for The squad this season, Its gonna be a drag when they finally pull that miracle out arent going to be happy when they figure something out?  You would prefer them just taking Ls all season?

I swear, people dont enjoy television for what it is anymore.  Always complaining about something.

Ok someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Im just saying it looks like they got no hope this season, but i still enjoy the show but I think we can all agree, it's def coming to an end

I usually have been annoyed when people in the past have pointed out how the show is "falling off" but now I cant help but to feel like one of those people.

It pains me to say it, because I have always been entertained by this show through all of its ups and downs...

but man, this show IN MY OPINION has gotten extremely boring :frown:
Harvey's swag is non-existent now, the firm is gone, Mike is in jail with some cliche story about snitching to survive...big whoop.
Idk man, this just isnt SUITS to me anymore.

Hope it gets better but i think this is the first obvious sign in 6 years that this show is over, and needs to wrap it up. :smh:
This show is so formulaic. Getting a bit boring, let's get Louis another playmate, that'll distract them. All that damn yelling, whining, sense of entitlement and posturing from Mike, it's the same reason folks dislike teenage girl characters on TV, he's embraced it for some reason.
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Can't blame anybody getting fed up with the show now. After all the takeout of Mike's secret almost being revealed it happening and having him go to prison was suppose to be a THE HUGE pivotal turning point in the show.

Show has just regressed back to its old habits just in a new setting and position for the characters. The same ol is wearing thin.
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Eh, I guess. You've only missed like a handful of great acting eps and like a dozen or so cool moments.

Plus the hot actresses.
Finally had some time to start the new season.

I don't mind this direction.

Other shows might have just fast forwarded two years, glad they didn't.

Looking forward to the rest of the season.
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