SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest



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This week's haul is 18 new beautiful individuals, though my personal fave of the bunch is none other than Diamond Dallas Page. Here's errbody:

Alicia Fox

Bam Bam Bigelow

The Big Show



Darren Young

Diamond Dallas Page

Dolph Ziggler


Kevin Nash


Lex Luger

The Miz


Randy Orton


Titus O'neal

Tyson Kidd

That's all for week 3 of Roster 3:16 friends. This new batch brings the grand total to 56, which coincidentally, I'm told, was a great year. If you haven't already, don't forget to bookmark this page so you can come back every Monday morning for another round of reveals. Until next week wrestling fans!
The Vaudevillians and Jake the Snake Roberts were also confirmed to be in the game.
Heading to good ole Monday Night RAW in Brooklyn so someone take over my duties at 8 PM. I'll be the dude in the nWo shirt and Blk/red IE 11's
My 9 year old niece while watching the replay of Rollins vs Cena:

"Why does Seth Rollins look taller than John Cena?  Wait, now John Cena looks taller than Seth Rollins?  How tall is Seth Rollins?!?"

Apparently this is bigger than just NTWT.
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